"Well, since I gave it to you, I believe you. Just remember it. But since you want to perform this skill, I hope you can perform it on the three of them at the same time."

Jue Tian looked at Yunfan's stunned eyes and shook his head.

"Don't think too much. You know what they are thinking. This is an accident, so this situation will happen.

But can you guarantee that there will be no accidents in the future? Since you can't, why not do it together, and you really need to improve your mental strength now.

This is not the point. The point is that if you cast three at the same time, you have a greater chance of healing and are safer.

You are Yang, she is Yin. You cultivate spiritual power, but she doesn't. simply put, your Yang is much greater than her Yin.

In her current situation, it is easy to have accidents when she can't cooperate with you. Because you are Yang, you have no way at all.

But if they join, the gap between yin and Yang will narrow. They are awake and can help at a critical time. "

Yunfan nodded.

Having seen Yin and Yang gods and arts, he knew Jue Tian was right.

This is his first performance. It is inevitable to make mistakes. He can't joke about Iman Yin's life.

Although mental congruence also has that meaning, it is easier for him to accept it than physical contact.

For Ling Xinyue, he didn't say much, because to some extent, he had accepted each other. But ziqingyan is different. Seriously, he still feels strange to her.

"Purple sect leader, if you don't mind my offending, help me save people. If..."

"A man, don't grind haw. It makes people laugh. Hurry up!"

Purple smoke came to her quickly. Her eyes blinked and said, "how to do it, take off your clothes or do something, say it!"

Yunfan is a little confused.

That's too direct.


Ziqingyan didn't think so much. After all, what the three originally combined was how to make raw rice into mature rice. In addition, Iman Yin suddenly appeared, and she was willing to do anything.

She is different from Ling Xinyue. She doesn't have too many ideas and rules.

What she thinks is very simple. She comes directly if she can, and doesn't think about what she can't.

"Come on, actually, manyin just wants us to have a relationship with you. So..."

Ling Xinyue's voice became lower and lower, and slowly lowered her head.

Yunfan shook his head bitterly and said, "remember the spiritual communication between me and you? Just don't resist."

The two women nodded at the same time. Yunfan operated according to the yin-yang God and art.

Because the two women didn't refuse, their mental strength soon felt the weak mental strength of the two women. They had contact with Ling Xinyue. Yunfan was the first to choose Ling Xinyue instead of Iman Yin.

Spiritual power slowly entangled with each other's spiritual power, and a very wonderful feeling arose spontaneously.

I have you in me, you have me in you, and they blend together without defense.

Because Yunfan is the leader, the other party can feel what he wants the other party to feel. But Ling Xinyue is different. Ling Xinyue is obedient. He can know everything clearly.

The spirit is not the body, but it is more thorough and exciting than the body.

Looking at Ling Xinyue, her face flushed, as if she was drunk. Ziqingyan looked at Yunfan curiously.

On the contrary, at this time, Yunfan's spiritual power and her spiritual power were intertwined.


Caught off guard, purple smoke felt invaded. Suddenly, a feeling that had never been felt came to my heart.


Yunfan's voice suddenly sounded in the two women's brains. When the two women didn't know what to do, they were driven by Yunfan's spiritual force, and then they found each other's existence.

The three women's spiritual power and Yunfan are integrated at the same time. They can't see it, but they can feel it.

It's very real. Ling Xinyue and ziqingyan can feel yimanyin waking up gradually. Gradually into the same state as the two of them.


Yunfan breathed.

He is very glad to have three women together. If not, he really can't make Iman Yin recover.

It's the first time to use the yin-yang God and art. You are careful and walk on thin ice. Because it is leading and exerting spiritual power, it is more tired than three women in some aspects.

He gently put down Iman Yin and said with a tired face, "I want to rest for a while. Don't let anyone disturb me."

Looking at Yun fan, who closed his eyes and sat down directly to practice, none of the three spoke.

Finally, with Ling Xinyue's eyes, the three women gently withdrew from the room. But no one went far, but stayed outside the room.

This is the yard of the head of Yunyan gate, just behind the conference hall. Generally, this area can't be entered without the permission of three women, even Baiyu cliff.

It is precisely because of this that the three women choose to be here. Of course, this is what yunyanmen everyone knows, except Yunfan.

"Did we do something wrong?"

Looking at Iman Yin, Ling Xinyue shook her head and said, "there is no right or wrong, at least there is no problem between us and him.

Didn't you feel it just now? He was worried. Even if he was close to us in this way, he didn't want to offend our bodies.

Don't force him anymore. He's really tired. He pays more than others to have his current strength and status. "

"Xinyue is right. Even if Xinyue said our purpose at that time, he didn't say anything. What happened in the past, what will happen in the future.

The burden is too right. For him, it is not power, but pressure. You are not me. Without my experience, I just felt his helplessness.

Although he is covering up, I still feel it. A man has such a feeling about this kind of thing, which shows that he is not playing, but really paying emotion. "

The words of ziqingyan shocked Iman.

She is a fox. Her emotions are not as complex as human beings, nor as delicate as human beings.

And now she knows more.

"Originally, I wanted to develop yunyanmen here, but Shifu asked me to go back to the college to help him do some things. These things involve a lot, and it is possible to go to mordu.

He won't do it with his character, but I have to find a way to let him go. Because his strength is not enough now, I must strive for more room for him to improve. "

Ling Xinyue and yimanyin looked at ziqingyan. No one thought that this seemingly emotionless woman still had such a mind.

"If I die, I hope you can help me develop yunyanmen. To be honest, I have been living for this goal for so many years."

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