These things that Jue Tian said have passed. Yunfan doesn't want to ask more. Looking at the two gods still fighting in the dragon field, he gently shakes his head.

Fortunately, these are my thoughts, otherwise I would really think these two are enemies of life and death.

Just then, the white ball waved his small claws again. Strangely, this time the black ball waved its small claws, which didn't mean the same thing.

This is the first time that two little guys have different opinions in history.

The white ball said there were good things in it, but the black ball said no.

"Hehe, I don't know if I went in or not."

Yunfan reached out and touched the two little guys. The two little guys jumped to their shoulders, and the Xuanwu seal hit the mountain not far away.

One hit after another. When the whole mountain fell more than ten meters thick, a cave was exposed.

The cave is very big, more than ten meters high. Just came forward, a strong breath of blood came to my face.

The tumbling blood gas inside is blocked by a thin layer of prohibition, and only part of the blood gas is exposed.

"Brother, the blood gas in this can let us break through!" Yunliang suddenly said.

Yunfan nodded. The blood gas here is really the strongest blood gas he saw. Even compared with the original blood gas pool in the treasure land, it is rich and pure.

Yunfan released all Yunliang and others and said in a deep voice, "now I don't know what's inside. Leave two to devour the blood gas outside before entering.

All the others go in with me. Remember, if it's dangerous, don't fight hard. First keep yourself talking. "

Nodding at the white ball, he broke the prohibition through a hole, and Yunfan went in.

As soon as he entered, the rich blood gas made him have a bloodthirsty impulse.

"Swallow it quickly!"

Yunfan slowly walked in. Yunliang and others quickly began to devour hundreds of people. Even if the blood gas was pure and rich, it also decreased rapidly.

"Jie Jie, for thousands of years, someone finally came."

A voice came out, and Yunfan finally saw the scene inside.

There was only a broad altar, on which sat a huge blood demon.

There are prohibitions around the altar, which cooperate with the altar to send out countless lights to bind the blood devil.

The blood gas on the blood devil seemed to be forced away and slowly penetrated from under the altar. Maybe it's because it's been a long time, so the extraction of blood gas is very slow.

The forbidden light on the altar is also very weak, as if it would disappear at any time.

"Big blood devil!" Yunfan took a breath.

According to the hierarchy of blood demons, the first-class blood demon king corresponds to the Taixu realm, and the big blood demon king corresponds to the sublimation realm.

The most important thing is that the altar and prohibition are still extracting each other's blood for tens of thousands of years. It can be imagined how terrible the blood devil was at the beginning.

Now they are all big blood demons. What would exist ten thousand years ago?

On the big blood demon king, Yun fan really doesn't know the level, but he is definitely a super strong man who can sweep the sky wasteland star.

Yunfan didn't expect that there was a big blood devil trapped in it. If this goes out, Zhongzhou will die.

"Yuan Dan territory? So weak? Boy, as long as you let the emperor out, the emperor will make you a strong man in Taixu territory." the big blood devil smiled.

"Is this the meteor day blood emperor? It's said that the meteor day blood emperor died because of his evil cultivation. Could it be that the two of them worked together to trap him here?

If so, it's too much to pay. Not only is it pointed out by thousands of people, but even the sword emperor has not forgiven. "Jue Tianjing said.

"Elder, what level is the meteor day blood emperor?"

Yun fan naturally understood Jue Tian's meaning. In fact, he guessed at the beginning. It's just that we can let the two disciples of the sword emperor work together, and the last two disciples die before they are trapped. How strong should it be.

"Let me talk to you first, otherwise you don't have a concept.

You know the level of the blood devil. After the big blood devil king, it is the blood devil emperor. The blood devil emperor is divided into three grades, and then the big blood devil emperor.

After the great blood devil emperor is the blood devil emperor, and the meteor day blood emperor is the blood devil emperor, a super strong man with the same strength as the sword emperor. "Jue Tiandao.

"Like the sword emperor! It's too strong! No wonder he hasn't died for tens of thousands of years, and he's still the big blood demon."

Yun fan is full of horror. If this is true, if this guy recovers a little, the giant divine sword palace in his eyes will be flattened with one foot.

"OK, but this prohibition is very strong. It's too difficult for me to break it. Look..."

Yunfan looked at the blood emperor of the meteorite day and looked embarrassed.

"Human beings are greedy. OK, as long as you let go of the emperor, the emperor will make you a strong man in the sublimation environment.

Boy, don't think any more. You know, although the emperor is trapped, it's just a matter of waving his hand to kill you. "The meteoric blood emperor said.

"Well, I can only do my best. But you have to keep your word!"

Yunfan walked slowly towards the altar. The blood emperor of meteorite day showed a fierce color in his eyes and said with a smile: "of course, this emperor is a blood demon emperor. He speaks naturally."

Take out an ordinary long sword, lift the sword and chop it down.

"Yun fan!" Jue Tian was startled. As soon as he got out, he saw Yun fan's sword suddenly, and a silver light covered the altar and prohibition.

I saw a layer of silver net covering the altar outside the prohibition. This is the silver wire ground net and eight level spirit weapon that Cai Muxi gave him at the beginning.

"Boy, what do you want to do? Do you want to die?" the meteor day blood emperor drank coldly.

"I'm sorry. I think this prohibition is in disrepair for a long time and is not very solid. I repaired it casually. The meteoric blood emperor is so powerful that he wants to threaten me when he is trapped."

Yunfan pulls away and smiles.

Blood devil is the public enemy of all races. With the promise of many residual thoughts, how can he help each other.

Previously promised, but to get close to each other, and then tie the silver wire to the ground net to cover it.

"Cunning human, you have successfully angered the emperor and killed you. The emperor will wait for the next person."

A stream of blood gas erupted from the prohibition, like a heat wave, like water vapor all over the sky, which is unpredictable.

Yunfan just wanted to retreat. His blood gas stared into a bloody hand and pinched his body.

"A little mole ant is playing tricks in front of the emperor. Go to hell!"

The bloody big hand made great efforts. At this time, Yunfan shouted, "white ball, swallow it!"

The white ball opened his mouth and sucked, and the blood gas on his big hand was quickly pulled away. Yunfan chopped it with a sword.

"It's impossible for the wind and cloud to devour the virtual beast!"

The meteorite day blood emperor shouted, with a frightened look on his face.

He knows the ability of the wind and cloud to devour the virtual beast. Now it's not the beginning. If it was swallowed, he couldn't even protect himself.

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