"Yang ningbing, don't give me a big hat. I can't control him if he wants to die, but don't bother us.

Last time the demon clan escaped, our blood refining platform opened for three consecutive days. I'm human and don't have so much blood to shed. "Na Cang Leng shouted.

King xizuo suddenly laughed and said, "Yunfan, you are really ignorant.

You really want to run in the blood refining field. If I'm a little late, you'll be dead now. "

"I really want to thank you, because I was worried about where to find you, so you came to the door."

Watching Yunfan step forward, the west left king was frightened and said, "hurry up and waste him!"

"OK, I dare to win in the blood refining field. Now I'll let you know the consequences!"


"Deserved it!"

When he heard the scream, he blurted out, but suddenly opened his eyes and found that the scream was not Yunfan, but xizuo king.

What's going on?

That's the first-class blood demon. How can it be like this?

Didn't he print the blood refining number? How can there be no response to urging the blood refining number?

Just thinking, I saw a white and a black. Two furry little guys jumped onto Yunfan's shoulder.

When xueyang urged the blood refining number, Yunfan let the two little guys start. The white ball breaks the ban and the black ball breaks the cage.

Without the cage and prohibition isolation, the blood control Dharma was implemented, and the xizuo king was naturally controlled.

"Kill him!"

Yunfan gave a cold drink. The yelling xizuo Wang reached out and grabbed xueyang's neck. His other hand slapped each other's head and dissipated in an instant.

"Stop, boss, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong!"

The west left King knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly. It was like a first-class blood demon.

For a moment, all ethnic groups looked at Yunfan in horror as if they had seen a ghost. Which Cang is scared to retreat again and again, with a blank face.

"Let's talk about your business. Go and hold the first-class blood devil in the blood refining field for me first." Yun Fan said coldly.

The king of the west left didn't dare to say no, so he quickly flew away.

Yun fan turned to look at Na Cang and said calmly, "although you are unkind, I can't be unjust. One move will catch you alive, if you can't catch it, you will die!"

When the sword was shining, Na Cang quickly waved his knife.

True Qi is output at full speed, and you dare not leave your hand at all. The huge blade rolled like a cloud.

"It's Lian Yun's attack, which is the strongest martial skill of Nantian sect. It's said that you can kill people beyond your level..."

As soon as Feng Yi's words came out, he saw a black gap falling on the blade.

The blade was torn in an instant, and the Cang behind was torn in two. Blood splashed and screamed too late.

"Come on, let's get out of here first!"

Yunfan stepped out, and without waiting to open his mouth, the white ball flew out towards the air.

A big hole appeared in the sky blocked by light blood gas. Yunfan nodded at Wang Dashan and others, and flew up one by one.

"My Lord, help us!"

People of all nationalities shouted one by one. Yunfan's figure paused and said in a deep voice: "now let me save you. Why didn't you speak before?

Let me explore the way first, and then let me save you. It's very kind of you to speak. "

"Yun fan, we are all human beings, and the blood devil is our common enemy. If you let us go, you can at least help you contain the blood devil." Na Cang said loudly.

"Ha ha, they say that. Are you human?"

Yunfan quickly walks to the demon's cage. The white ball and the black ball move their mouths at the same time, release the people, and then release the demon's.

"I have a good relationship with demons and demons. You leave here first, and then I'm helping you remove the blood refining number."

Seeing that the other two races were released, Na Cang said angrily: "if you want to control them with the blood refining number, you should say clearly that you should use such a mean means..."

The footsteps of the two families stopped and looked at Yunfan one by one.

If Yunfan controls them with the blood refining number, it is no different from being in the blood refining field. It's even more dangerous. After all, the blood refining field usually doesn't die.

Yunfan said calmly, "I gave you a chance. You can choose whatever you want. You know, I have no responsibility to save you."

Yunfan is too lazy to explain. He comes to the Terran side, breaks the cage, turns and leaves.

What should be done has been done. He doesn't care what others choose.

Believe him, he can help lift it. If not, he doesn't want to ask for trouble.

"Yun fan, where are we going now?"

As soon as I came out, I saw Wang Dashan and others waiting outside. Even Yang ningbing didn't leave, which surprised Yunfan.

"Go to the East first. When the blood devil I control comes, ask the situation clearly.

This is the blood realm. Besides blood demons, there are also blood demons. There are not only the blood demon king, but also the blood demon emperor. Running around can only be a dead end. "

Yunfan took a few people and left quickly.

Soon, the king of xizuo came back.

"Is there any way to leave the blood region?" Yun fan asked.

"Yes, the nearest rolling stone city has a transmission array leaving the blood region. However, the transmission array of rolling stone city is sent to Nanzhou.

The blood area is different from the five states. The blood area is divided according to the blood demon emperor. This area is the rock blood emperor, also known as the rock area.

The blood emperor of Panshi is responsible for attacking Nanzhou, so the transmission arrays in Panshi district are all transmitted to Nanzhou. Boss, I really don't scare you. You are all human beings. It's impossible to leave.

There is a big blood devil in every city. Three to first-class blood demons have a minimum of thousands. If it's the eldest, it's no problem, but they... "

King xizuo remembered Yunfan's words before. At this time, he didn't want to suffer. As soon as he opened his mouth, he spit out all he knew.

"Where was the entrance you said before?" said Yun fan.

"Rijin District, Rijin City, the city where the Rijin blood emperor is located. The Rijin blood emperor is different from the rock blood emperor. Although they are all third-class blood demon emperors, ten rock blood emperors are not equal to one Rijin blood emperor.

The Japanese golden blood emperor is in charge of the devil battlefield, and his strength is second to none in the blood field. "The west left king was afraid.

"You should be able to enter rolling stone. Can't you take us away?"

Looking at Yunfan's eyes, xizuo Wang couldn't help shaking his body.

"Boss, I really could enter rolling stone city before, but now I can't. the blood king of rock will know what happened in the blood refining field immediately.

At the moment, I'm afraid the rock district is looking for me. If you enter rolling stone city at this time, you'll be caught. "

"Find a hidden place first. Go to rolling stone tomorrow night!"

West left Wang's eyelids jumped.

I've been talking about going to rolling stone for a long time?

Are you too brave?

Without saying a word, Wang Dashan and Lengfeng took the two women to follow.

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