Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 147 I order you as the heir of Slytherin!

Rita Skeeter's article set the British wizarding world on fire like a drop of water in a frying pan. Countless emails flew to the Daily Prophet editorial office and Hogwarts Hospital like a snowflake, some of them supported Lockhart, while others denounced him as a liar. A significant proportion of these letters were howler letters.

Madam Pomfrey of the school hospital once banned Lockhart from receiving letters and asked Professor McGonagall to make a soundproof box. When receiving letters addressed to Lockhart, she would stuff them directly into the box to avoid disturbing other people.

Gradually, the voice of the wizarding community became unified: both those who supported Lockhart and those who opposed him hoped that he would go to the Ministry of Magic on the night of the next full moon and testify against a person under the witness of Ministry of Magic officials. The werewolf casts a restoration spell.

Isn’t the problem solved now?

Seeing the fierce public opinion, Mr. Henry also stood up to add fuel to the fire. He said that he would also ask the Ministry of Magic to prepare an extra werewolf because he had contacted a reliable potion maker and successfully prepared a werewolf. Poison slow-release potion, now he also has the conditions to cast the humanoid restoration spell.

He could use the spell with Mr. Lockhart and let the experts compare the differences between the two spells.

Mr. Lockhart, you will definitely not refuse this kind of thing that benefits the Ministry of Magic above all and ordinary wizards at the bottom, right?

At this time, this matter completely broke the circle. Even wizards from other countries had heard about this magical restoration spell and Henry and Lockhart, two wizards who had different opinions.

Seeing that letters like snowflakes were being sent to the Ministry of Magic, Minister Fudge made an immediate decision and announced that the Ministry of Magic would provide Henry and Lockhart with two werewolves on the night of the next full moon, so that the two could show off their skills.

Lockhart was completely put on the fire.

Lying on the hospital bed, he began to become anxious, and then he suddenly thought of a solution: after all, he was still in the hospital. Isn't it normal for his condition to worsen? How could he go to the Ministry of Magic after his condition worsened?

After Lockhart came up with this idea, he wished he could kiss himself twice.

What a genius idea!

Then he sent a letter to the Daily Prophet, saying that he would definitely keep the appointment.

Of course, when that day comes, Lockhart believes that his condition will deteriorate in a very sensible way.

While students from other houses were discussing the Restoration Curse, Lockhart and the Ministry of Magic's pact, the young wizards of Slytherin House were distracted: Draco Malfoy would join The Slytherin House Quidditch team acted as the seeker, and his father Lucius Malfoy prepared a Nimbus 2001 for every player on the team!

When Malfoy placed seven new, smooth and shiny Nimbus 2001 broomsticks in the center of the common room, almost all the little Slytherin wizards were dazzled.

The latest model just came out last month, Malfoy said loudly, while his eyes couldn't help but glance at Daphne and her sister Astoria sitting in the corner, It's much faster than the Nimbus 2000 series. Much. Ha! Compared with it, the brooms of the Sweep series can only be used to sweep the floor!

Daphne frowned: she regretted studying space magic in the lounge. She should have gone to the library. It was too noisy here.

As for the reason for not going to the secret room, it was because her sister had been following her like a follower. She really didn't dare to take her to a place like the secret room without Les's permission.

She closed the notes in her hand, sighed, and stood up from her seat.

Seeing that her sister was about to leave, Astoria immediately packed her things and followed her sister.

When the Greengrass sisters walked through the row of Nimbus 2001, Astoria couldn't help but be attracted by these beautiful brooms, and then she asked in a tender voice: Sister, with these brooms, then Isn’t it a sure win over Gryffindor and other houses?”

Malfoy's eyes lit up: Yes, this topic is a good one!

He tightened his collar, ready to echo Astoria at any time.

After hearing her sister's words, Daphne frowned even more. She rubbed Astoria's hair, and then said to her seriously: Being ahead in equipment does not mean that you will definitely win. In sports like Quidditch, The human element is more important, especially the Seeker.”

After she said this, she glanced at Malfoy, and she immediately saw through the little Malfoy's guard: What do you mean by this? Are you saying that I'm not as good as that Potter?

Astoria, you have to study hard. Money can buy status and superficial respect, but it can never get true respect. If virtue is not matched, the backlash will be more serious in the future.

After these words were spoken, the entire common room fell silent, and Malfoy's face immediately turned blue.

Everyone present knew that Malfoy's selection into the team and becoming a Seeker was closely related to the seven broomsticks, but Daphne was the first person to dare to expose this fact in public.

But she really has the qualifications to say such things! Half of her confidence comes from her last name, and the other half comes from the earth-shattering thing she did at the end of last semester.

After saying these words, Daphne and her sister left the lounge together. After they left, Marcus, the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, patted the livid Malfoy on the shoulder and said that the next time they played against the Gryffindor team, they would be punished by giving them a good lesson. I regained everything I lost today.

Daphne will definitely change her mind about you by then, Marcus said.

Malfoy nodded sullenly. He decided to teach Gryffindor a lesson and turn his image around with a brilliant victory!

The turmoil from the outside world has nothing to do with Rice. The goal of ousting Lockhart from the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts was basically achieved after the interview with Rita Skeeter that day. Rice, who was distracted, returned to the secret room and began to think about various new magic methods. medicine.

He was interested in many projects, one of which was researching a potion to cure Astoria.

After waving his wand and disposing of the spent potion in the crucible, Les sighed: This work is very difficult and it is also a challenge for him.

Rice decided to do the next best thing and stabilize Astoria's symptoms first to prevent her condition from getting worse.

At this time, a faint voice suddenly sounded from the sky above the secret room:

[Come on, wake up and obey my orders...]

[As the heir of Slytherin! 】

Les:? ? ?

what's the situation?

Who is this snake king summoning me?


The second update is here, good night everyone!

The next update will be the same time.



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