"Is it? Now it seems that only the king of beasts is left, hasn't he? "

The blood batwang was about to continue to speak, but because of a sudden glance at the white king, his pale and colorless face suddenly showed a trace of surprise.

"Why, you seem to be hurt? What's more, his injuries are not serious? "

I didn't expect that the old bat would suspect him.

Qinfeng is indeed very strong, it exhausted the means, spent a lot of strength to escape.

The anger in King Bai's heart!

"What's more, who in the world can make us willingly submit?"

"That guy is just a clown. Don't speculate about it!"

"Well, it's ridiculous!"

Blood batwang's tone, become particularly indifferent, killing intention revealed!

"Or have you been accepted as a pawn to come to us?"

"But why are you still able to escape now?"

"Ha ha, such a masculine breath, coupled with the power of thunder and lightning contained in it, the person who makes the move must be a great power, and he can absolutely suppress you again!"

Although it looks small, each of them exudes an extremely powerful breath.

Above the ground, a white bone corpse began to drill out.

"Hiss, hisses!"

Where the sound wave goes, it sets off bursts of dust, falling rocks scattered everywhere!

The harsh chirp, continuously transmitted out, condenses a wisp of invisible sound wave.

As the momentum of the two collided, in an instant, those little bats above the void began to surge and shuttle.


At the same time, as its voice falls, the bones around the body also begin to make a continuous sound, and the internal strength is looming.

Looking at the other side's performance, Bai Li Wang's tone has a trace of indifference and coldness.

"Well, what do you want to do?"

These two streamers, like two sharp swords, kept looking at the white corpse in front of him, and the air waves began to diffuse around him.

At the moment, the blood batwang that cold and ferocious pupil, released two sharp streamer.

"Oh, it seems that it is still a kind of masculine and domineering power, which is still very pure I said, you guy, didn't you meet some terrible and powerful person? "

But now the blood batwang suddenly said this kind of words, obviously is sprinkles salt on its wound, how can it not be angry.

However, Qinfeng also has the power of thunder and lightning. That power is too overbearing, especially to restrain these evil creatures. Even it takes a long time to eliminate them completely.

It will recover soon!

If that's the case, that's it!

It worked hard to make the flesh and blood of the body, recovered some, did not want to be destroyed by Qin Feng this guy, leading to his strength greatly reduced.

There was a trace of chagrin and anger in his tone.

"Hum! What does my business have to do with you? "

Who on earth can seriously injure such a powerful person?

Even there are several bones on the body, there are cracks one after another, it is obvious that they have encountered a serious attack.

At the moment, the white corpse named the king of white bone, the whole body condensed red flesh and blood light, appeared a large range of damage.


At the same time, when the two men were still in a standoff, they only heard a sudden roar, which broke out suddenly.

This roar, penetrating the sky, is enough to tear the sky!

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