At the top of Xingluo sect, all the women in Yunfan's room were stunned.

In addition to Ling Xinyue's daughters, many people thought of different results, but in fact, there was too much difference and some confusion.

"It seems that he still can't accept it, but why are you all here?"

Ling Xinyue looked at the girls coming in behind. I told Qin Miaomiao and Xiaoshuang that they didn't spread out!

"Madam, I'm sorry, I slipped my tongue!" Xiao Shuang lowered his head.

"This has nothing to do with Xiaoshuang. Sister Xinyue, this is related to the whole star luozong. How can brother Yunfan bear it alone. If brother Nan didn't stop it, I'd come in."

Tang Liu came in, straightened up and looked like I was no longer small.

"But you scared your brother Yunfan away!"

Ling Xinyue smiled calmly, but there was a trace of worry in that smile.

"Hey, I don't know. Don't men like it? Who knows he's so timid.

In fact, who doesn't like my brother Yunfan? Hee hee, if I had so many sisters in law, no one would make me angry in the future. "

Tang Liu looked at the girls, their eyes shining, making everyone's scalp numb.

Originally thought it was for Xingluo sect and all nationalities. No one thought that the reason was that the little girl wanted to find a backer.

However, Tang Liu's words made all the women silent. Indeed, they were ordered by the clan, family or patriarch, but they really didn't want to?

There is no denying that among the men they know, no one can surpass Yunfan.

"Well, let's break up. I wanted to help him improve, but I didn't expect to help him. I don't know where he went, just in case..."

Before Ling Xinyue finished her words, she saw Wang Dashan running over.

"Sister-in-law, brother went to the historian and killed the historian alone..."

"Xinyue, he won't be stimulated? In this case, what shall we do in case of an accident?"

Iman Yin was a little flustered, and even the others lowered their heads. Yunfan is now the pillar of xingluozong, and must not fall.

Faced with thousands of blood demons, they didn't frown. Unexpectedly, they were stimulated by these women.

He seems very weak in this respect!

"I'll find him. Maybe he can come back with me." Ling Xinyue said seriously.

"No, sister-in-law. I haven't finished yet. After the elder brother killed the historian, he went to the divine sword palace.

I heard that the eldest brother asked the divine sword palace to give me an explanation. I don't know why the eldest brother suddenly killed the historian, but the eldest brother must be in a bad mood now. If he works with the divine sword palace... "

Wang Dashan was frightened when he heard the news. Sword palace, who is not afraid of Zhongzhou.

But big brother is not afraid of things, especially in anger. If you really start, big brother will never be vague.

There are only four days left from the blood devil attack. Such a thing happened at this time, not to mention Wang Dashan. The whole Xingluo sect was worried.

"I'm still going. Wait for the news."

Ling Xinyue rushes out quickly, finds wolf Qinglei and runs directly to the divine sword palace.

In xingluozong, everyone knows the strength of wolf Qinglei, who is infinitely close to the sublimation realm. Protecting Ling Xinyue should not be a problem.

Yunfan naturally didn't know about xingluozong. At this time, he finally saw the divine sword palace, the place he wanted to come.

Others want to join the sword palace, and he wants to destroy the sword palace.

The divine sword palace is worthy of being the super sect gate in Zhongzhou. The main peak is towering and very steep, just like a giant sword, which shocks people.

There are countless peaks around the main peak, and each peak is surrounded by array prohibition. Many peaks are connected into a huge array with the main peak as the center.

To enter the main peak, you must pass through the surrounding peaks. Although the array of the main peak has not been opened, even so, it is frightening.

"The divine sword palace has a main peak, eighteen middle peaks and thirty-six small peaks. The small peaks are both external and internal disciples, and the middle peaks are elite disciples.

Only the disciples can enter the main peak, and the elders can only go to the half waist of the main peak. The half waist is a forbidden area for everyone except the palace master.

I can take you to the main peak, but I can't say whether the palace leader will see you, but I hope you'd better not do it, or the surrounding array will kill you. "

As soon as he entered the divine sword palace, Wang Fu quickly introduced him.

This guy is not a safe Lord. In case of trouble, it doesn't matter if he dies, but xingluozong is afraid of falling out.

At that time, the divine sword palace has not officially fought with the blood devil. Instead, it will fight with xingluozong. It's not worth it.

"Don't worry, I won't ask for trouble. If Huang Kun doesn't see me, xingluozong will be officially opposed to the divine sword palace.

Elder Wang, I'm not a threat. I believe you know what I mean. Then I'll subdue other families and sects in the inner domain and resist the blood demon army together. "

Yunfan shows a smile. No matter what the attitude of the divine sword palace is, it's good for him.

Without speaking, he can subdue the clans and families in the inner domain. Speak, then act immediately, otherwise you will be criticized if you just talk but don't practice.

If someone has something to do with the blood devil, it's better. He can attack the divine sword palace in good faith.

Wang Fu doesn't know what Bai Yunfan means, but he can't decide this kind of thing.

Because of the large array of each peak, they didn't fly, but walked all the way to the main peak, which attracted the disciples of the surrounding divine sword palace.

"Who is this guy? Is he walking with elder Wang?"

"It looks like going to the main peak. This boy is very cow!"

"Cow fart, the main peak is a place for disciples to practice. You think it's so easy for him to go up!"

"Even if elder Wang is there, he can't take care of those guys on the main peak. Now there's a good play."

Looking at the disciples talking around wearing gray clothes, Yunfan's mouth showed a faint smile.

Through Gu Zhengcheng, he knew the hierarchy of disciples in the divine sword palace for a long time. Grey clothes are beginner disciples, black clothes are inner disciples, silver clothes are elite disciples, and yellow clothes are pro disciples.

Most elders wear gold clothes, but Wang Fu often runs outside. In order not to make people feel that the divine sword palace is overwhelming, he doesn't wear the clothes of the divine sword palace.

At this time, the messenger jade plate shook. Looking at the information, Yun Fan said with a smile: "I'm a guest here. Won't anyone challenge me?"

"No, I won't let people make trouble with me." Wang Fu affirmed.

"That's good. Elder Wang also knows my current identity. If someone challenges me, I can't refuse.

It's my first time to come to the divine sword palace. I don't know who has anything to do with. In case of heavy hand, it's not good. "

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