Yunfan's speed accelerated, and his figures fell down in the light of the sword. Seeing that there was only one left, Hu Lei couldn't help shouting: "elder, save me!"

A figure suddenly appeared in the void. It was Hu bin, the strong man in the Taixu realm of the Hu family.

"Don't you want to kill me? Come on, I'll see how you die this time!" Hu Lei stopped and looked fierce.

At the same time, Zhou Yemei pulled Zhou Shi who wanted to come forward.

Before, Yunfan had a great impact on the three people. Originally, I thought that Yunfan could kill less than seven times in Yuanying territory at most. I didn't expect to kill even in Fenshen territory.

What's more, the other party will have a strong person in the Taixu realm, even if it's too late to run.

"Elder sister, don't pull me. I joined Lavan Yun, and he did it for our sake. How can I watch him be killed." Zhou Shi said anxiously.

"Zhou Shi, it's no use for you to go. If you really want to help Fanyun, let's go now. When you enter the Taixu realm later, we'll help him take revenge." Wu Linfang said.

"Wait, what did you say his name was?"

Looking at Zhou Yemei's dignified face, Zhou Shi said blankly, "fan Yun, what's the matter, sister?"

"Van Yun? What did he say?"

Seeing Zhou Shi nodding at the same time, Zhou Yemei suddenly smiled and confused them.

"Elder sister, how can you laugh at this time? Why don't you summon the sect elder and have a look..."

"No, if his name is really Fanyun, it's not a matter." Zhou Yemei smiled.

"Elder sister, aren't you hurt? The Taixu realm is coming. It's nothing?" Zhou Shi reached out and touched Zhou Yemei's head, puzzled.

"Speaking of it, our sister and brother really have a lot of fate with him. Fan Yun, what a fan Yun, you read it backwards."

Thinking of the original scene, Zhou Yemei's eyes couldn't help looking at Yunfan, a figure different from before.

"Fanyun, Yunfan, Yunfan! Sister, is he Yunfan!"

Zhou Shi exclaimed and stared at Yunfan with an indifferent face in the distance.

"God, he is Yunfan. Before, I laughed at him and said that he thought he was Yunfan."

Wu Linfang trembled and had no doubt that if Yunfan had started at that time, she would have been killed by a slap.

She really couldn't believe that the man who spread his magic in Zhongzhou actually walked with them.

Looking at the figure again, his eyes changed. At first, it was contempt. Later, after killing hang Fei, it was a kind of respect for the strong.

But now it's different. There's still hot worship in that respect. Not only her, but also Zhou Shi.

Although Yunfan is regarded as a thorn in the eye by large families and large families, it is a super idol in the eyes of the younger generation.

Once upon a time, the elders scolded the disciples, saying, yes, we have to work hard. No, you'll never be the first in the list. You'll never want to enter the list.

But now I say, work hard. When you can have half of Yunfan, you are good.

"Do you know why I kill so slowly? Just want to see if anyone comes? Ancient battlefield, you will be the first Taixu land to fall!" Yun Fan said calmly.

"Boy, just blow. Do you think you are Yunfan? Elder, kill him!" Hu Lei shouted.

"What's going on in Zhongzhou now because of Yunfan's trouble? Every one of them doesn't know their last name. Since I'm here, go to hell!"

In fact, Hu bin can't help it. The Hu family has the best qualification. Among the many disciples of the Hu family, Hu Lei is the only one who has the opportunity to impact the Taixu realm.

No matter which family or clan, they will pay great attention as long as they have the opportunity to attack the Taixu realm.

Yunfan looked at the palm of his hand with condensed Qi falling in the air and said calmly, "up to now, you've said this sentence right."

Waving his hand, a silver light shot out at Hu bin and directly smashed Zhenqi's palm.

"Hum, do you think I'm an idiot? Others may not know Yun fan, but I've seen it..."

Hu bin waved continuously, and empty gaps rushed towards the silver light like snakes. But the silver light flickered, the void gap disappeared instantly, and then the surrounding space seemed to be frozen.

Hu bin was shocked and waved his palm again and again, but the surrounding space was like an iron prison.

Let alone the void gap, there is not even a slight shock.

"Field, Taixu territory, seven levels!"

As soon as Hu bin finished, he saw Yunliang. Obviously, a white sand and silver puppet just waved, and countless blood gas swords appeared in the surrounding space to pierce his body.

The field disappears. Yunliang grabs Hu Bin's body, turns around and falls down. His feet just touch the ground and disappear.

"It's impossible. The elder is Taixu. You..."

Hu Lei was so frightened that he didn't believe everything in front of him. It was like a God's Hu bin in his eyes, which was so easily destroyed.

"Isn't it strange? I didn't kill the Taixu realm anymore." Yun Fan said with a smile.

"You are really Yunfan, you..."

Hu Lei just took out the jade card of communication, and his head fell off.

Don't worry, this is just the beginning. There will be a lot of people with you later. Even the divine sword palace has so many people with you, you can't miss it.

Yunfan gave Hu Lei a cold look, turned and left.

Before, he wanted to calm down and find a place to practice, but now he has such an opportunity, especially when Yun Liang has been promoted to the jiuzhong of Taixu, he doesn't want to wait any longer.

"Sir, are you really Lord Yunfan?"

Zhou Shi couldn't believe it until now. Looking at Yun fan, he asked weakly.

"It's not important. What's important is that you can improve if you work hard. Keep this inheritance!"

Without giving Zhou Shi the opportunity to speak, Yunfan stuffed the storage ring in the past, looked at Zhou Yemei and said, "it's good for you to forget what you just saw."

"Wait, can I ask you a favor?" Zhou Yemei suddenly said.

"I know it's difficult for people, and I have nothing to repay you..."

"Stop, don't say anything if you promise by example. Just say how to help you!"

Zhou Shi and Wu Linfang were stunned and looked at Yunfan like a monster.

Zhou Yemei's conditions, I don't know how many people squeeze their heads to catch up. Especially the disciples of zhaiyue sect, in order to have a word with Zhou Yemei, they want to take out a year's cultivation resources.

This guy is so good that he doesn't want to paste upside down.

Are you still a man? Is there a beauty in your eyes?

"In fact, my elder sister is really good. You can see that she is so kind to me. If you marry my elder sister, I promise she will serve you comfortably." Zhou Shi said.

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