Ancient God in the Modern World

Chapter 20 - C20 Combat Class

This day was the day for their combat class. 

Allen thinks that this class will be as boring as the other classes. But still, he went to the room dedicated to their combat class while wearing his combat uniform.

The room is not like the room in their academic class. Neither, like their meditation class, nor their counseling class. 

The room for the combat class is akin to the gym. There are weapons that were mounted on the walls of the room, such as swords, spears, shields, and many more. 

There were also guns but the guns in this era are not recommended unless they had an ability that was related to guns. 

Besides, guns are also expensive but they do not improve. Also, using guns is like throwing credits away. 

Their bullets are very expensive.

Allen was not thinking of using guns but he was interested in how it works. 

Such a thing that shoots powerful attacks is not around in his era. Although there are weapons that can shoot powerful attacks in his era, they rely on the user. 

Even if the weapon is high-level, if the user is weak, the attack will still be weak. But the guns were different. 

It does not matter who is using it, if the gun is powerful, it will shoot a powerful attack. All that depends on the user is their proficiency and accuracy.

"Good day, trainees," an old man greeted them while they were wondering about the weapons.

"I am your instructor for the combat class."

The old man exudes an aura of a veteran. And, Allen could feel traces of death energies on his aura.

The traces of death energies are only present to those that had reaped many souls, like the Plague Master and his men. 

But unlike the old man, the traces of the death energy on their aura was being cleansed by the divine energy that was generated whenever they desired death or when they prayed to Allen.

Only the Divine Spirit of Life and Death could cleanse the traces of death in someone else's aura because it is part of his authority. 

The other divine spirit could not do it. Well, they could, at a cost of divine energy which they will not do unless necessary.

The divine spirits could do everything they wanted to, but most of the time, they wouldn't do things that were outside of their authority. 

Because it will cost them more divine energy compared to doing things that were part of their authority. 

After all, they cannot generate divine energy on their own. They get their divine energy from their followers.

"My name is Captain Richard Booth," he introduced himself before starting their class.

"What do you think of the weapons on the wall?"

The trainees were interested in the weapons on the wall but they did not know how to answer the question. 

This was their first time seeing this set of weapons because there is a law that prohibits the use of weapons inside the base. And, whoever violates it will be punished.

"It's good that you did not think of the weapons," Captain Booth took their silence as they did not think much about the weapons.

"For now, I don't want you to use any weapons because I want you to master your ability."

For the combat class, those that did not have an ability were separated from those who had awakened an ability. 

This is not for discrimination but, rather, for the efficiency of teaching. 

Those that did not awaken an ability will be taught hand-to-hand combat.

In the combat class, the trainees will be fighting each other, most of the time. So, if those that did not awaken an ability will fight those that had awakened an ability, the combat class would be useless. 

The fight between those that had awakened an ability and those that didn't will be a total suppression.

Instructor Booth paired them according to their ability. He paired those that have an ability with the same type. 

For example, he paired a fire user with another fire user. The instructor did this because he wanted them to find the strength and the weakness of their ability.

Allen smirked because he was paired with a lady with a support-type ability. But when he stared at the lady, he was rather surprised because this was the same lady that he had helped. 

At that time, Allen was sure that she did not awaken an ability. But, it seemed that she was yet to reach her awakening at that time.

"We met again," Allen said, which stunned the lady.

She did not recognize Allen because of the alteration of the divine energy to his body. He was no longer scrawny as before. He had now gone thicker and more handsome.

When they last met, Allen was thin as a stick. But now, he was somewhat bulkier.

The lady stared at Allen for a while. 

She felt that familiar with Allen but she cannot remember him.

When Allen saw her look, he smiled wryly and thought that it was only natural because they did not formally introduce themselves to each other. 

Allen saved her on a whim, then the lady treated him for a meal. After that, Allen left and they never met again.

"Can you treat me with some noodles again?" 

Allen gave her a clue. Last time she treated him with a noodle. The noodles were sumptuous. 

Allen was too hungry at that time and he does not have enough divine energy to supplement himself. 

Well, he had divine energy at that time, but it was barely enough for himself. 

Her eyes widened as she realized who Allen was. She was delighted as she said, "Yes, we met again."

Her eyes twinkled as she had not forgotten the youth who saved her. But when she looked at Allen, she was stunned that he was no longer scrawny as before. Though he was still somewhat thin, it was no longer like before.. You can now feel flesh underneath his skin.

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