A sword covers the sky!

The blue forest book dared not neglect, and directly displayed the powerful martial arts in Tianjue sword.

The endless Qi condenses and gathers together to form a huge long sword.

The long sword covers the sky and blocks out the sun. The body of the sword can split the mountain in half before it falls.

"Get out!"

Zhuo ran shouted loudly, ten elders of the formation quickly retreated, and the huge sword crashed down. Hundreds of meters around were blasted into ruins in the thunderous noise.

The dust and smoke all over the sky and boundless flying stones are like a huge cloud rising slowly.

All the people and eyes of Tianjue gate gathered under the huge clouds. None of them thought anyone could live under that sword, but they wanted to see the result.

The whole Tianjue gate was silent. No one was willing to go up to see the results, even the blue forest book.

He has confidence in the sword, but he doesn't trust Yunfan.


The whole Tianjue gate was shocked, and a voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"Blue forest book, let Yunfan come out quickly. If something happens to Yunfan, you'll never go out of the mountain gate."



"Damn madman, I didn't expect one to die and another to come."

LAN Linshu's face sank and nodded to Zhuo ran. Zhuo ran quickly removed the Tianjue sword array and didn't need to talk to LAN Lin Shu. Zhuo ran also knew who was coming.

There are two mountains and two gates in tianwu country, five sects and seven peaks. With the royal family, only one person dares to shout so recklessly.

It used to be for Iman Yin, but now it's for Yunfan.

When Tianjue sword array was removed, LAN Linshu's face became gloomy.

Not only the one eyed woman Xue Bingbing, but also the king of tianwu, Ling Wu, and Liu Wenzhu, the elder of Liuyun sect.

Ling Wu alone is enough to frighten Tianjue, not to mention Xue Bingbing and Liu Wenzhu.

"What do you mean? Are you going to fight with us?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Where's Yunfan? Call people out!"

Xue Bingbing stepped forward, but was blocked by Zhuo ran.

"If you don't make your words clear today, don't talk about making friends. Even if there is a war, I will take over."

"Lan Lin Shu, if you really want to do this, Tianjue gate will disappear from tianwu kingdom. At least my royal family and Hongyan sect will declare war with Tianjue gate, because we can't afford to lose this face."

Ling Wu looked positive. As the king of a country, what he said was not a joke.

Blue Lin Shu's face was so gloomy that he said coldly, "what do you mean? When did the royal family and hongyanzong join hands?"

"Lan Lin Shu, let me be frank. I think you know the relationship between Xinyue, yimanyin and Yunfan.

After the battle of Longbang, Yunfan falls into the valley of breaking the soul of heaven's sin, and his life and death are unknown. Both of them want to avenge Yunfan and fight for death with the five major gates.

Finally, we stopped and persuaded him. However, in order to wait for Yunfan, the two women had an engagement with him, that is to say, Yunfan is not alone now. He is still the son-in-law of the royal family of tianwu state and the son-in-law of hongyanzong.

You killed him unknown. We have nothing to say, but if you killed him openly, you were beating the royal family and the hongyanzong in the face. "

Looking at Ling Wu, LAN Linshu knows that whether it's true or false, since it's spread, the fake has become true.

Tianjuemen cannot resist the two forces, and another is the royal family of tianwu state. His eyes immediately fell on Liu Wenzhu.

"Liu Wenzhu, what about you? Is someone from Liuyun sect engaged to Yunfan?"

"Liuyun sect didn't, I just passed by!"

The corner of Lanlin book's mouth twitched.

This old guy is too bad. Who in tianwu Kingdom doesn't know his relationship with Yunfan. Even if there were disciples of the divine sword palace, he would speak for Yunfan.

Passing by, lying to ghosts!

"Now that you've made your words clear, I'll be straight. If you'd come earlier, I could let you go. Unfortunately, you're late. Yun fan is dead..."

When LAN Linshu said this, he suddenly felt a strong killing intention.

The killing intention is very strong, like an invisible breath swallowing Tianjue gate. For a moment, there was a fight around Tianjue gate.


LAN Linshu hurriedly turned and rushed up. Ling Wu and others immediately followed.

There is a strong sense of killing and crazy promotion in the rubble and devastated ruins. Just as LAN Lin Shu was about to come forward, Ling Wu stood in front of him.

"Lan Lin Shu, I regard you as a character. I didn't expect you to lie to your face. Thank you for being the head of the school."

The blue forest book is speechless.

But at this time, he was more concerned about Yunfan buried in rubble.

If this guy doesn't die, there will be no peace in the future. With the protection of the royal family and Hongyan sect, it will become more unscrupulous.


The rubble burst open, and the cloud full of blood jumped out.

With red eyes and ferocious face, he was like a devil from hell at this moment.

The essence of killing is around the whole body. The bloodthirsty eyes are like two killing swords. Even if Ling Wu and others took a look, they felt their blood gas rolling and had an impulse to kill.

"Reality is a heavy meaning of killing!"

Liu Wenzhu stared in horror.

The meaning of killing is easier to understand than the meaning of sword or other artistic conception, but among the sect disciples, it is very difficult to understand the meaning of killing.

In general, mercenaries with good talent are easier to understand the meaning of killing. But even if I understand it, I have never heard of anyone who can improve the meaning of killing to the real world. The highest is just the triple of the virtual world.

Yunfan is a disciple of the sect. He understands a lot of artistic conception, but he doesn't want to kill. Unexpectedly, he comes to the reality.

Reality and virtual reality are two concepts. If the attack power is calculated, the attack power of real reality is at least three times that of virtual reality.

It is not only the meaning of killing, but also other artistic conception. Because the virtual world is to integrate the artistic conception into the attack of true Qi, while the real world is to blend.

One is integration, which is only an incidental increase effect, and the other is blending. The attack itself has the attack power of artistic conception, which can not be compared.

"Yun fan!"

As soon as Liu Wenzhu opened his mouth, he saw Yunfan rush up with an arrow, wielding his sword and splitting at LAN Linshu.

There is no other artistic conception.

However, the more pure it is, the more aggressive it is.

Although there is no improvement in the realm, the overall attack power has more than doubled due to the improvement of the intention of killing.

The secret method of blood has not disappeared, and the fight pattern is still on.

This sword, even Ling Wu and others should avoid its edge.


LAN Lin Shu waved his sword to block, and the powerful force made Yun fan fly out upside down. However, LAN Lin Shu's face was more gloomy at the moment.

This was the first time he was retreated by Yunfan. Although he only retreated three steps, he lost all his face in front of Ling Wu and others.

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