It's unwise to offend the royal family or green bamboo mountain at this time.

"There is no grudge between the royal family and disharmony, and I have never thought of intervening in disharmony and Yunyan gate. But Yunfan is my future son-in-law after all.

He never asked me. This time, I have no other meaning than to help you guard the mountain gate for two days. "

Yin Buqing looked at Ling Wu and was flustered.

Is this the gate? Isn't it house arrest?

"I don't know why the Pine Mountain owner?"

"Yunfan and I have no friendship. I just look at the face of master Bai. Master Bai once helped Qingzhu mountain. I can't help but repay this favor.

We didn't want to fight with disharmony, and we didn't mean to do it. It's just two days. As long as disharmony has a good rest for two days, we'll leave immediately. "

Song Hanbai's face was positive, so that Yin was not clear. If he wanted to export, he swallowed it back.

This is obviously Yunfan's delaying plan to clean up the third class sect of tianwu state first.

But he really has no way now. If it starts, there will be two more powerful enemies in the disharmony.

It's hard to swallow.

No, no!

He knows very well that Yunfan is a shameless guy. If he fights with the royal family and green bamboo mountain, the other party will take advantage of the fire.

Whether we can save people at that time is certain that disharmony suffered heavy losses.

Yunfan's strength is OK in his eyes. But the most important thing is the lethality of terror.

Flying spirit weapon has a heavy meaning of killing in reality. As long as you don't fight head-on, it will definitely be a disaster.

"Well, I hope you two keep your word!"

After a sound, he stretched out his hand and pointed to a Desha disciple nearby, shouting: "go and tell Yunfan that if you don't come today, I will send the corpses of the disciples of the cloud family to Yunyan gate one by one."

"Don't bother, I'm coming!"

The voice declined, and a sword light rushed at Yin and Qing.

Yin Buqing just wanted to fight, the sword light suddenly changed direction and fiercely cleaved to the blue forest book next to him.


LAN Linshu was caught off guard and retreated seven or eight steps. He was stopped by Yin Buqing just when he wanted to start.

"It seems that you still care about the life and death of the cloud family disciples. Bring them up."

After a while, Yunhao and others were brought over by the disciples of Disha sect. They were surrounded by the disciples of Disha sect one by one, and everyone exuded a cold smell.

"I know you're fast, so I used some small means. Everyone of them was killed by the evil spirit. No one except me could expel the evil spirit from their bodies.

If you really want to save them, fight alone with me. Don't use flying spirit tools. If you win, I'll let them go. "

"Whether it's cloudy or sunny, do you think I'm stupid? I'll fight with you and kill you. They can't save you. Don't I have to wait to die?

And you really think I'm here for them?

If they still regard themselves as the people of the cloud family, they should be responsible for their choices. Although the people of the cloud family are not strong, they are by no means irresponsible. Therefore, they don't need my help.

If they don't regard themselves as the people of the cloud family, and I leave the cloud family, it has nothing to do with me. Why should I save them?

Whether it's cloudy or not, how can you say it's also the head of the school? What's your brain?

I accepted three third rate sects overnight. Don't you know what I'm going to do? If Yunyan sect becomes the first sect in tianwu Kingdom, do you think I'll take risks for them?

If you want to fight now, I'll accompany you. If you don't want to fight, I'll go first. I'm very busy and have no time to gossip with you. "

Yunfan looked contemptuous and was so angry that his joints crackled.

"Well, I don't believe you're not afraid of them dying because of you. Give it to me..."

"Wait, seriously, I'm afraid they'll all die. But to tell you the truth, if you can kill them, you'd better kill them now.

Because if you kill one of them, it's the same to me as if you killed all of them. If you die, I'll be pointed out. If you die, it's still the same.

The result is the same. What do you say I will do? I don't know, but I know I was very upset at that time. If I was upset, I would kill.

Why don't you ask them if they want to bury them with the land gate? "

"Lord Yunfan, kill them. As long as you don't think we are betraying the family, we'd rather die!"

In addition to Yun Hao, other Yun family disciples shouted one after another.

Yin and Qing frowned, and things exceeded his expectations again.

Now he can't move or kill anyone. It's really possible to annoy each other. Not only Yunfan, but also a disciple of the cloud family.

Suddenly, he found that there were no chips. At least these seemingly chips didn't work in the eyes of this guy who didn't get oil and salt.

"Whether it's cloudy or not, you are also the master of the school. Don't say I didn't give you a chance.

You must know the strength of Yunyan gate now. Even if the royal family and green bamboo mountain are on my side, how much chance do you think Desha gate will win?

Now, you let people go and I'll fight with you. Of course, if you two want to be together... "

"Cloud Gate master..."

Yunfan glanced at Ling Wu and song Hanbai and said with a smile, "it's all right. Life and death have a life. Wealth lies in heaven. If I really die, it's my life.

When we fight, no one else can interfere. I win, and the disharmony gate will obey the Yunyan gate. When I die, the Yunyan gate will no longer have any conflict with the disharmony gate. "

"OK, I believe you!"

There is no choice between yin and Qing. If you don't fight, you won't have any chance.

Quickly relieve the Yin Sha from the disciples of the cloud family, nod, and all the elders and other disciples of the Disha sect retreat to make room in the middle.

"Yun fan, I deserve to die. I made the cloud family like this. I shouldn't promise. We're dead..."

"Third Master, hehe, I always called you that when I was a child. But I don't know if you thought I was a waste at that time.

Anyway, we are all a family. Although the cloud family joined yunyanmen and I made Yujiao and Yunhui elders, the cloud family still needs you to control the direction.

I have left the family and can't do anything for the family. I have to worry a lot about family affairs. "

Looking up at the other disciples of the cloud family, Yun fan smiled and said, "I know some of you don't agree with Yunyang as the master of the family. But I hope you will turn your disagreement into motivation and practice well.

If you are really talented and have strength, you will find that the owner of the cloud family is a constraint to you. "

With that, Yunfan waved his hand and walked to the cloudy and sunny.

Looking at the lonely figure, two lines of old tears came out of the corners of Yunhao's eyes.

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