"Among the young talents of the six mysterious forces, there should be some powerful guys who can be comparable with elder martial brother Ouyang Yun?"

Qin Feng smiles indifferently and asks.

I'm going to fly in the air. Keep going.

Qin Feng nodded slightly, but did not care too much.

"I don't believe it. When we turn this place over completely, we can't find the ice crystal cold iron scorpion!"

Zhou Lianyi patted Qin Feng on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Therefore, it is reasonable that we can't find ice crystal cold iron scorpion for the time being!"

"Younger martial brother Qinfeng, this frost plain has a vast territory and can hardly see any margin! And our present position is not the most central area! "

There is still no change on the tracing map.

What a pity!

Qin Feng took the tracking map of all things, closed his eyes slightly, and began to investigate the trace of ice crystal cold iron scorpion.

"The environment here is really colder than other places. I don't know if there will be ice crystal cold iron scorpion."

Qin Feng saw the situation, but also a smile, slowly fell down.

A flash, she will fall on the ground, stretch out her arms, toward the snow covered plain, ran past!

Zhou Lianyi said with a smile.

"This frost plain looks much more beautiful than those bare volcanoes!"


Above the plain, except for some hills and trees, there was only a mist like ice crystals.

There is only a plain with almost no boundary!

After crossing this big mountain range, Qianfeng no longer has the so-called high mountain.

Only see!

A brand new picture appears in front of Qin Feng and Zhou Lianyi.


Qin Feng two people, control the body of Zhenyuan, continue to fly up, quickly across this large mountain range.

And the mountains in front of us are getting higher and higher, just like the continuous sea, giving people a feeling of looking up.

And before the hot environment, obviously incompatible!

You can clearly see that the trees in the mountains are covered with a layer of ice crystal like white fog, a picture of freezing weather.

In the void ahead, clouds are surging, floating with the cold wind.


In Qin Feng's eyes, there is a trace of fine light, just like thunder and lightning!

"We are about to reach the frost plain!"


Hearing the speech, Zhou Lianyi's eyes brightened for a moment and said in surprise, "do you mean we are coming soon?"

"If I guess correctly, there can only be one explanation for this situation!"

"What's more, the current is so fast that there are even waterfalls! This is a very rare situation in the endless mountains

"The position of the current is obviously a lot higher than those before."

Qin Feng opened his mouth and explained, "elder martial sister Zhou, look at the surrounding rivers and mountains."

A pause!

His soul power sense is very strong, so it is easy to observe the surrounding environment changes.


Qin Feng's heart, quite helpless.

Zhou Lianyi glances around and answers a little puzzled. He doesn't seem to find anything unusual.

"Well, is it?"

Qin Feng frowned and asked.

"Elder martial sister Zhou, have you noticed that the terrain around here seems to be getting higher?"

At the moment, they have been far away from the car late country, during which they have been separated by tens of millions of miles.

Qin Feng did not even report hope!

To the end!


What a pity!

Every ten thousand miles of flying distance, Qin Feng will take out the Vientiane tracing map, looking for the footprints of ice crystal cold iron scorpion.

They chatted all the way, and kept flying forward at a slow speed!



"You must work hard to lead us to prosperity in the future."

"Your talent is very evil, and your fighting power is incomparable! At least from the present performance point of view, it will not be worse than those Archaean race's peerless genius

Zhou Lianyi looked at Qin Feng and said, "younger martial brother Qinfeng, you are now a member of Tiandao palace. We are all a big family. We must unite and work hard together."

The dream of Tianya is a great man who survived in ancient times. How strong his disciples are, ordinary people can't fight against it!

Qin Feng slightly nodded his head, hidden Longmen is the mysterious school founded by dream Tianya.

Zhou Lianyi continued: "what's more, after the martial arts competition, elder martial brother Ouyang suffered a serious attack and almost fell down in cultivation! Thanks to the presence of the palace master, he has been repaired! "A pause!

"Look down on our heavenly way Palace at all!"

"But the dream Qingyun, obviously also knows the truth, between the words, is full of sarcasm to Ouyang elder martial brother!"

Zhou Lianyi shook his head and said with a wry smile, "elder martial brother Ouyang Yun, it's only by using the power of heaven's way and God's tripod that we can draw with. It's an unfair match!"

Qin Feng said with a smile.

"That's good, at least not to let the dream green cloud, completely crush the heavenly way palace, saved a trace of face."

Zhou Lianyi said with a gloomy look.

"Elder martial brother Ouyang, with a secret skill of increasing the number of heavenly way palace, let your combat effectiveness soar several times! Together with the help of the heavenly way and the divine tripod, we have just reached a tie with Meng Qingyun! "

Qin Feng raised his eyebrows and asked, "did you fight with Ouyang elder martial brother?"

"What's more, the hateful dream Qingyun has no mercy at all, and his attack is very cruel. Once he does it, he will certainly be useless!"

"In the end, I can only watch helplessly, those senior brothers of Tiandao Palace are easily defeated by Meng Qingyun!"

"At that time, my cultivation was not enough, and I couldn't go on the stage to accept the challenge!"

Zhou Lianyi said reluctantly, "that fight severely frustrated the arrogance of the disciples of Tiandao palace, and it was a great blow."

Sure enough!

Qin Feng did not continue to ask, he is good at observing words and looks, has already guessed the final result of the battle.

When he said this, Zhou Lianyi sighed again. He was eager to speak but stopped.

"I remember that five years ago, Yin Longmen sent a new generation of genius, Meng Qingyun, to Tiandao palace to worship the mountain and challenge!"

"Even with Ouyang Yun's cultivation, we can't compete with each other at all!"

"Once these people activate the power of blood, the combat effectiveness will soar several times in an instant!"

"And if we wake up to the full power of blood and the strength of these people, it will be even more terrifying!"

Zhou Lianyi sighs helplessly.

"Therefore, among the six mysterious forces, there are not only one or two people who can compete with elder martial brother Ouyang Yun!"

"Even if they don't have the power to awaken the whole blood, their talent and potential are far more than ordinary human warriors!"

"Let's not talk about the hidden dragon's gate, the other five mysterious forces. They are all powerful alien groups inherited from the ancient times. How powerful and terrifying is their blood force?"

"Of course

All of a sudden!

Qin Feng noticed that in front of him, not far from a big tree, sent out a wisp of sharp cold

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