Ancient Tears BloodLine

Chapter 357 Fighting Against The Peak Trainee Bandit

(From MC's Perspective)

When I found out the Peak Trainee bandits were making their move the next day, I opted to flee to the borders. Where I previously encountered the plant monster.

Certainly, these bandits will not allow others to move into their territory. Rather, they will move to the borders to eliminate the incoming City Warriors' teams.

I expect conflicts to erupt across the outside area in a few days. So there's no need for me to stay in the inner area anymore. So far, I've already put my newfound strength to the test.

My lightning skills were gradually developing. When it comes to physical strength, I can easily handle the Initial Trainee Warrior.

My lightning skills were gradually improving. When it comes to physical strength, I can easily handle the Initial Trainee Warrior.

I knew it wasn't safe to stay in the inner area anymore after the last few events. The most surprising factor in the inner area is the abrupt appearance of insect bugs.

You never know when they will emerge in your path. I continued my journey towards the border after clearing my mind.

After an hour, I noticed a few red spots in my mind. Then I came to a standstill and studied the scene carefully.


The metallic sound echoes across the area. These lush green forests and dense bushes give me good cover from my enemies.

I waited for the red dots to fade away. I can confirm that none of them were in good enough shape to fight.

Half an hour later, the fight is over. There was no sound of clashing. With the exception of one bright red dot, they all turned gray. With that, I can confirm that, with the exception of one warrior, all of them were dead. He can seize the rest of their loot without hesitation right now.

Looking at all of this made me smile a little. Unfortunately for him. I'm going to put a stop to his dream. Then I boldly emerged from the bushes and approached the warrior.

But as I look at the person's level, my pupil suddenly constricts. My smile had vanished from my face.

I mumbled, "Peak Trainee Bandit." There were heaped up corpses all over the place as I saw the aftermath of the attack. Looking at their situation, I realized he had slain both city warriors and bandits. The scattered boulders on the ground are proof of this.

Peak Trainee Warrior is difficult to eliminate. Furthermore, this bandit has an earth element. As a result, his defense will be excellent. It's no surprise that others were crushed to death.


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This is going to be a tough battle.

My expression tightened as the bandit warrior approached. I realized at that instant that I had encountered one of those bandit maniacs that even kill and plunder their own team.

Without further thought, I focused on the blood cultivation method. At the proper time, I'll deploy the lightning technique as a sneak attack. Meanwhile, I must deal with him solely via my physical power.

The bandit warrior, on the other hand, raised his brows in amazement. He mistook Zack for a member of the City Warriors.

On one side of his face, he had a long scar. When the bandit looked at Zack, he revealed a cruel smile.

He tightened his fist in rage, feeling that one rat had almost slipped through his grasp. Then a cruel glare appears in his eyes. He didn't even consider why the other party had decided to appear now.

Because there was little space between them, the bandit sprinted towards the opponent.

When I recited the blood method, changes began to occur at the same time. My body seems to be filled with unidentified energy. I recognized it as the result of the mind's red inked bone.

When I saw the bandit approaching, I raised my fist to attack him. His eyes light up with surprise as he watches me raise my fist at him.

However, it simply made matters worse. That guy is raging at me like a furious bull. He raised his fist in response to my threat.

BOOM! Happened when our fists collided. A loud noise echoed throughout the region.

I took a few steps backward as a result of the impact. But the bandit remained in the same spot like a statue. My hand is trembling as a result of the blow. "Damn, "I said. My fists felt like they had hit with unyielding rock.

The bandit's body is no laughing matter. I need to be more cautious.

The bandit, on the other hand, was perplexed. He had no idea what had occurred. He seemed surprised at the last rat. "His comrades had not withstood my single punch. But who is this guy?" He thought to himself.

Various ideas cross his mind. Bandits start to think more seriously. Was he truly terrified?

In the previous attack, the bandit had used all of his strength.

The fact that he escaped unhurt from his punch demonstrates that the enemy is not easy. Anger caused the bandit's eyes to turn red. He had previously considered fleeing this location after killing and plundering everyone.

However, someone has disrupted his plan. He couldn't process it. The bandit decided to finish the opponent fast before anyone else arrived because of the commotion.

It took me a few seconds to stabilize my hands at the same time. Even after using the blood power, I couldn't see much of a change.

This demonstrates that engaging the Peak Trainee Warrior in close combat is challenging at my level. As I already stated, I must devise an effective plan.

I pull my black blade from the storage ring. I want to use the sword on him since my hand is trembling from the collision.

I had an unexpected thought. I thought an explosive artifact might be useful at this time.

I ran towards him using the lightning phantom technique while the bandit looked at me with a scrutinizing stare.

My legs' quick rush of purple energy astonished him. I took advantage of the situation and moved quickly towards him.

The bandit, on the other hand, suspected something was wrong. He made the decision to deploy the earth element against the enemies. He no longer wants to make fists move against his opponent.

The bandit noticed the opponent wielding a blade. As a result, he immediately directed the nearby earth elements to build armor around his body.

A black sword slashed into the chest region as the earth armor wrapped around the body.

"Clang," a clashing sound reverberates throughout the region.

At the same time, I was deterred. I strengthened my grasp and attempted to insert the blade's point deep into the opponent's armor.

But the bandit quickly realized what I was up to and leapt backward to make some room.

I will become a suitable target for the opponent if I stop moving. I'm not going to let him utilize his earth element technique against me.

I utilized the lightning phantom approach once more to get closer. I moved erratically rather than in a straight line. The bandit attempted to find me. I knew the earth element warrior's weakness was speed.

I took out the explosive artifact after reaching his blind area. I'll activate this item when I move closer to him. At the same time, the robber placed several rocks on the ground to slow down the opponent.

I jumped over all those boulders to get to him. I reached behind his back this time and placed several explosive artifacts around his feet.

I appeared in front of him and made a horizontal cut before he realized it. Seeing that bandit exposes a cunning smile. He mistook the opponent's next move for the previous one.

The bandit is self-assured in his earth armor. As a result, he dismissed the sword attack. I laughed inside my heart when I saw the bandit's smile. This sword motion is really a deception.

A clanging sound could be heard across the region.

This time, like the last, my black blade is greeted with fierce defense. I couldn't even scratch the surface of the Peak Trainee's armor.

After such a setback, I retreated utilizing the lightning technique.

"Ha... Ha... Ha..." exclaimed the bandit.

"You can't kill me because my armor is powerful," he said.

But, once again, he was irritated. He was forced to employ his defensive maneuver. The bandit roared, his pulse pounding with hatred. He can't wait for his opponent to exhaust his essence.

He detects something odd about his opponent. The opponent is always moving at breakneck speed. However, the bandit believes that the purple light is not caused by the wind element.

The bandit's chest tightens unexpectedly. The purple streak flew at him before he could recognize it. When he realized this, he immediately reinforced the armor by pouring earth essence into it.

Surprisingly, the purple streak had nothing to do with him. It landed right at his feet.


Several loud roars reverberate throughout the region. The explosion of the purple streak set off nearby explosive artifacts. All of the explosive artifacts exploded one by one within seconds.

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