Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 129 I hope Lockhart can take on the role of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher

No. 12 To assume the important role of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts

Following the stream upstream, Les and Daphne soon arrived outside the white villa.

As soon as the two arrived at the door, a young female voice came from the house: Dad, dad, sister is back with that boy!

The person shouting was none other than Daphne's sister, Astoria. She had been lying by the bedroom window in a daze, so she immediately saw her sister who came home with Les.

When Daphne heard her sister's voice, she couldn't help but pursed her lips and complained in a low voice: It's not like I haven't told her her name before. It's really annoying!

Astoria woke up the sleeping house with a loud voice. Mr. Henry, Mrs. Greengrass and their house elves all came to the living room on the first floor of the villa, waiting for what Daphne mentioned many times in her letter. Meet Les.

As early as in the letters with his daughter, Mr. Henry knew that the child Les could not be treated as an ordinary child. He has mastered a lot of ancient and mysterious knowledge, and also holds many precious and rare treasures in his hands - exactly what Mr. Henry desperately needs. What's even more astonishing is that if the daughter's speculation is true, the strength of the wizard who looks like a little boy can only be described as enigmatic.

As for why Rice is willing to show kindness to his daughter, Mr. Henry believes that his surname is at least half of the credit. If he is really a descendant of Slytherin as his daughter said, then the two families can be regarded as family friends, but the friendship between the previous generation dates back a thousand years ago...

Unlike Mr. Henry, Mrs. Greengrass and Astoria were simply curious about the name Daphne often mentioned.

Les's appearance was good and he left a good first impression on them.

Please sit down, Doudou, go make a pot of tea and bring some desserts. Mr. Henry ordered his house elf.

Yes! The elf snapped his fingers and disappeared. After a while, he rushed over dragging a huge silver plate.

Treat this place as your own home, and you can live here as long as you want. Mr. Henry was very enthusiastic.

Les smiled and nodded, then chatted with the Greengrass family.

While chatting, he also did not forget to look at the surrounding environment. As expected, the manor is still the same manor, but the layout of a thousand years ago has completely disappeared, and almost no traces of a thousand years ago remain - this is a completely new residence.

In this way, Les lived in Greengrass Manor for most of the summer vacation.

His life here is very comfortable and comfortable. Daphne, who knows his tastes and preferences well, can always provide him with the most suitable food and desserts, which greatly improves Les's quality of life here.

At the end of July, Hogwarts sent an owl as usual and sent over a list of teaching materials needed for next year.

Daphne opened the letter, read two lines, and frowned: The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor next semester is likely to be a fan of Gilderoy Lockhart. There are seven Defense Against the Dark Arts textbooks for next semester. His book!”

This is quite outrageous news, because one of Lockhart's books costs five galleons, and buying seven of them will cost a full thirty-five galleons, which is almost as much as a month's salary for an ordinary employee of the Ministry of Magic.

Les also frowned. Thanks to Mrs. Greengrass, he had read most of Lockhart's works. What should I say? From the perspective of novels, they are quite good, but if they are to be used as teaching materials, they are obviously not qualified. Books that teach magic tricks to make life easier, such as Gilderoy Lockhart's How to Rid Your Home of Pests, are good, but they're not on the list.

The new professor asked the students to spend such a large amount of money to buy textbooks. Isn't it to give Lockhart a good score? But Lockhart’s book is already the number one bestseller on the bestseller list, right?

Les couldn't figure it out.

Mr. Henry, who was reading the Daily Prophet, showed a confused smile.

I do know some inside information about your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor next semester!

Daphne suddenly raised her head. Dad said he had inside information, and she believed it. After all, she also knew that her father had a certain status in the magical world.

Dad, tell me! Daphne immediately switched to the little cotton-padded jacket mode and started coquettishly with Mr. Henry, hoping to get some unknown inside information from him.

Mr. Henry coughed twice and gave a hint, and Daphne ran behind him very sensibly and beat his back.

After a while, when Mr. Henry had almost enjoyed it, he slowly revealed the truth.

Look! He shook the newspaper and revealed the headline.

[Gilderoy Lockhart announced at a book signing that he will become the next Defense Against the Dark Arts professor of The Boy Who Lived\

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