With the improvement of spiritual power, Yunfan can't wait to devour the spirit stone, and the spirit of dragon is growing rapidly.

Divine skin becomes nine layers

God skin becomes ten layers

When the Dragon Spirit broke through the eleventh floor of the divine skin, the spirit stone was consumed.

Yunfan sighed in his heart and just wanted to stop, pure spiritual power suddenly appeared around him.

Yes, not Reiki, but Reiki.

He rushed to his body in an instant, just like Wanliu returning to his family, which caught Yun fan a little unprepared.

Divine skin becomes eleven layers

God skin becomes twelve layers

When he felt that he was going to break through the Hualong change, Yunfan was startled and forced to press down.

The twelve layers of divine skin are equivalent to the nine layers of Yuanying territory, which is equivalent to spiritual power. He doesn't want to let the dragon spirit break through first.

It doesn't have much influence. The most important thing is that more times will lead him to give up spiritual cultivation.

Compared with cultivating dragon Qi, cultivating spiritual power is really too difficult and painful.

"It seems that the man who made this ancestor's mausoleum is a figure!" Jue Tian sighed.

"Elder, do you understand?" Yun Fan said curiously.

"This ancestral mausoleum is actually a place where the former strong men left their true Qi or spiritual strength after a year of cultivation at their peak.

These stone tablets are not tombstones, but a medium for storing spiritual and spiritual power. It seems that the people of the ancestral mausoleum have long thought of today.

He wants to create a strong man and spend thousands of years of disaster with Lingmu college! But it's a pity that there are too few spiritual cultivation here, otherwise you can directly break through the Taixu realm. "

Yunfan nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, there is too much difference between spiritual power and spiritual power here. If spiritual power is a ladle of water, then spiritual power is a well.

If the mental strength is enough, and he has understood the meaning of emptiness, it is really not a problem to break through the Taixu realm.

"I can't waste so much spiritual power. Xiaoyu helps me. Even if I suffer any more, I have to improve a few more."

Determined, the two black dragons collided madly. Every time the collision dispersed, Yunyu would baptize with that special Qi.

The pain is really very painful, but the promotion is also very obvious.

Just when Yunfan was buried in hard work, all the people of Lingmu college gathered together.

"Is there going to be a war? Is the college going to send out all the troops?"

"There are too many blood demons. I heard that the western regions have been occupied. It seems that other colleges are going to come to us. This is to join hands against blood demons."

"You don't know. I've seen a fight with the blood devil. The blood devil is so abnormal that he doesn't respond to a few knives. He can recover even if he is cut in half."

"Stop talking, the vice president and the president are here to see what they say..."

The noise suddenly went out. At this time, whether Maple boundless was present, Qin Gu, President of Lingmu college, also came.

The tutors of Gong Jiu, Mo Xiao and other colleges stood solemnly behind them. Such a scene has not appeared in lingmu College for ten thousand years.

"I have something to announce when I gather you today!"

Qin Gu opened his mouth and everyone waited quietly. They know that this must be a major event of Lingmu college, which may be related to the life and death of Lingmu college.

"You may have heard about the current situation. It is not only about the survival of the college, but also about western states, but also about mankind.

Soon, other colleges will come, and perhaps all ethnic groups will join hands in the end. Lingmu college is a whole, which needs people to take the lead.

The battlefield is divided into two levels, above and below Taixu. Even if we want to lead you to fight, it is impossible.

Therefore, after careful deliberation, the college finally decided that Yunfan would become the head of Lingmu college, and Yunfan's order would override me. "Qin Gu Dao.

"What? We want to listen to Yunfan?"

"Do they even want to listen to Yunfan? Why? Yunfan doesn't seem to be in Yuanying territory yet?"

"If you want to find someone more powerful, Yunfan's talent is good, but his strength is weak."

For a time, there was a great deal of speculation.

"Dean, I'm not satisfied. In terms of strength, let alone me, many people's realm is higher than Yun fan. Why is he the head of the hospital?"

A third grade student shouted, and many old students echoed. The scene was chaotic.

Wantang, the first place in the lingmu list of Lingmu college, has occupied the first ten years of lingmu list, and no one has shaken its position.

He raised his eyebrows and strode forward, and the students in front made way for him one after another.

"Dean, I can't change the decision of the college, but I want to fight Yunfan. If I lose, I listen to him and win, he gives up the head of the college.

After so many years in the college, I think I'm better than him in terms of strength and appeal. "

Qin Gu frowned, and even Gong Jiu and other tutors were at a loss.

Before Yunfan entered the college, Wantang's popularity was unmatched. In the hearts of many tutors, Wantang is also the most representative student of Lingmu college.

But Yunfan was different. After coming, he not only made so much noise, but also got the affirmation of lingmu Jun.

This kind of thing can't be said to many students. If you force a decision, the college may fall apart.

"Dean, why don't you slow it down first?" Mo smiled and whispered.

"No, since it has been decided, it will not change. Wantang, this kind of thing can not be changed by strength.

When it comes to strength, many instructors of the college are better than Yun fan, but have they become the head of the college? My words will not change. Everyone must obey the orders of the head of the college.

Since you are the representative of the college students, in order to respect your opinions, I can give you a challenge.

When Yunfan leaves the pass, you will have a competition. Who wins, who will lead the college. Step back! "Qin Gu said in a deep voice.

Wan Tang was very satisfied with this answer and stood among the students.

"The blood devil army may come at any time. From now on, one fifth of the students in the college must keep fighting every day.

How to arrange it? Mentor Mo will tell you that what I want is that once I hear the order, I can fight immediately. "

Qin Gu finished, and then Mo Xiao made a specific deployment. At this time, Gong Jiu looked at the large transmission array in the college.

Lin Lao and many other elders of Lingmu college disappeared in a burst of light.

When the crowd dispersed, Qin Gu, Feng boundless, Gong Jiu and Mo Xiao came to the place where many old people in the back mountain of the college were practicing and closed, and sat down one by one.

"The ancestral mausoleum is just a small space. In order to avoid accidents, let's practice here this year!" Qin Gu said.

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