"Kill more? How many can you kill? There are tens of thousands of people in the small kingdom of Xizhou, excluding other forces. There are six people in one kingdom.

Apart from those who died in the previous time, on average, at least half of them died. There are at least 30000 or 40000 human beings alone, and there are at least 100000 people of other races.

And there are usually about 200000 blood demons. If you kill more, you can kill 10000? "

Qin Miaomiao tilted his mouth and let Yunfan take a breath.

100000 people!

Even if one person kills a hundred, at least thousands of people are qualified to participate in the battle for the peak.

Originally thought that this was the consumption of blood demons. Unexpectedly, it was no worse than the devil battlefield. Though awesome once a year, if you give it power, you can kill more than 100000 blood devil at a time.

Even if this number is the Western Route Army, it has not achieved such a record in a year or two.

"What's the matter with the battle for peaks? So many people are competing for nine peaks. Don't the peaks with few people take advantage?"

Qin Miaomiao just wanted to explain that Yunfan suddenly felt that an invisible prohibition blocked all the surrounding space. At this time, a scream came from all directions.

"The appearance of prohibition is the beginning. Let's get the qualification of the battle of competing for the peak first!"

Qin Miaomiao rushed out with the people of Lingmu college. Yunfan looked at Iman Yin and immediately followed up.

This is a large-scale chaotic war. Without command, everyone is fighting separately.

The stronger ones rushed directly into the blood devil camp. Although the weak ones were behind, the powerful blood demons rushed behind and slaughtered wantonly.

Blood splashes and corpses are everywhere. Such a battle is more crazy than Yunfan's battle in the west city.

Every moment, every second, someone will fall and the blood devil will disappear. At this time, Yunfan saw a light spot on the head of a first-class blood demon general.

The first-class blood devil rushed directly into the crowd, and the practitioners who broke away from the world met and lost their lives.

Did he kill a hundred people?

Yunfan was surprised.

There will be many first-class blood demons among the blood demons. If this situation continues, all ethnic groups will either quit after killing 100 people, or they will form a decisive battle with the blood demons.

No matter which kind, the number of blood demons is more than that of other races. It is difficult to be an opponent when all races are wary of each other.


Let's see who killed more.

A trace of cruelty flashed in Yunfan's eyes. His hands waved and sword lights flew out.

This is not a sword light, but a real long sword. Each long sword runs through a blood demon. A hundred and ten at once, and suddenly a light spot appeared on his head.

It seems that this is the qualification certificate for the battle of competing for the peak. In that case, I want to see if there will be fighting patterns after killing 10000.

Thinking of what Cannian said, Yunfan controls a hundred long swords, just like a meat grinder, frantically harvesting the lives of blood demons.

"Controlling swordsmanship" he doesn't use it, but he has been laying a solid foundation.

With the improvement of mental strength, you can control a hundred long swords with ease.

Even if others are more powerful than blood demons, they have to kill them. But he doesn't need it. Under the cover of mental strength, the fatal place of the other party can be seen at a glance.

Every time, more than a dozen blood demons will die. The surrounding blood demons will soon be cleared, and Yunfan directly rushes into the blood demon camp.

"Fuck, that guy is too fierce. Who is this!"

"They are qualified and kill so hard. They have a deep hatred with the blood devil!"

"I - Fuck, hurry up, or we won't get a hundred if we kill like this."

The people of all races in the field suddenly woke up and no longer asked who Yun fan was. They frantically attacked the blood devil.

"Asshole, you guys go kill that boy, think of the limelight here and die!"

A first-class blood devil suddenly saw Yun fan who was killing wantonly, and hurriedly ordered more than a dozen second-class blood demons nearby.

Although blood demons have no organization, they all have a sense of hierarchy. Those with weak strength should obey the orders of strong strength.

However, as soon as the dozen second-class blood demons approached, half of them were penetrated by the long sword before they attacked. Facing the blood devil, Yunfan's strong combat effectiveness is undoubtedly prominent.

"Fuck, that boy is Yun fan. He killed hundreds of people in Zijian mountain. Go up together and kill him!"

The first-class blood devil suddenly remembered that he could instantly kill more than twelve other blood devil generals. It seems that there is only Yunfan who is famous in abandoning Jianshan.

It's not that there are no other masters, but that others don't have such a fast killing speed at all.

For a time, most of the blood demons rushed frantically towards Yunfan.

A strange scene suddenly appeared in the whole battlefield. A huge vortex was quickly formed around Yunfan, and he was the center of the vortex.

With the continuous disappearance of the blood devil, the scope of the whole vortex is becoming larger and larger. Many people hit, and the opponent ran away.

Originally, it was not easy for all ethnic groups to kill a hundred blood demons. Yunfan appeared too early, so that few of the 200000 people of all ethnic groups had light spots on their heads.

"Fuck, that guy wants to eat alone. We're not qualified and fart!"

"Yes, if he kills 100, we'll lose one place. If he kills 1000, we'll lose 10 places. I - Fuck, he's going to be a houseless!"

"Come on, he can't get it all. Grab it!"

All ethnic groups flocked to form a larger surrounding circle around the vortex, making the vortex bigger.

The blood demons on both sides and the of people of all ethnic groups are constantly gathering like being rolled in by the vortex.

Slowly, the whole battlefield became a huge vortex, and there was no battle beyond the vortex.

All the blood demons suddenly found that they were surrounded. Not just surrounded, but the enemy inside and outside, surrounded inside and outside.

If cloud fan is solved, it's OK, but this guy's combat effectiveness is so strong that he has been attacked from both sides.

"Worthy of being the enemy of the whole free battlefield, this combat effectiveness is too strong!"

In the surrounding areas, there are many people of all ethnic groups watching the war.

These are people who have participated in the western state hegemony war. They didn't leave, but stayed here.

Lu Tingyu is one of them. If you want to leave the free battlefield, you can only wait until the battle for the peak is over and leave with the people this time.

"It seems that what he said is probably true. The first-class blood demons have no power to fight back. One person has restrained more than 100000 blood demons, forming an unprecedented halo effect."

Zuo an stood beside Lu Tingyu, with a frightened face.

"This should be the only time for all ethnic groups to join hands in the war for hegemony in Xizhou. Although this is not a real cooperation, it is no different from cooperation."

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