The middle-aged man is Jing CI in Lingwu's mouth and the leader of Liuyun sect.

Liu Wenzhu looked at Jing CI with a sneer at the corners of his mouth and gently shook his head.

At the beginning, after the war of Longbang, miles without trace added fuel and vinegar to the war of Longbang and Jing CI. When he left the customs later, he had a bad impression of Yunfan.

For him, Yunfan is not only a junior, but also a junior of Liuyun sect. It's funny to let him be the leader of Liuyun sect. He has to see what the other party means.

"Gong liangbo, Xu Guanghui, you two will take people to Tianjue gate tomorrow. Take the place first. I want to see what the attitude of other sects is."

Xu Guanghui glanced at Liu Wenzhu and finally nodded. At this time, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

"Someone sent an invitation to the disciple to give it to the master."

Hundred miles without trace came in and handed Jing a big red invitation.

"Read it directly, traceless. You have to make your own decisions after these little things. Liuyun sect will be handed over to you one day. I don't want Liuyun sect to be destroyed in your hands."

A trace of happiness flashed in his eyes. He nodded respectfully, opened the invitation and read it out loudly.

"Tomorrow morning, the main peak of Tianjue gate, the grand ceremony for the construction of Yunyan gate, and Hongxia is waiting for you!"

In an instant, the whole room was quiet.

"Tell me, I've been closed for years. How did a cloud door emerge? Who is Hongxia?"

Jing Ci's voice was cold. He just wanted people to occupy the unique gate of heaven. Unexpectedly, he was beaten by others.

Even if it's occupied, if it's directly publicized, it's necessary to establish a sect.

Xu Guanghui and other elders looked at each other, and finally Liu Wenzhu sighed: "if I guess right, this Hongxia should be Qin Hongxia, who was called the Hongxia fairy in Zixia mountain.

Zixia mountain was destroyed overnight. It is said that all the mountain masters, elders and disciples died. Unexpectedly, she is still alive. It seems that he should reorganize Zixia mountain by organizing this Yunyan gate. "

"Hongxia fairy? Hum, she thought they were still the former Zixia mountain? She wanted to set up the Mountain Gate alone.

According to what I said before, tomorrow I'll go and see how big waves these escaped fish can turn. Tianjue gate can only belong to our Liuyun sect. "

At the same time, in the Disha gate, the former sect leader and elders gathered together.

These people, who used to despise each other, have now formed an alliance because of one person.

In the room, LAN Linshu, Zhuo ran, Teng gaoqiong, Tao Qianqiu, Ning Zhongtao and Li Gaoyuan took their seats one by one.

On the throne sat an old man in black with a silver edge. His face was like skin and bone, full of wrinkles. The whole person is like a corpse, full of the smell of death.

Yin is not sunny. The head of Disha sect, "Yin Sha killing death skill" devours life and destroys soul. In the same realm, no one dares to fight head-on.

Although the Disha gate and the Tianjue gate are second rate sects, the Tianjue gate rarely provokes the Disha gate. It's not that Lan Linshu is afraid of overcast or sunny, but that once this guy makes a move, too many people die.

"Whether it's cloudy or not, I won't talk more nonsense. There are only Disha gate left after the five main gates that chased Yun fan.

I think you know that Yunfan won't let go. Now the only way is to kill him. His strength is not very good, but he has a flying spirit.

If you can't control him, even if you and I join hands, it's difficult to kill him. I know your local evil gate has a Yin evil soul locking array. If you don't plan to fight, let someone set up a Yin evil soul locking array. "

Among them, Lanlin book has the strongest strength. When the clan was destroyed, several people tacitly agreed that he was the leader.

"No problem, but haven't you thought about joining our shaman? If you join, tianwu kingdom will be ours.

You can be said to be alone now. If you can cooperate with me to win tianwu state, I will never stop you from rebuilding the Mountain Gate in the future. "

LAN Linshu and others were shocked.

It's tempting to have to say whether it's cloudy or not.

Tianwu originally had two mountains and two gates, five sects and seven peaks. With the royal family, there were 17 forces in total. But if the deshamen tyrant occupies the tianwu Kingdom, it will be separated in the future. Even if it is pressed by the deshamen, it will only be five forces.

A kingdom will not have more resources. If its power decreases, it will naturally have more resources.

"It's cloudy or sunny. I didn't expect you to have such great ambition. But how can we trust you? We will rebuild the mountain gate at that time?

At that time, the Disha gate covered the sky with one hand. As long as you shook your head, it was difficult for us to gain a foothold in the tianwu kingdom. "

The words of LAN Lin Shu are their common concern.

"This is not a problem. I can issue the Yin Sha death spell in public. Needless to say, you should also know the function of the Yin Sha death spell."

Yin Sha death mantra is not only a unique oath for cultivating Yin Sha killing death skill, but also a cultivation method of Yin Sha killing death skill.

Once issued, it must be observed. When the Yin Sha death mantra is completed, the "Yin Sha killing death skill" will go to a higher level. If you can't complete it or violate it, those who practice the Yin Sha killing death skill will become possessed and die.

"Well, in that case, there's no problem. Kill Yun fan first, and then..."

Several people were deliberating and saw elder Lu step in.

"Sect leader, someone sent an invitation to open a sect at the gate of Tianjue gate tomorrow morning."

"Bastard, you deceive people too much! Whoever it is, will die."

As soon as elder Lu had finished speaking, LAN Linshu suddenly stood up and looked murderous.

One night, tianwu received such an invitation from the royal family to the second rate sect, and then to the third rate sect.

Soon, it spread wildly in tianwu state.

The next day, as soon as the color was bright, countless figures appeared in Tianjue gate. There are people from all the main gates, as well as those who come to see the excitement. There are a large number of people. They almost fill all the places around the Tianjue gate and within their sight.

"It seems that there will be a big reshuffle this time. I don't know who the head of the cloud smoke gate is. It comes out at this time. Isn't it a target of public criticism?"

"That's for sure. Other sects are also staring at Tianjue gate. Tianjue gate is not dead yet. There must be a good play today."

"It is said that Lan Linshu and Teng gaoqiong have both gone to the disharmony gate. Now tianwu state has been divided into two major forces privately.

Everyone knows that the royal family has a good relationship with Qingzhu mountain. They confront the Desha gate. The rest of the third rate sect can only watch the opera and have no power to compete at all. "

"That's what I say, but I can't rule out the strong leader of Yunyan gate. If Yunyan gate can catch up with the first-class sect gate, all sect gates will be useless."

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