These bony flying crows, one-third of the body is wrapped in white bones, and they like to eat decayed corpses, so they get their name.

And once they see weak creatures, these bony ravens will rush in groups, piercing their prey with their sharp mouths wrapped in white bones.

At this time, a group of six or seven bony flying crows found a figure passing through the canyon.

Grabbing this guy's body, Qin Feng can't help wiping the other party's stomach:


the greedy cat on his shoulder nodded with approval.

"Meow ~ ~"

there are many fierce animals in the ancient mountains, and some are birds. If they are tamed, they can fly in the sky without Qin Feng's own hands.

Thinking of the many fierce beasts hidden in the ancient mountains, Qin Feng had such an idea in his heart.

"If I had known, I should have caught a walking tool!"

This many gains, enough to let him have a place in this canghaizong.

Nine dragon scales, six levels of true spirit realm, increased sword intention, broken spirit sword palm, desert crazy sand sword technique and the most confident sword power!

Compared with before he left canghaizong, now his own has been almost completely transformed.

There is not much time left for half a year before the death of the master. Moreover, the cultivation has entered the normal stage. Although there is only half a year, Qin Feng knows that the harvest in this half year is enormous.

After a few days of rest, Qin Feng began to leave the mountain and return to canghaizong.

Looking at the top of the canyon, it looks like a wolf's head. The young man's mouth whispered, a pair of eyes with a lazy breath, Danfeng's eyes are particularly unforgettable. This young man is the Qinfeng who came out of the Wangu mountain.

"Howling wolf Canyon At last, we have walked out of this ancient mountain! "

With the slightly sour flesh and blood flying, for a time, the rest of the skeleton flying crow's body suddenly shivered, accompanied by bursts of whine, Qi Qi toward the surrounding panic scattered.

The divine light split and came in an instant, and made a tearing sound in the air. In an instant, the skeleton flying crow was violently torn in the air.

Finger micro motion, suddenly a breeze across the sky, forming a sharp light.

That young youth, the mouth light drink way.

"Go away!"

A skeleton flying crow attacked this man and a cat.

A bloodthirsty voice crossed.


on his shoulder, a snow-white cat like creature is holding a crystal stone and gnawing at it. Facing a group of skeletons flying crows in the void, he just glanced at it lazily, but did not care, and devoured the stone on his paw.

This figure, with a young face, but 15 or 16 years old, is a teenager with a little childish on his face. However, his eyes are very deep, just like two stars in the deep of the universe, twinkling with strange brilliance.

"I said you Recently, I ate a lot of my inferior spirit stones. I didn't see anything else. I can see that you are becoming more and more plump. "

"Meow ~ ~"

in the face of Qin Feng's words, the greedy cat made a rare look of shyness. Looking at the other party's belly, it was really much fatter than before. But if people knew what it ate, it would be shocked.

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