Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 115 Wake up, Ravenclaw!

Long before the action, Les had envisioned what would happen after meeting Ravenclaw. ♦♡ Ravenclaw in a sober state was quite repulsive to his potions. He didn't think that she would drink his potions obediently as she was already crazy.

So how to make these potions affect Ravenclaw's soul became a problem.

The solution Les gave was to make those potions volatile. This, combined with the fact that the battle location is likely to be a confined space, naturally allows Ravenclaw to be educated by the potion.

At this time, during the fight between Rice and Ravenclaw, all the potions sprinkled on the ground had evaporated, and the concentration of potions in the confined space was gradually increasing.

Les smashed bottle after bottle of potion on the ground, as if they contained not precious potions but mineral water. His behavior was as generous as asking for money for the raw materials of a potion.

If Ravenclaw had still retained her intelligence, she would have noticed the clues in Rice's behavior, but now she has lost her mind and become as easy to deceive as Gryffindor.

The potion in the air adhered to Ravenclaw's soul little by little. At first, she didn't notice anything strange. After the amount was large enough, wisps of black smoke began to appear from Ravenclaw's ghost.

The pain from the soul interrupted Ravenclaw's attack for a moment.

Of course, Les couldn't let go of this opportunity. He threw out the remaining potions. When the potion bottles flew in front of Ravenclaw, one bottle suddenly exploded, and the splashing fragments destroyed the other bottles. was crushed, and a large amount of potion was poured directly on Ravenclaw.

At this time, Ravenclaw could no longer remain calm, and she screamed in pain.

The magic potion poured on her body was like hot oil poured on an ordinary person, causing her great pain.

And in order to make the potion have stronger adhesion, Leicester deliberately made the last batch of potion quite sticky, so they hung on Ravenclaw's body and wrapped her.

The function of these potions is very simple, which is to corrode the soul and eliminate magic. If used on ordinary ghosts, this is undoubtedly poison, but for a polluted soul like Ravenclaw, these potions are like soaking in white vinegar. Just like silverware, the spoiled parts can be removed.

However, the process was quite painful. If Ravenclaw could still maintain a certain level of sobriety, Rice would not use such crude methods.

The surface of Ravenclaw's ghost became like boiling porridge, with many large and small bubbles emerging. The bubbles swelled little by little, and when they burst, black smoke emitted.

When the black smoke dissipated in the air, screams came from the void.

Les no longer used the swamp to hide his figure. He surfaced directly from the ground and looked at Ravenclaw who was in pain. The potions attached to her body had turned dark and dirty. Like mud.

It's time for the final step.

Rice rolled up his sleeves, and there was a hideous human face on the top of his arm. This was Voldemort sealed in his body.

He pulled out his wand and drew a circle on his arm with the tip of the wand, and the human face was immediately peeled off.

Different from the way it looked when it first came into contact with his skin, with claws and tentacles protruding, the face now was wrapped in Rice's magic power, like a water balloon.

While taking out Voldemort from his arm, Rice applied a layer of ointment on his surface. This ointment had no effect and was only used to strengthen his adsorption ability.

With this ointment, Voldemort could draw more taint from Ravenclaw's soul.

Rice carefully drove the ointment-smeared face bubble towards Ravenclaw. Now she no longer had the energy to pay attention to Rice's little movements, so he successfully put the face on Ravenclaw's. On the spiritual body.


The cover formed by magic power shattered, and Voldemort's remnant soul subconsciously extended his tentacles towards the nearest spirit body...

In an instant, the souls of Ravenclaw and Voldemort merged together, and Voldemort and Ravenclaw let out an astonishing scream.

In contrast, Ravenclaw's condition improved visibly. The porridge-like substance on the surface of her spirit body rushed towards Voldemort's remnant soul. The black flocculent matter in her spirit body also began to reunite, and Transferred towards Voldemort's body...

This process lasted about a quarter of an hour.

At this time, Daphne, who was standing outside the corridor, fell into anxiety - when countless wind blades struck, the screen of the crystal ball fell into darkness, as if the lens was obscured by mud. If it weren't for the bursts of noise coming from deep in the corridor from time to time, she would really have thought that Les had died in the attack just now.

However, the noise soon stopped, and after a few screams came from the corridor, there was no sound again. Fortunately, the scream sounded like a female voice, otherwise Daphne would really have to run down to see what was going on.

Different from Daphne's mental state, Les' brain has been occupied by joy at this moment: Ravenclaw's awakening is only a matter of time.

At this time, most of Ravenclaw's ghost had returned to its normal ghost appearance, and the dirt in the remaining half of the body had also been reduced a lot, with only some remaining deep in the body. In contrast, Voldemort's soul fragment became as black as ink. Due to the pain caused by the pollution, his facial features were completely distorted, and at first glance it was impossible to tell that it was a human face.

This dark, ugly lump grew like a tumor on Ravenclaw's shoulder. Judging from his appearance, the absorption of pollution by Voldemort's fragments is close to saturation.

The Ravenclaw ghost fell silent, as if falling into a deep sleep.

Les stood aside, waiting expectantly. Suddenly, he remembered something, and immediately created a note and flew up the corridor - he had to report to Daphne that she was safe, so that the little girl would not be worried.

After receiving Les's note, Daphne breathed a sigh of relief: It's okay.

But she was also secretly curious: Who was the person worthy of Les's troubles? Why is it in the seal? What does it have to do with Les and the family behind him?

Reminiscent of the role of the dungeon within the seal, Daphne felt that the person Les came to rescue was most likely his ancestor, or a senior who guarded the seal.

More than half an hour later, when Daphne outside the corridor began to draw a chessboard on the ground and play chess with herself, Les noticed that the Ravenclaw ghost's hands were trembling.

He was suddenly fully out of the swamp, the mud sliding off him without staining his robes.

Ravenclaw's eyes rolled a few times, and suddenly, she opened her eyes.


The second update is here, good night everyone!


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