Ancient Father of Cultivation

Chapter 37 - Rules Of Nature

"Hmm, when I visited Azure Dragon Sect, I saw a technique called Immortal Trend. At first, I don't know what it was actually, but after I joined the sect and learned many things about it, it was one of those fastest techniques which help cultivators by burning their Blood Essence, and give them great strength! At first I was just curious. However, after hearing about it I wanted to try it. I discovered that our Red Lion Body Refining technique is related to it. My master told me that no one was able to cultivate Immortal Trend. Eventually, I decided to learn it and cultivate it for a long time in order to reach its 1st level. It took 269 years to reach the first level of Immortal Trend, this all started after that…

5 years ago, I was 295 years I reached the first level and in just 5 years I reached the peak of the realm I'm in, there are not many people who can match up to me right now, even that Old man Sun is not stronger than me, he one hella strong bastard" Clan Head explained to them.

Lu Feng and Hou Qiong were silent, they don't know what to say,

"What is the reason behind that? Grandpa, you shouldn't have learned that, it is going to kill you! You are already very strong so why do you do this…" Hou Qiong asked him

Clan Head smiled.

"You don't know, I was a weak kid who was bullied by even dogs. since then I decided to become someone strong! Strong enough to no one talk back to me! And I was even ready to make a contract to the devil for an exchange! I was that thirsty for power! And all! It was the time I found the Immortal Trend, you think I would just sit and look at such powerful? I thought power was far more important than life!…" Clan Head said with a smile

Hou Qiong became silent…

"Why you didnt stop to cultivate even after reaching your goal?" Lu Feng asked, he became Clan Head many years ago and entered the first level of Immortal Trend 5 years ago. He should have stopped cultivating it at the time itself.

"You can't stop cultivating the technique after starting it, this is not something that is in your control!" Clan Head said to them

"That…" Lu Feng was kind of shocked, this was such a dangerous technique….

"Anyway, we can talk about this thing late, you can go back to your room, I need some sleep" Clan Head said

"Okay…" both of them left the room.

"Wait! We should share the same room?" Hou Qiong looked back and asked Clan Head

"Yeah? There is nothing wrong with that…I guess" Clan Head said with a smile and closed his door

"Grandpa…" Hou Qiong was shocked by his words

"Come on, I also don't want to live alone in here, and I hate being alone the most," Lu Feng said with a smile, it was not a 100% lie, but there was some percentage lie in it.

Hou Qiong looked at Lu Feng and sighed

"Okay, but I'm telling you this, even if you touch me I would get angry," she said and walked to her room

"Yes, mam!" Lu Feng followed her.


Inside Hou Long Chen's room, he was coughing non-stop for some time and blood was all over the floor.

He used his full strength after so long, his sons are very powerful too! They are not someone who was Purple-Gold Blood Realm! Especially his third son, he almost overpowered him if he had not used all of his strength!

"Those bastards…I will kill everyone of them!" Clan Head said, he calmed down a little and the coughing was also stopped. He slowly climbed up to the bed and tried to take some rest. And fell asleep in no time.

— —

"Qiong, can you teach me something?" Lu Feng asked her, he was sitting on the bed

"What?" she was sitting on the chair while reading something.

"I heard people can make fire, water, ice…etc. Anything they want to make with Qi, I think I can do that too, but I don't have much control over it…if you control them teach me" Lu Feng asked her

Hou Qiong stopped reading and looked at Lu Feng

"How many rules you can use now," she asked him

"Rules? I don't know…"

"Sigh looks like I need to explain them…Okay,

This would have many rules. We control nature using our Qi to control rules. In this way, rules are like concepts of nature, since Qi is the source of all things.

I will tell you some popular and powerful rules. These rules are very hard to control.

A very popular Rule is: Fire Rule. This is one of the best rules too, Fire Rule has more destruction force

2. Thunder Rule, this one is also very powerful and popular, but not many people can use it.

3. Water Rule, this rule is also popular, but in fighting, it can be used as a defense, it is not powerful as Fire or Thunder in attacking. There are some attacking techniques, but they don't have much force.

4. Earth Rule, This is also called absolute defense. If one can learn this Rule to peak they can easily dough and their defense is something even Fire or Thunder can break.

5. Wind Rule. This is one of the powerful ones too! I learn Wind Rule and I can say this is no way lower than Fire or Thunder! Sometimes I feel Fire is weaker than Wind!

And there are many, so many Rules like: Blood Rule, Wood Rule, Metal Rule…etc." Hou Qiong explained without taking any break.

Lu Feng nodded. He listened to everything clearly and understood it. But one thing that he didnt understands was…he didnt learn anything of this… And he doesn't know how this works too, He just needs to command his Qi and it will turn... If he commands it to turn into Fire, it will turn into fire…

"And yeah, there are some Rules which are very rare and way too powerful, those are

Time Rule, Space Rule! They are not only powerful but also…

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