"All right, keep the order. Forget the war two days later. All are ready and evacuate when the battle is over."

Yunfan left the courtyard and went directly to the wall.

Seeing that many soldiers were about to salute, Yun fan waved his hand and said, "no, you all go down and prepare. Keep your energy. All of you have a good rest and recovery these two days.

After the war, I hope to see your best fighting state, because at that time, I will hand over all the people in the inner city to you for protection. "

"General, if the city wall is not guarded, in case of a sneak attack by the blood devil..."

"I will be here until the end of the war. Remember, you four take all your people to the inner city. In case of blood demons entering during the battle, you can also protect the people in the inner city."

Before Shentu finished, Yunfan gently waved his hand.

Shentu and others looked at each other and finally left the city wall one by one.

Therefore, there are always people at the gate of the west city and the inner city, and their eyes have been staring at the figure sitting cross legged on the outer city wall.

No matter day or night, the figure doesn't move. It's very small from a distance, but it's really very tall in everyone's heart.

"The general is too tired! We dragged the general down!"

"The general is a great benefactor of our west city. Although we can't help, we will pray for the general every day."

"The general is great. You must learn from the general in the future. Don't humiliate the general."

Voices sounded in the inner city. Yunfan naturally didn't know these. Instead of guarding the city, he released two dead servants.

Dead servants don't know how tired they are. It's best to guard the city.

Yun fan stepped up his spiritual cultivation. With the advent of the age of blood devil, it is more urgent to improve his strength than before.

On the third day, as soon as it was light, the glimmer of light was dyed by blood.

The west city was surrounded by overwhelming blood demons. The west left king and the West right king in the air took more than 20 second-class blood demons to cover the sky of the west city.

"Shentu, we really don't want to help? Shaqiu said."

"Do you want to disobey the military order? Don't forget that the general has just taken office. If such a thing happens, how can we afford the dead general Zuo.

And at the beginning of this kind of thing, it was a provocation against the general's authority. In the future, I don't know how many people refused to accept the general. "

Shen Tu's face was serious, which was a big taboo in the army and should not be trifled with.

"I don't know, but the general did it for us. He faced the blood devil army alone, which..." Shaqiu said anxiously.

"There is no way. What we can do now is to carry out the general's orders. And what we can do up there can only cause trouble to the general."

Gongyuan and others nodded and sighed at the same time.

As the four commanders of the West Route Army, I didn't expect to become a burden one day. It's sad to think about it.

Everyone in the west city looked at the wall.

This is the largest war in history. Everyone's heart is mentioned in his voice, not because the blood devil is strong, but because there is only one person on the wall at the moment.

They are not afraid of death, they are afraid of the death of people on the city wall.

It was none of the general's business, but the general took it all. A man faced the army of blood demons. Thinking of this, everyone clenched their fists.

If they were not afraid of dragging down the general, they would like to rush up immediately and fight to the death.

"Yunfan, it was you who destroyed my king's plan. This will never happen again. Today, the west city and the West Road army will disappear from the devil battlefield."

King xizuo drank loudly, pointed to the two first-class blood demons around him and said, "see, in order to deal with you, two adults were specially invited from the blood domain.

They are my king's right and left arms. Today you can die in their hands, which will give you enough face. "

"Ha ha, killing me also said to give me face. If I kill you, will I give you face?"

Yunfan looked up at the four first-class blood demons, pointed to the wall and said, "if you can come up, you have the ability, let's start!"

"Jie, you're crazy! Let me see why you won't let us go up. I'll give you the two Taixu realms!"

A first-class blood demon king invited from the blood domain said casually and rushed to the wall.

Although they are all first-class blood demons, their strength is also high and low, just like the human Taixu realm. The first-class blood devil in front of him has four levels of strength in Taixu.

Yunfan holds the Lingyun sword, and the fighting pattern lights up. All the killing intention is released, all the triple sword intention of the virtual world is released, and all the empty intention of the real world is released. He splits out with a sword.

With all his strength, the space was split by the sword light, and an arm wide void gap fell towards the other party.

"It's no wonder you're so crazy because of the emptiness of reality. But you're only the seventh level of Yuan Dan territory. How many times can you attack like this, not to mention two of us..."

"There's a lot of nonsense. In that case, just let him go."

Yunfan wields his sword to resist. The blood devil is not human. He can know the fatal point of the other party. Each attack makes the other party have to dodge.

A yuan Dan state Qizhong has restrained the strongest blood devil, which makes xizuo Wang and others look shocked.

"Kill him alone. No matter how strong it is, it's just the end of a crossbow."

At the command of King xizuo, countless blood demons rushed to the wall, and more than twenty-two blood demons in the air also launched an attack.

Just then, as soon as Yunfan waved, more than 20 figures appeared on the city wall. At first glance, they all looked the same.

A lot of separation!

Are you sick? You have nothing to do. What are you doing? Play!

When it comes to separation, any race will condense separation, but generally it can condense two or three at most.

It's a good boy. There are more than twenty at once. Separation is used to fight. Can you show off like that?

"Hum, I didn't expect that you can condense so many separated bodies in Yuan Dan realm, but the strength of separated bodies can't compare with me. Go to hell!"

King xizuo rushed up, but before he got close, he was entangled by a dead servant. At the same time, Xiyou king was entangled by another dead servant.

"Both came out. See what else you can do..."

Before the west left King finished, he saw that the blood demons rushed up and were split up one by one.

"Bastard, how is it possible that these separations are all separations?"

"It's just a separate realm. There are mole ants in my eyes. Go to hell!"

Another first-class blood devil invited from the blood domain gave a cold look at the west left king and rushed down quickly.

Seeing that it was about to fall, another figure appeared and forced it back with a knife.

At the pass of cloud knife, a huge void gap is like the devil's big mouth, trying to devour everything.

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