Ancient Man in Apocalypse
Kim Bobjoa and Poor Man
The fire in the furnace felt hot today.
Winter is leaving the forest.
I'm sick of snow and ice and hello.
I was prepared to make a can of flame by making sparks out of powder.
Dingo fell down and fell asleep.
“It's time for them to come back."
There were no Scarecrows in Shelter all the time, so something was empty.
They went out with my privilege to get as many ignition stones as possible.
In fact, it wasn't even an order.
Since the Scarecrows usually roam the forest, I ordered you to bring them when you find the ignition stone.
I think you've taken it a little too far.
“Shall we go out? · ·”
It was a little too late to get out.
If you get caught wrong by Bone Creeper, you should be careful again, as the hook goes into one shot.
Nowadays, the forest is quiet, so I don't think it will come out.
I was about to turn on the base dog, so I heard a knock.
They're here.
I opened the door and there were four scarves carrying two ignition stones.
“Are you late for this? Just check the location and you can come with me. Come in, come in. ”
They squeeze inside and melt.
The winter is leaving, but it's still very cold because it's night.
I received the ignition stones and placed them on the work bench and gave them honey.
It's cheap honey, a snack that the Scarecrows love quite a bit.
If you give honey to a common scarf, their tongue will harden, and they won't even nod.
“It's melting fast. ”
Scarecrows melted, filled their bellies, and crawled into bed.
The Captain Scarlet cocked my leg.
I think I have something to say.
“Mm-hmm. There was a oyster there? It's not usually a oyster? ”
They went to the north side of the old Goblin Nest.
I found a mine-like oyster there, and I dug up this ignition stone there.
You might want to go back to Luminescent Ore and Black Coal.
“I'll go tomorrow then. ”
I was relaxed, but he was in a hurry.
I drew an arrow into the oyster.
“You have to go now? Why?”
Round fruit and a blacksmith scarf that draws hands to pick it up.
There seemed to be fruit coming out now.
It's a magical forest, so whatever comes out, it's not weird.
“· · · Good. Let's go.”
All you have to do is knock Kobolt and watch out for Bone Creeper.
If you want something clean, you have to open the dimensional door and run away.
Dingo turned on the base dog and followed.
The night was still scary.
I am used to the forest and I have a better night vision, but there is a fear that the environment brings me night.
I'm not talking about ghosts.
The Bone Creeper that substantially threatens me.
If I find him one second late, my life will fly away.
Therefore, every step of the way, I was forced to get tense.
The Captain Scarlet instructed me to sit on my head.
Fortunately, there were no monsters on the way.
After passing through the Goblin Nest, an open space emerges as you pass through the unfamiliar terrain.
Tangerine and winter strawberries were waiting for me there.
Effect: AGI +2 for 3 min
"Winter Strawberries"
Effect: Increased Chilly RES
Is it a tangerine with branches extending towards the moon?
Winter strawberries were as efficacious as they were known.
“That's amazing. ”
It's a hard agility to raise.
I felt comfortable responding to Orcs and werewolves by eating this.
“If you activate even the instinct of struggle, you can open it from the front. ”
It doesn't mean I'll just fight with a longknife.
We have to mobilize all kinds of means, such as traps.
You don't have to fight unnecessarily.
After picking the zucchini island tangerines and winter strawberries, I recorded their location on the map.
Then he headed further north.
After a long walk, the cliff was revealed.
The entrance to the cave was heavily pierced in the middle.
“· · · Go up there? ”
The scarf hit me on the shoulder.
I can do it! Come on! It was like shouting.
The cliff itself was quite solid and there were many places to step.
“It's not that high. ”
Four meters, tops?
Given that the floor was fluffy, I didn't think I'd die if I fell.
It would be better if we could put the hook somewhere.
I handed the hook to the Captain Scarlet.
“Can you carry this up? ”
He climbs the cliff with a hook in his horn.
Then he came down and drew a column and a hook.
You tied him to a pole?
Dingo comes up on the backpack and I pull the rope with my strength.
“What is this doing at night?"
Knng, knng!
Dingo warns loudly, and a thrill comes up from the dorsal trunk.
I grabbed the rope without looking back.
It is also possible to see something unclean under your feet for a while.
A grey storm struck with a bang.
“Phew · · ·”
This is one way to avoid the self-exploding of the creeper.
It was difficult to implement in the last city, although it is also listed in Survivor 1's Targets.
Usually, when you walk down the road and look back, you see a creeper.
It's best to raise your awareness before even looking for a scooter.
“I thought you were dying. ”
I pushed my shoulders up.
I reached the entrance of the cave and turned on the flash.
“Ohh · · ·”
This is awesome.
The cave walls were covered with sparks, black coal, and luminescent ore.
In addition, I saw a vein wrapping around the entire cave.
Are you calling this place Nodazi?
Well, it's not gold.
I put the scarf and backpack down and prepared to dig into the ignition fossil.
The wall seemed to be able to stand back and sell enough with a pickaxe.
If you work at night, Kobolt will love it.
“Seeing as how many creepers I've seen, I think."
It must have been hard coming up here, but we needed to be prepared.
I put a blacksmith scarf on Dingo's head and said,
“Look down while I'm at work, okay? ”
Both nodded their heads.
I hit the task with a weak focus of flash light.
Thud, thud, thud the forest.
All the Kobolts in the neighborhood are coming.
Well, there won't be a big difference during the day.
Kobolt or Goblin or there.
Dingo barks as soon as he picks up a spark and puts it in his backpack.
I went to the entrance and found some Kobolts in the air.
I will throw stones or spears, but I will not reach here.
I gather stones around the entrance and throw them at them.
“Get away, get away," he said. ”
I hit his head a few times, and I heard a thud, but they didn't back off.
If there was one pepper bomb, I'd have smashed it. Too bad.
“You guys just wait there. I'll take care of you when I'm done. ”
Of course, it's just words.
If you have time to deal with it, you have to run.
I continued my work ignoring the rattling of the Kobolts.
I was tired because I came into the cave after my work.
Place 5 ignition stones in the backpack and your shoulders are axially extended.
“· · · Let's get there today. ”
It was nice to meet Nodaji, but I have to sleep to be able to work tomorrow.
Dingo and Scarlet were still watching the bottom.
I was also able to resist the stones thrown by Kobolts.
I stroked them both.
“Good job. Let's go home now. If I go down, I'm gonna loosen the hook, okay? ”
It was also a good thing to go back.
Because I have to go down through more than 10 Kobolts.
I took out a firecracker and set it on fire and threw it away.
Kobolts grabbed my eyes and fell out, and I quickly went down the cliff with Dingo.
After a while, the scarlet throws a hook and comes down the cliff.
I put him on my shoulder and ran.
I wanted to kill all the Kobolts who were rubbing their eyes, but I wanted to escape first.
There seemed to be a commotion in the whole forest.
We barely returned to Shelter.
“I can't do it twice. ”
Dingo and Scarlet are the same idea.
It's been a long night, so we should get some rest.
We crawled into each other's beds.
Anyone who is a fisherman can imagine that.
Seafood is so abundant that it can't be eaten. It's a sea full of clans that feed on fishing rods.
It would be nice to have a monopoly over there.
That ocean was right in front of me.
I walked along the beach with Dingo, the Captain Scarlet, and found a place to throw fish.
“I like a place with a moderate depth · · ·”
I can walk around like this for a couple of hours.
An awkward dawn when Goblins wake up and Kobolt returns to his nest.
Keeper never saw it, and Creeper was relieved to see it coming.
After traveling for a while, I threw a trap on the right dog rock.
The fishing rod was pulled out after lengthening the rope and locking it with a stone.
“What do you want to live here? ”
If you look at the octopus or crab that you caught before, it didn't seem very different from the Earth.
So will humpback boars and valley deer, and the fauna and flora will be similar except for monsters.
Bait was the only one left with harmony.
As he casts long, the fillet falls into a calm sea.
I didn't know what to expect, so for now I was going to target various depths.
“If the sea is this big, you should give it to me. ”
At least a few months is a sea where no one touches.
It is my guess, but it was likely preserved in this state for more than a few years.
Isn't the thing just coming up?
Suddenly, when I was imagining happiness, I came into my mouth.
“You're here!”
I expanded the fishing rod to see if it was hanging properly and wrapped the reel.
I use my strength!
Dingo stood up and approached me.
After the intense pushing war, the powerless meat appeared above the surface.
“It's big. ”
It was almost a seven-character stone.
I only know the name, but I don't know what kind of meat the stoneware is.
I took it out in the courtyard and put it in an ice box and spread it vigorously.
“Looks like a mullet. ”
Especially the yellow-eyed crab resembled the mullet very well.
I thought it would be okay to sell it to the market because it would be a little less bulky.
“My stomach is full of eggs. ”
Mullet eggs are famous again, aren't they?
This is a stone shark, unlike mullet, but most fish eggs can be eaten.
Dingo wants to put a scarf on his head and smash it into a stone thorn.
“I think you're gonna get caught. ”
I casted again.
Another stone shard.
The sea just kept throwing up rocks.
Thanks to this, the ice box was filled with stone shards.
There were a lot of people with eggs.
“It's a stoneware. ”
However, it is a valuable food.
I trimmed the stoneware and unpacked it and packed it in a vinyl pack.
The rest of Sudbury could be eaten with a spicy bath, but it was annoying.
While clearing the back, the colored scarlet was attached to the spinal cord bone.
I did something and I was making a needle out of bone.
“Oh, this is good. ”
In reality, you can't use a needle because of a wire disease, but a bone needle would be fine.
Touch it with your finger and it's very stubborn.
I thought I could catch a little meat with this.
The Captain Scarlet looked up at me.
Do you want me to keep making it?
“Make me a few more. It looks like this.”
He nods and continues his work.
I kept catching rockfish while I was in the fishing triad for a while.
“What kind of ocean is this? ”
It targeted various depths, but it was a hot stone spinner in one mouth.
You're the only one in the ocean?
“Is it because of this bait · · ·”
Maybe you don't have enough skills.
If you know the sea better, you can catch nice fish too.
I shook my head with excitement when I saw a stone sardine full of two boxes.
I'm glad I caught this, though.
The sad day was coming.
I was surprised to feel heavier than I thought as I pulled up the Fish Trap.
“What is it, come here, so much! ”
When I pulled it up on the rocks, it was full of octopuses, crabs, shrimp, and all sorts of seafood.
Three octopuses were swallowing crabs and shrimp as soon as they arrived.
I isolated the octopus separately.
When I checked all the fish traps, I smiled at the mouth.
“You don't have to worry about starving. ”
I wanted to put this in the auction house and try to do business.
There's no point in writing right now, but there's a lot of it, so there's nothing bad.
I hit the seafood in the ice box and dragged it to the ATV.
“Here too, Nordaj. ”
Winter is coming soon, so we should do our best to secure food for the time being.
Dingo and the Scarecrow got into the ice box and I set off the ATV.
A four-wheeled motorcycle crossed the beach.
It was not only the Holy Spirit who came out of the seashore without men.
Here, a man was collecting fish trawls as he circled the beach.
Traps pulled ashore collapsed in shape and were not so poor.
Fish traps spilled seawater.
He picks up another Fish Trap and puts two on his shoulders.
But I didn't hesitate to keep an eye on the surroundings.
The zombies have been hunting for a long time, but some monsters have appeared.
In particular, Kobolt was a very troubled people who stole his food at night.
I was lucky enough to steal it, but I broke even the fishing gear, so I was in the mood to get dressed.
It's a Goblin. Not to mention dangerous.
I was worried that Orcs and werewolves were appearing now.
I don't know if I can hold on with my fragile combat abilities.
He walked down the coastal road and entered the fishing village.
The town hall in the centre was his residence.
It is a very small town with a few houses and pensions.
Another survivor washed his eyes and couldn't find it. It was a very boring place.
‘People are scared. ’
Not long ago, he also lived in a shop with many survivors.
I tried to get close, including making a small gift, but coming back was a greedy eye.
Survivors swallowed a stingray needle in his trait, bioaffinity.
Growing crops was a fascinating characteristic that the animals came to us asking us to grow quickly and catch them.
Not very helpful in combat, but extremely strong in survival.
The survivors kept an eye on him, who honestly revealed his character.
― We're protecting you.
― So you should be thankful.
― Do you know where to run? Crush the Leg Club. Then you won't make it.
He added that he was joking, but a 20-year-old couldn't stand the oppressive atmosphere.
That's why I took the opportunity to run away.
It was here, the fishing village, where I walked and ran.
I didn't have much to pamper, but I was just enough to live with one person.
I was especially glad to have plenty of bottled water.
The young man climbed to the second floor and then sealed the entrance with furniture.
It was used as a bed and breakfast. It was perfect for him to stay.
The countless years were angled and all the supplies were in place.
In his 20 years of life, he had never taken much of his own possessions.
So I became obsessed with tidying up.
Not much to do, though.
‘For now, I want to trim this first. ’
The young man skilfully trimmed the seafood with ceramic excesses.
I thought I could endure a few days with what I caught today.
But the worry wasn't completely gone.
‘They say Orcs and werewolves are coming out soon. ’
It's only a few days away.
After he had finished organizing, he knelt before the bench and spread out his notebook.
It was as important as his life.
Inside, the sentence was written crookedly.
A few passages about Orcs and werewolves appeared.
― In the case of oaks, it is a straight line. They don't care about anything else, they just stare at the user and they come running. You can't step back. Avoid to the side.
― Orcs are definitely similar to gorillas. But you shouldn't be with Gorilla. She's very good at scaling. You'd be surprised to see me throw a wooden spear.
― Wolfman · · · I can only say this to novices. Just don't go out at night. But there's no way. That's what · · ·
“ · · · ”
The young man tried to memorize the whole sentence.
This attack, excerpted from Kim Bobjoa's broadcast, was like gold and oxo to him.
He wrote down all of Gimbabjoa's attacks in this note before the zombie situation erupted.
At one time he even posted an attack on the Internet, but they were all ignored.
It was unavoidable because all kinds of fake attacks were going on.
Upon informing the station and the government's countermeasures headquarters, several people came to him.
They said they were working for the government, but they didn't seem to be young people.
There was an ominous atmosphere in them that did not know who they were.
The young man escaped their pursuit and never tried to reveal the information again.
After escaping from the survivors Akdaguni, I was alone.
Take the sea and the gull off.
It is a life that is not greatly lacking, but he wanted to have one more.
A good friend.
I wanted to live with a good friend, not someone who wanted to redeem him and exploit him.
‘I think anyone like Kim Bobjoa would be fine. ’
But it must be too much.
I don't know about him, but I can guess he has great power.
Who played Survival Life longer than anyone else?
No such person can look back on himself · · ·
Mom, but that's what the poor guy thought.
He stood up with his notes covered.
Looking out the window, I felt the autumn in the mountain.
Certainly, winter will come in between.
But there was nothing to worry about.
Jiman is a man who endures the cold.
Even when society was healthy, he was not familiar with heating.
Despite the apocalypse, his life was no different than before.
‘But sometimes it's lonely. ’
I picked up a cat and raised it because I had no one to talk to, but I was killed by a monster.
The only hope was the auction house.
When I went in there, many people seemed to welcome me.
Level 15 is far from level 6.
I was forced to hunt hard, though.
Jiman took his weapon and went outside.
Kimbabjoa and Poor Man's End
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