There's been so much going on for three days.
If you listen to people, a barricade has been installed outside of the highway, etc.
Sometimes there are places where public trucks have blocked roads.
When people protested, the soldiers showed a stiff attitude, saying they were instructed by the superiors.
Fortunately, Hyung Joon returned through the province where the barricade was not installed.
He was terrified that his daughter-in-law would rush to see his father.
“By the way, come on the way, it's no joke. Toxic in their eyes. The kids were a little gentle yesterday. ”
“You must have heard something. ”
“That's what I said. But the man who came in with me from the pit said, Soldiers deployed at the outpost. ”
“Longline power plant? ”
“I don't know if that's what caused the blackout. ”
“That's what I thought. Someone else heard that on Ulsan. Prioritize evacuation of those around the petroleum complex. ”
“How many people evacuate it?"
“It's a war or a coup, and it's crazy. How are you going to recover all that? ”
“Brother, what if you don't have to recover? ”
My brother's eyes shook.
“Zombies? ”
“I don't know when it's going to happen, but it feels pretty rough, doesn't it? You can deploy troops to a period facility, but you don't even call on a reserve. ”
“I'm done with civil defense. ”
“Yeah, whatever. ”
“I stopped by the East Office on the way here, and everyone was not going home. ”
“That's right, then. That's what happened to the zombies. ”
The President was trying to set a court martial to an orderly end.
Shut down the nuclear power plant and evacuate people around the petrochemical complex.
There will be many other measures.
Either shut down the city gas completely.
He went to the kitchenette, opened the valve and turned on the stove.
The lights didn't turn on, either.
“I blocked the city gas. How the fuck are we supposed to live like this? Hit the Old Town Hall?”
There will be no one to attack.
At that time, Hymn and Bora returned.
They were both so excited.
“You weren't kidding outside the atmosphere. Soldiers are just pushing. ”
“Yes, I think there are people who are not in control. No, you have to tell me why and you have to control it. What if it's tight? ”
“It seems like a very dangerous situation. ”
I even came in to Myung-gu and Yoohyun.
The two eyes were red.
I think it's a family affair, so we should keep our mouths shut here.
Brother Joon summoned people.
“Let's get together. Seongho · · · is, in some ways, a member of us. ”
Kyung-hoon seemed to have a disagreement with the words, but he didn't take them out.
I don't think I need to talk to my brother.
I heard your story a little bit apart.
“That's what you heard from Kim Hae over there, and you can listen to a lot of people. It looks like there's been a major accident. Electricity, gas, the Internet, nothing, but Apocalypse, right? ”
“Right · · ·”
When people agreed, he spat on his lips.
Evidence that you're getting a little nervous.
“I don't know when the zombie crisis is going to happen, but let's do it as planned from now on. You know what I've written in advance? Meal time, cleaning time, something like that. You'll have to limit the amount of food you eat, and you'll also have to take water when you're in the capital. ”
“From now on?”
When he asked, he nodded.
“Right now. It's like Apocalypse, isn't it? I don't know when this is going to go away, but I can't get enough food. ”
“That's right."
Bora expressed her sympathy.
The situation will be resolved immediately tomorrow.
I'd say it's worse than loosening, but anyway.
The meeting was over and everyone grumbled that it was hot.
In the middle of the summer, there is no air conditioning or fan, so there is no sweat.
Everyone grumbled at the front of the t-shirt.
“Wow, it's hot and you're going to die. ”
“It's because it's so humid, it's so steamy. ”
I immediately used the tutorial attack method to summon my brother and show him.
This is a target given the lower difficulty level.
My brother's eyes widened when I saw the note.
“This · · ·”
“The footage is a bit old, so it's not accurate, but it would be roughly correct. It's important to note that the route to escape and escape in the beginning depends on the location. When the tutorial is finished, the item will be regenerated, so be sure to pack it. ”
“What's with the item? ”
“There was an item nearby in the game. The place is random, so we have to go to it ourselves. ”
“Huh. Items appear in the air with nothing, right? ”
“So did Goblins. ”
“· · · Even so. ”
Now there's nothing wrong with a fantasy world wizard or a dragon popping out.
My brother clenched his note and knocked on my shoulder.
“Thank you. I've been thinking a lot, actually. He said he saw the tutorial video, but he needs to know how to target it. ”
“But I'll arrest you if I don't know. I'm sorry that this is all I know. ”
“I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. Well, come to me when you run out of food. ”
“Yes, if you're alive. ”
“Yes · · ·”
I thought outside.
This is for the best.
If I tell my brother about my abilities and join him, he will certainly be comfortable.
But it becomes harder to survive.
Zombies are still a terrifying opponent, although their difficulty is decreasing.
It was horrible to think there was a mix of Enhance Zombies in there.
I can't survive without someone like me.
When I came home, I heard a loud noise.
Something tells me that tattooed man's tractor was riding people behind him and running excitedly.
There are no other cars, so the roads will be pierced and it will be very cool.
Soldiers whistle, but the car runs without a clutter.
Hatter, who was in the loading container, spit at me.
“See you later, motherfucker! Hahaha!”
Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow.
I was urged by the soldiers to return home.
I'm asking you to go home quickly.
I had thorns on my horse for days.
You won't end up listening to a little insult at this point.
I went up to the second floor and Suyeon hid in an empty place on the first floor.
“Shh. The soldiers passed, didn't they? ”
“Yes, but what do you do here? ”
“I have something to tell you. You have a civil park? They're building underground parking lots there. ”
“I was just working on it, and the material just came in. I saw it telescopically at home a few days ago. ”
“You're still working on it, right? ”
“No, it's over. It's fast, isn't it?”
She sticks her tongue out.
Neither did I.
I don't know what the construction is, but does it make sense to finish Huddad in three days?
“I can't explain anything, but I felt like I was in a rush. The parking lot was quite spacious, but then the wingbody truck just came in. It must have something important in it. ”
This is a shell that can't be pulled out.
“You must have made Shelter. ”
“Yeah, so we just made a shelter for politicians. It's dangerous because they know ghosts. ”
“You think something's going to happen when you see it done so quickly? ”
She stretched her shoulders axially.
“Ha, ha, ha, I just want it to explode quickly because I feel like I'm thinking. What the hell are you doing? ”
“There's no guarantee there won't be zombies. ”
“It's because it's so frustrating. You know, sometimes they do, right? When there's nothing right and there's no support, it's like," Bread burst. "”
You're a hot sister.
I asked her.
“Why are you teaching me this? ”
“It's a little weird to just say · · ·, isn't it? I have a feeling, Sung-ho. ”
“What do you feel? He's just a big guy. ”
“You said it before in front of the hardware store. War Club. That's good. I looked it up separately, and you think this spore is positioned inside a zombie skull? ”
“He said yes. ”
“Once in place, spores become susceptible to exposure, skulls weaken, and if you drill a hole, they quickly become incapacitated, but people don't believe that. ”
“There's a lot of information, so people don't know what to believe. ”
Mr. Kwon posted some information, but after being attacked by me, he erased everything.
Consequently, until a few days ago, the awakening community was contaminated with all sorts of untested tips.
Some of them may have deliberately distorted the fact to fuck.
Su-yeon said with a fist.
“That's what Sung-ho said at the time. I like weapons with bumps. You said there was also a black hardwood club that opened in the early days of the store. ”
“Like that? I think I have a memory from the video. ”
I said it vaguely on purpose.
Su-yeon's glasses sparkled.
“Even though I learned to avoid the zombies I heard from the Director, I think Sung-ho must be something else. I wish my team men were like Seong Ho. ”
“What about the team people? ”
“Although I say this, I'm not interested in fire, I'm greedy with ashes. Anyway, I don't think it's bad to get to know Seong Ho. You didn't put any pressure on me, did you? ”
“There's something to be stressed about. If they survive, they help each other and stay together. ”
“That's good to hear. ”
Su-yeon's got the information, so I'm gonna have to give you something.
Su-yeon sits next to me as she tries to squeeze and write something on her note.
“What are you wearing? ”
“Attack the tutorial. ”
“Huh? Didn't you say you haven't played Mr. Sung-ho's game? ”
“I saw the video. It's from Mitsubishi Kim. Don't believe it, because your memory isn't accurate. ”
She twitches her palms as if happy.
“Wow · · · If I take this, I'll be popular. ”
“You're still a doctor, aren't you? ”
“Ugh. I don't think so. There's a claustrophobic atmosphere that says it's not awakening. It doesn't help in combat. ”
“If you think you're going to fight early, you're going to be very upset. ”
“I will. I have to go convince him. ”
She stood up robbing her jeans.
And I wrote something on the palm of my hand.
“This is Eden Villa 302. If you hear a rumor that I'm dead, take it all inside. ”
She probably knows better that this doesn't make sense.
I know where her team is and I hear rumors.
But I understood her mind.
You want me to use stockpiled supplies to trust you.
I don't know why all of a sudden I thought,
“I see. I'll see you later. ”
She smiles and hands over the pouch.
It's the analgesic antibiotic pack I received before.
“Somehow Seong Ho seems to be fighting well and getting hurt, so I tried to be more prepared. ”
“· · · Thanks ”
“See you next time. ”
She turned around and left as if it was nothing.
Twenty hours until the zombie attack.
I went into the Forest of Revelation and spent some time making noise, such as clearing the warehouse.
The completion of the moat was still far away, but I wanted to calm down.
“When I root tomorrow, I want to open it here first. ”
A place was also designated in advance for the site in front of the cave.
I guess I can't breathe that day and have to run around because I don't have time to organize.
“There are too many places to root · · · metals and medicines first. ”
I have a chance to root the rest later, so it's okay to postpone.
I looked at the map and I saw the blueprint.
You have 5 hours to complete the route and prepare the wire bottle and tutorial.
“Level 6 · · · Still has a chance to explode. ”
It can only be used on the day of a crisis, when a wire disease strikes.
If you do well, you will be able to level up in a single shot and earn a lot of points.
“Enough possibilities. ”
I finished roughing up and scouted the forest with Dingo.
I didn't want to exhaust my stamina if possible today because something big is happening tomorrow.
I hope you don't show up with the boring Goblins.
Dingo sniffs a sniff, leading me somewhere.
“You found this the first time. ”
Surprisingly, two solar buds were open on the other branch.
With Stamina Recovery Effect.
“· · · Strange. ”
It's only been a month. Have you grown up like this?
No matter how I looked at it, it didn't differ in size from the solar apple next door.
“What grows so fast? ”
It's a forest with monsters popping out and strange options. Let's do it.
I put two solar buds in my backpack.
“It's not going to grow so fast simply because the land is good. ”
I thought maybe this whole forest was enchanted.
Then, can I make a garden and grow crops quickly?
“I need to check. ”
It's hard right now, but it was worth a try once things stabilized.
I also collect a lot of fertilizer.
I have books and videos on farming, but also basic farming methods.
One way or another, it will work.
I wandered around Shelter and found out if Goblins had dug any traps.
As expected, there is.
Dingo knuckles and strokes the ground with his front foot.
As I dug it with a seedling shovel, the ground plummeted.
There were several wooden windows on the floor.
It's a trap that cares about itself.
“I'm big, you idiots. ”
It's not barefoot, so you don't have to step on something like this to hurt yourself.
Well, all the traps the Goblins make are like this.
I broke a tree window and covered the soil.
“19 hours left · · ·”
It's time to calmly wait for the zombie crisis.
I returned to Shelter to check the fuselage and watch the tutorial target video repeatedly.
“It's not going to be so hard because it's getting less difficult. ”
I updated how I scored points and wondered what it was.
“I'll see you tomorrow. ”
I crossed over to the second floor house with Dingo.
It's really not long now.
I came up on the roof of a two-storey house with Dingo, but unlike my expectations, I was about to die.
“Tropical. No kidding. ”
A report from the Meteorological Service that this summer will record the worst heat within 40 years.
Well, they always do.
Dingo is a little distant from me now to see if he knows it's hot.
He's a bitter one.
I looked up at the sky.
“The U.S. Army must be preparing to intercept the meteorite by now, right? ”
Well, I don't know.
All the information is blocked, so foreign countries don't even know what the government is doing.
All I knew was that there were soldiers in the Busan army.
“And that the end is coming.
Now we have 13 hours.
It occurred to me when I first woke up and recognized the situation.
I've prepared so much for 32 days, but I can't say it's perfect.
There must be something missing.
Maybe it'll be boomerang later.
But it is.
“I don't regret it. ”
There is no point in trying to catch up with the time that has passed.
All I needed was to run.
“ · · · ”
The wind passed through my body roughly.
I stood up to a strange feeling.
The northwest night sky shines red.
The red texture seemed to be watering the painting paper.
And then.
Hundreds of lines were drawn through the night sky.
I realized.
The Njambi meteorite has arrived on Earth.
And that meant one fact.
The American army has failed to intercept.
“Finally · · ·”
The day of the end is at hand.
D 1 End
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