Although Yunfan doesn't know how to arrange the array, he knows from the scarce transmission array in Xizhou that the array is not simple.

If it were simple, there would not be so few transmission arrays. There won't be only a few students in the array class. So he didn't refute Gong Jiu's words. He knew that learning anything needs to start from the foundation.

The entrance building is very high. It can be said to be one of the few high-rise buildings in Lingmu college, which can be seen from a distance.

Very eye-catching, naturally easy to find, but he was stopped as soon as he wanted to go in.

"Show me your student badge!"

Yunfan handed the student badge to the student in front of the entrance building. After the other party looked, he handed it to Yunfan.

"Sorry, your credits are not enough. If you want to enter the entrance building, please get more credits."

"Credit? What do you mean?"

The other party was stunned and looked at Yunfan in surprise. Slightly frowned and said, "although you are a freshman, you don't even know the credits, do you?

There are precious books in the entrance building. There are not only various skills and martial arts, but also some precious mysteries and predecessors' experience. Only enough credits can enter.

If you want to go in, you have to earn points. There are many ways to earn points, but the fastest way is to go to the college practice building. There are many tasks released by the college, and you can get credits after completing them. "

Yunfan looked in the direction of each other's fingers and saw another high-rise building standing not far away.

It seems that this is similar to zongmen's contribution points. It's not easy to learn arrays!

Just do the task. Yunfan doesn't care.

When I came to the practice building, I saw hundreds of freshmen gathered inside. I think it's the same as his purpose to take the task and obtain credits.

Not only new students, but also many old students.

Under the guidance of the old students, some freshmen quickly formed a team and received the task.

"I want to get this thousand level task. Please register for me!"

The mission registration of the college is different from that of mercenary guild and sect. According to the available credits, the tasks are divided into 100 grades, 1000 grades and 10000 grades.

In fact, for the three grades of the college, freshmen are the first grade, and generally receive 100 grade tasks. The second grade students receive the thousand grade task, and the third grade students receive the ten thousand grade task.

In general, few students will skip the level to receive the task. Because this involves not only the students' own strength, but also the dangerous degree of the task.

Yunfan has passed the level of 1000. So when the students in charge of the level heard Yunfan's words, they couldn't help being stunned.

However, receiving the task is the freedom of the student. He has no right to block it. He is only responsible for reminding.

After receiving Yunfan's student badge, he nodded and said, "it's dangerous for freshmen to receive a thousand level task. You've figured it out. By the way, which building are you from?"

"What floor?"

Yunfan looks at each other blankly.

"Oh, I'm used to it. I'm asking which organization you joined. Tell me and I'll register for you."

"I didn't join any organization!"

There are many people in the practice building and the sound is noisy, so Yunfan's voice is not small. However, as soon as his words were spoken, the building became quiet, and everyone's eyes focused on him.

"Brother, I'm responsible to tell you. If you're not kidding, I can't register you.

Although the college has no explicit provisions, the organizations have long had a joint statement. Students who have not joined the organization cannot accept the mission of the college. "

"What are the rules? Students can't take over the tasks of the college? You also said that the college has no explicit provisions. Is the joint statement of various organizations bigger than the rules of the college?

I would like to ask the senior students if Lingmu college has its own regulations? Can organizations fully represent the college?

Your answer is, I'll leave immediately. I entered the college, not an organization. In that case, it's different for me to join the first-class sect. Why do I have to come to Lingmu college? "

Yunfan finally understood the inexplicable eyes of many students before. It turned out that he was waiting here.

If you don't join the organization, you can't get a task, and if you can't get a task, you can't get credits. Without credits, there is no difference between Lingmu college and outside. That is, there is a gimmick of Lingmu college students.

For others, this gimmick alone is enough to impress them. But Yunfan doesn't care. What he wants is real and visible benefits.

"It's ridiculous. You think this is your back garden! A rookie is still gossiping here. What qualifications do you have?"

"Think highly of yourself. You think so many organizations in the college are furnishings!"

"If you want to get the task, you'd better find an organization to join. But it's more difficult now. Generally, you recruit people yesterday, and no organization receives people today."

"What a fool. He came to take the task without knowing any rules. He died of laughter!"

One voice sounded, and the sarcasm made Yunfan's face gloomy.

He still has no chance and can't achieve his goal. Instead of wasting time here, he might as well think of other ways.

"Boy, you have a good temper. If you really have the ability, you can break the heaven pass. As long as you pass, you can not only get credits, but also directly get the task.

Hum, but you'd better think clearly. Since the establishment of the college, only one person has passed the heaven pass, and all the others have died. "

A senior student suddenly blocked Yunfan, with disdain and sneer on his face.

"Yes, I really think of myself as a person. There are exceptions to all the rules of the college, but it's for people with ability. Do you have it?"

"If you don't have that strength, don't be flattered. It's you who will lose face in the end."

"There are so many amazing senior students who dare not choose to break through the heaven pass. I think you'd better forget it!"

Looking at Yue Linhai who suddenly appeared in front of her, Yunfan couldn't help laughing.

Break through? Is it more difficult than the test of the mercenary guild?

Man, how can you be counselled at this time.


"It's very simple. Have you seen the ancient clock upstairs? Go up and knock three times. The elders of the college will naturally find you!" Yue Linhai sneered.

Yunfan didn't think about it. He walked upstairs. In less than a moment, the bell rang.

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