Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 141 Lockhart: Les is my biggest fan

[What is Gilderoy Lockhart’s secret ambition?

What do you think is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date?

When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday? What would be his ideal birthday gift? 】

Looking at the two large questionnaires on Lockhart's personal hobbies, Les fell into confusion: Did he not keep up with the times? Could it be that Lockhart’s teaching model is the mainstream of contemporary Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching?

Establish an idol so that students can listen more carefully and learn more actively - are these questions strengthening students' memory and allowing everyone to remember every detail of the book clearly? That makes sense...

Les began to think wildly, and with doubts about life, he finished the test paper in a very short time - basically he took a look at it and chose it in seconds.

What's even more outrageous is that Rice, who has read Lockhart's works in their entirety and has a fairly good memory, knows the answer to every question.

The speed with which Les answered the questions made Lockhart very angry: Can you at least pretend? You got fooled so quickly, who were you trying to fool?

He cleared his throat and said: Students, don't be too hasty, we have enough time, some questions are very confusing...

Rice, who was in a complicated mood, had no intention of paying attention to him. He answered the questions completely according to his own instincts, so he finished writing the entire 54 questions just ten minutes after the test paper was distributed.

Lockhart looked at Les who put the pen aside and was in a daze, and decided to teach this little prick a lesson: he must be severely deducted in order to make him realize that I, Gilderoy Lockhart, is the black man. The dignity of a Defense Against Magic professor!

He walked down from the podium, picked up the test paper on Rice's desk, and prepared to read his paper on the spot and give him some color.

However, the further he looked down, the more complicated his expression became. In the end, his blue eyes were filled with incredulity: Les got every question right and got full marks.

Incredible, incredible - Mr. Les Lint completed my questionnaire in only ten minutes, and every question was correct!!! Lockhart shouted in a very excited tone.

There was an uproar in the classroom.

Although Lockhart's exam method is weird, it is not easy to get full marks on his questions because there are many very detailed questions. Rice can get full marks, which means that he has definitely read every book by Lockhart. , and looked at it very carefully.

Lockhart was extremely happy: This little wizard Les turned out to be my biggest fan! He was so secretive that at first he thought he was his little black boy!

ah? what happened? Lockhart's cry awoke Les, and he pushed the stray thoughts out of his mind, and he soon realized what he had done.

Les: No, I just accidentally got a perfect score!

It's not that Les deliberately didn't want to get full marks in order to keep a low profile. If he really didn't want high marks, he wouldn't have let Daphne play freely at the end of last semester. But some perfect scores are really embarrassing to pick up...

He was suddenly very grateful that Godric and Helga were nowhere to be found and Rowena was trapped deep in the dungeon, unknown to his old friends that he had scored perfect marks on such a test. If they knew this, he would fall asleep on the spot and see you again in a thousand years.

The next twenty minutes were a thrill for Rice.

He really needed a little wizard to get perfect scores like himself. It would be terrible if he was the only one who got perfect scores in the test.

He set his sights on Hermione and Daphne, and Les knew that he could only count on them in this situation.

The moisture in the air reunited beside Hermione and Daphne, and Les took this opportunity to read clearly what was written on their answer sheets.

As he watched, Les frowned: Daphne got several questions wrong - had she read Lockhart's book seriously? Hermione made him speechless. She actually made such a stupid mistake. Was it because she didn't sleep last night?

Okay, kids, it's time. Lockhart clapped his hands with excitement, preparing to take back the papers he had handed out.

Seeing that Daphne and Hermione showed no signs of realizing their mistake, Les couldn't help but feel anxious. He thought for a moment and decided not to act.

The next moment, the quills in Hermione and Daphne's hands moved uncontrollably. With a few swipes, the mistakes on their papers were corrected.

Hermione, Daphne:......

All four eyes looked at Les, but Les was completely unmoved, as if he really had no idea - even Daphne was almost deceived by him.

After Lockhart put the test papers away, he started reading them in front of the whole class.

Finally, he said happily: There are two other students who got full marks - Miss Hermione Granger and Miss Daphne Greengrass, let us applaud them and Mr. Les Lint!

The students who didn't know the truth clapped vigorously.

On the train to Hogwarts, I noticed that Les and the three of them were sitting in the same box, and today they got full marks together. This shows that they usually read my books carefully together - this is very worthy of encouragement. , Ravenclaw plus ten points, Slytherin plus twenty points, everyone should learn from them!


The desire to kill is rising!

He felt that every word Lockhart said was tingling on his nerves, and he really couldn't help but hang Lockhart up and beat him.

After all, after his body returned to its youthful state, his palace became too shallow.

Les still underestimated his endurance - because next an autographed photo of Lockhart was thrust into his hand, but he did not jump up and beat Lockhart violently.

This is a reward for you, you are my biggest fans! Lockhart showed Les a bright smile.

Rice repeatedly warned himself that he had made the school rule that he would be punished by being detained for beating a teacher.

Wait, think about it on the other hand, doesn't it mean that as long as you are willing to be detained, you can beat up the teacher in class?

Just as Les's mind becomes increasingly dangerous, Lockhart saves himself with an unintentional act.

He took out a large cage covered with a cloth from behind the podium and placed it on the table. The cover was lifted to reveal a cage of Cornish elves.

The students present all laughed: this was very different from the extremely dangerous magical animals they had previously suspected. Many students couldn't help but feel quite disappointed. Who would have thought that the famous Professor Lockhart would show everyone this kind of thing in the first class.

Don't underestimate them, they might also be super little devils! He tapped the cage containing the Cornish elf with his wand.

Lockhart chose the Cornish elves as the teaching material for the first class after careful consideration. He believed that these little devils were enough to open the students' eyes. What's even better was that he had the ability to deal with these little devils. They - the supplier who sold him the elves taught him a special spell to deal with the elves.

An unexpected thing happened...

When Lockhart knocked on the cage, the lock on the cage clicked open, and the elves rushed out in a swarm. This group of elves may seem small, but their strength is astonishing. Just two of them can lift a student into the air. They even know how to attack human weaknesses first, and the classroom instantly becomes a mess.

Les' eyes were deep: He could control these elves in just one second, but why did he take action? This is a good opportunity to test Lockhart's quality, isn't it?

He even stopped Daphne and Hermione who were trying to suppress the elf and asked them to calm down.

As a professor, Lockhart had to stand up and solve the problem, so he had the courage to roll up his sleeves, waved his wand and shouted the spell taught to him by his supplier: Peschipixi Pesternomi!

However, his spell had no effect, or rather a good taunting ability, and an elf swooped down, grabbed Lockhart's wand, and threw it out of the window along with Lockhart, the man who dared to resist.

Seeing this, no students dared to stay in the classroom. Except for Les, Daphne, and Hermione, everyone else ran out.

Les covered his eyes.

After this incident, he concluded that Lockhart was a parallel importer, a parallel importer without any real substance.

After reaching the conclusion, he directly raised his hand, and hundreds of seemingly soft but indestructible threads instantly emerged in mid-air, tying up all the crazy Cornish elves.

Les's five fingers slowly closed together, the water line suddenly tightened, and a series of explosions suddenly sounded in the air.

it's all over.


The second update is here. Good night everyone. The next update will be at midnight.


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