The figure in Yunfan's brain slowly overlaps with purple smoke. All doubts are lost and confirmed.

"I didn't expect to meet you here. In that case, it seems that I have no reason to refuse. By the way, here's the sword."

Yunfan hands the wind thunder sword to ziqingyan.

Although he was very reluctant to leave Qingfeng, he promised purple emperor at the beginning. He has his principle of life. If he doesn't meet it, he can't break his promise. No matter how good it is, you can't hide it.

"What are you?"

Purple smoke was shocked.

She saw Yunfan's fight in the mirror, and naturally knew the value of this wind and thunder sword. When she was in Zixia cave, she didn't go to Jianshan mountain or touch the wind thunder sword because she didn't get the approval of the purple emperor. I just heard it from purple emperor.

However, such a nine level spirit instrument is still a nine level spirit instrument with two artistic conception, which makes the strong jealous. Yunfan gave it to her.

"The purple emperor said that his inheritance is more suitable for you. By the way, this ground level inferior martial art" wind thunder sword "is more powerful with this nine level spirit weapon.

There is an elder in the wind thunder sword. If you can get her recognition, she will give you great help. "

Purple smoke confused.

Wooing Yunfan is just the meaning of boundless maple. Later, when I saw the wind and thunder sword, I knew that Yunfan had also entered Zixia cave.

Although the relationship was one step closer, she couldn't imagine that the other party gave her such a valuable thing as soon as she met.

Gave it to her unconditionally.

One is a level-9 spirit weapon, and the other is a level-2 inferior martial arts skill. If you say it, it's estimated that no one will believe it.

Even if there is, that person is either a fool or an idiot. But Yun fan is not, it can only show that he is a person who keeps his promise.

"Thank you. My name is ziqingyan. If you have anything to do in the future, you can come to me. You are also from ziyanlou now. I will announce it in the college."

"Thank you, sister Xue. It can really reduce a lot of trouble. If sister Xue is all right, I'll go first."

Purple smoke nodded, his body flashed and quickly disappeared in front of Yunfan.

It seems that the purple emperor is right. If she were a man, there would have been no business for me at the beginning.

Join ziyanlou, Yunfan didn't think much. After all, it involves Zixia mountain. He can't refuse.

Turning his head, he just wanted to take a step, and his steps suddenly stopped.

Suddenly turned and stepped, although tried to control, but still leaned forward.


His mouth was printed on a soft, fragrant little mouth, which frightened Yunfan to retreat three or four steps. Looking at Qin Miaomiao suddenly with a frightened face.

"Sister, don't get me wrong. I really don't mean to offend, I..."

"Your feminine edge is really good. I didn't expect that even the zombie beauty ziqingyan has something to do with you. What's the matter? I'm excited about it and have joined ziyanlou."

Qin Miaomiao blushed, but immediately turned off the topic.

She came to follow Yunfan. If she is tangled with what happened just now, Yunfan specifies not to agree.

"Zombie beauty? So strange?"

"If it weren't for her dull face, no smile and no superfluous expression, there might be two first beauties in the college. Now both have a relationship with you, aren't you very proud? Do you want to eat?"

Every time Qin Miaomiao said a word, he took a step forward and scared Yunfan back and forth.

"Sister Xue, you can't say that. I didn't do anything."

Yunfan is depressed.

He has no other ideas. Why does it matter?

Take all? what do you mean?

"Didn't do anything? What did you do just now? You did this to me. Did you give me anything? You didn't do anything and gave me a ninth level spirit instrument?

I can't imagine how far the relationship between you and her has developed. Even the Ninth level spirit tools have been sent out. "


Yunfan wants to explain, but he can't find a word to say.

Zixia mountain and Zixia cave cannot be explained. In fact, even if you say it, it is estimated that no one will believe it.

"I don't want to take care of your affairs, and I won't threaten you with this. But from now on, I must be with you until you go to wasteland college and participate in the freshman competition of six colleges.

Don't make terms with me. I'm doing it for you. I don't know how many treasures you have, but if you go on like this, you'll be poor in less than a month. "

Qin Miaomiao said, coming forward and holding Yunfan's arm. Whispered: "don't forget, you said you wanted to protect me for a month.

Since you are related to zombie beauty, I believe you are a real man. If you are a man, you should keep your word. Let's go home! "

Yunfan's body trembled violently.

What's all this and what?

Why does it matter? And whether it has anything to do with men.

No, what does this last sentence mean? What do you mean we go home?

Yun fan was dragged and couldn't say a word.

Now he has only one mind, that is, hurry to participate in the freshman competition of the six colleges. He couldn't even think how painful the next days would be.

"Young master, you are back! This is..."

Just walked into the campus, ye Bai rushed up. Seeing Qin Miaomiao next to him, his steps stopped immediately.

"Oh, a student sister of the college."

"Xuejie? Really?"

Ye Bai smiled cunningly, and his eyes fell on Qin Miaomiao's arm. The meaning is self-evident.

"Xiaobai, what I said is true. What's in my mind at a young age? By the way, what about them in the east?"

"Boss, we're here. Hehe, one more person, afraid to disturb the boss, didn't come out."

Simon Yong walked out first, scratched his head and smiled at Qin Miaomiao. Dongfang lie and Beishan don't have any expression when they listen to snow.

Qin Miaomiao looked surprised.

One fusion environment, one heavy, two half step fusion environments, both young. Even if it is placed in Lingmu college, it is also a genius among geniuses.

And these three are actually Yunfan's little brother?

Look at the look of the three people, the awe in their eyes is not pretended, but from the bottom of their heart.

This guy is so mysterious.

How strong is his strength?

No, I'm not his opponent, am I?

All along, Qin Miaomiao actually looked down at Yunfan. But now she was suddenly a little unsure.

"Well, I'm going to participate in the freshman competition of the college in a few days..."

Yunfan tells the story and just wants to ask about the three's plans. Beishan listens to snow and suddenly says, "boss, we want to talk to you alone."

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