
Looking at the situation that his brother is about to die miserably, bi'er's mouth can't help but send out a sad cry.

"It seems that I really have to do it..."


At the moment, his body was shaking wildly, as if he had been greatly frightened.

Of course, there is another person whose face has changed dramatically. This person is no one else. He has repeatedly asked bi'er and Manau to make trouble, and repeatedly provoked Qin Feng's shangguankong.

I didn't expect that the guy who was picked up by bi'er should have such magic power.

At the moment, standing there qinglinglong pretty face moving, beautiful eyes, is set off a touch of unbelievable look, looking at Qin Feng, she seems to see a God in general.

Both of them are kind to him, which he must repay.

He can ignore the death of anyone in the Qinghai family, but he can't ignore bi'er and manag Niu.

Yes, it was Qin Feng who made the move.

How could that be possible?

One hand beat back the hand of the nine strong men in the true spirit realm?

The seriously injured man brought back by bi'er is a world-class strong man?

What they saw.

At the moment, in addition to the stunned nine strong people in the real spiritual realm, there are many children and strong people of Qinghai family, all of whom show such expressions.

A young man with a cool face and open and closed eyes is like two glittering lights. One hand is carried behind his back, and his mouth is holding a silky smile. It seems that his hand has not aroused his interest at all.

There it is.

His eyes are wide and his face is full of disbelief.

At this moment, all the people froze.

In the eyes of all the people who were shocked, the inverted strength directly tore the bones of more than a dozen pylorus people, and then shattered a dense forest of hundreds of meters in a withering and decaying manner, and then slowly stopped.


with the palm flying, the terrifying claw was violently opened under the swing of this hand, which directly set off ten thousand raging waves around. It not only broke the claw, but also broke out a more terrible momentum, and turned back violently.

Finally, with an earth shaking explosion, all of a sudden, let all people's astonishment suddenly happened.


the ferocity and ferocity of this white jade palm seems to be hitting the stone with an egg.

The palm seems weak, as if a gust of wind can be blown, gently block in front of the lean claw of the true Qi condensation.

Seeing that the old man's strength was about to diffuse, suddenly, at this time, a white palm slowly appeared out of thin air

However, at the moment, it involves the bull, and he has to manage it.

So the Qinghai family, who died, he will not care.

He didn't have any good or bad feelings about the Qinghai family. He was rescued by bi'er. Besides bi'er and Manniu, other people did not ask him.

Qin Feng's mouth grinned bitterly.

Finally, a roar came out of the void again.

The old man had a ferocious face, his eyes opened and closed, and his face was full of fierce and cold evil spirit.

Looking at Qin Feng, his eyes, in addition to the cold, more a touch of shock, he just did not use all his strength, but Qin Feng that light floating palm, but let him feel the great threat.

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