Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 103 Thank you for your contribution to the treatment of Ravenclaw

Rice waved his left hand, and the mud on the ground flew into the air, forming a big ball around Chilo, completely locking the shock wave of the explosion inside the ball.

With his right hand, he waved at the fleeing spirit of Voldemort. Voldemort suddenly felt that the air around him had become thicker, and he was flying towards Rice uncontrollably.

He couldn't help but be horrified: He no longer had a physical body at this moment, why could the monster still imprison him? !

If Les knew what Voldemort was thinking, he would definitely smile and say to him: Without a body, wouldn’t there be no magic power?

It is true that I cannot control the magic power in your soul with ease, but I can use the effect of magic power to retain you with the magic power under my control.

In this area, unless you have neither a physical body nor magic power, you will definitely be within his control and be affected by him.

Voldemort was pulled in front of Rice little by little.

Voldemort was now an earthy-yellow shadow, with a ferocious face emerging from the shadow from time to time, and Les could hear its indistinct roar.

He ignored Voldemort's roar and concentrated on studying the properties of the thing in front of him. Compared to Harry and Daphne, Les's understanding of him was much shallower. He didn't even know that this was Voldemort - he only knew that the biggest villain behind the scenes was Quirrell and the guy behind Quirrell's head.

But for him, it doesn't really matter who this thing is, and he doesn't care much about it.

After studying for a moment, Rice saw through Voldemort's true nature.

Stupid thing. After seeing through Voldemort's details, Rice couldn't help but make a sharp comment.

The yellow shadow in Les' hand made more noise.

There is no body, only shadows and a little steam, not even as good as ghosts and wandering souls. What's the point of such immortality - guys like you who make Horcruxes, do you deserve to claim to be immortal? There was a trace of disdain on Les's face. . In his opinion, these wizards who used Horcruxes to achieve immortality simply lowered the value of the word immortality.

Seeing that the battle was over, Daphne restrained Nightmare and rode it closer to Les. When it was less than ten feet away from Les, she jumped off the nightmare and stood respectfully behind Les.

She couldn't help but be careless. In Daphne's eyes, the battle that just broke out was extremely shocking. The magic he used was beyond her comprehension.

She had fought against Quirrell before, who was possessed by Voldemort, and she knew how powerful the enemy was. If it weren't for the help of the nightmare in the crystal ball, she wouldn't even be qualified to fight back. She alone couldn't even penetrate his defense. As a result, such a powerful monster can be ravaged at will like a toy in the hands of the person in front of him.

Facing the respectful Daphne, Les was furious when he saw her. He didn't want to pay attention to her now, but just waved his hand to signal her to stand aside and not interfere with his own business.

Seeing the impatience in the other party's heart, Daphne could only stand there aggrievedly. Fortunately, there was a nightmare to stand with her, so it was not too embarrassing.

While Rhys was studying Voldemort, Daphne was studying him too.

To be honest, she always felt that the wizard in front of her looked strangely familiar. Judging from his clothing, he looked a bit like the image of Slytherin he had seen in the Chamber of Secrets before. Listening to his voice, his voice had an indescribable sense of familiarity.

After thinking about it, Daphne frowned. She finally found the source of this familiar feeling. The green-robed wizard's voice was very similar to Les!

But wasn't Les admitted to the school hospital due to drug poisoning? Wait a minute!

Two ideas appeared in Daphne's mind one after another, corroborating each other, which gave Daphne a bold guess.

In order to prove her suspicion, she poked the nightmare standing next to her and moved it towards the green-robed wizard...

Looking at Voldemort struggling in his hand, Rice felt that it was a waste of food and a pity to abandon it: he could crush this wandering soul at will, or he could seal it in a dark place, but he Can't kill the opponent.

This is determined by the characteristics of the Horcrux. A wizard who owns a Horcrux will not be killed until the last Horcrux is destroyed. Even if their physical bodies are destroyed, they can still survive in the form of wandering spirits before them. With the assistance of magical rituals, or the soul fragments in the Horcrux are nourished and nourished, they can be resurrected.

This is also a characteristic of Horcrux wizards - they are difficult to kill, which is one of the few advantages of Horcruxes.

Wizards who use Horcruxes are a bit like potatoes. They cut off a part of their souls and they can sprout again at any time. The thing in Les's hand is just a part of the potato. Even if it is destroyed, the potato can grow back with other cuts.

However, even if Les didn't like the fragment of Voldemort in front of him, after all, it was still a soul fragment, and it was of some use.

A bold idea was born in Rice's mind.

He felt that the fragment of soul in his hand seemed to help Ravenclaw's disease.

The problem with Ravenclaw is that his soul was contaminated by staying in the depths of the seal for too long. The first treatment plan that Les came up with was to prepare some magic potions to wash away the dirt attached to the soul. For this purpose, he prepared several types of magic potions. Some may make the connection between pollution and soul no longer close, some can merge with pollution to strip away the pollution, and some can simply purify the dirt directly.

The core difficulty of this treatment plan is that the crazy Ravenclaw will most likely not cooperate with him. The cleansing of the soul is painful. Even if she does not have such a high desire to fight, she may attack the healer out of instinct.

Les's behavior was like removing a cavity from a strange lion without anesthesia.

With this soul fragment, the difficulty of the operation will be reduced a lot, because he can directly join the fragment and Ravenclaw's soul together, allowing the fragment to absorb the pollution in Ravenclaw's soul. As for whether the fragments will in turn erode Ravenclaw's soul, Les feels that this is really too much thinking, and he really thinks too highly of the guy in his hands.

Rice has a new treatment plan.

Looking at Voldemort in his hand, the corners of Rice's mouth curled up slightly: He really had to thank this gentleman for his outstanding contribution in treating Ms. Ravenclaw.

What is the specific content of the contribution...

Who says that serving as a medicinal material is not considered a contribution?


Here’s an update, the second one will be a little later.

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