Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 175 Gryffindor’s Teaching Method (Good Luck in the Year of the Dragon!)

Watching her sister running around the secret room, Astoria believed that Les must have discovered what his sister had done.

As a good sister to her sister, Astoria used all her strength to control her facial muscles and prevent herself from laughing.

An excellent magician needs a strong body. Even if he cannot do this, he still needs to be in a healthy state. Les said with a serious face.

This is the teaching method left by Gryffindor. A thousand years ago, every student at Hogwarts had to learn it as a required course. However, in this era, it has been adopted by the professors and students of Hogwarts. We collectively abandoned it, and I don’t think it should be the case.”

Even though she was out of breath from running, Daphne still squeezed out a sentence through her teeth: Is this what you saw in the ancient wizard's letters?

Of course! Many students from that year mentioned it in letters to their families. Les responded without hesitation: Students back then had to run in armor. Daphne, do you want to try it?

No! After shouting these words, Daphne stopped and covered the muscles under her ribs - she lost her breath.

Alas. Les sighed, walked up and used magic power to help Daphne.

His actions have nothing to do with Daphne's previous behavior, but he really hopes that his students can have a healthy body, but now it seems that Daphne still has a long way to go.

In the days that followed, what happened before was further fermented. The Ministry of Magic in various countries issued or began to issue policies related to werewolves, and they were willing to provide humanoid restoration services and free wolfsbane to werewolves who were troubled by the transformation on the night of the full moon. Sustained release pharmaceuticals.

Although the production of potions requires costs, the prevention of lycanthropy must be done at all costs.

Due to Dumbledore's guarantee of his credibility and the endorsement of the British Minister of Magic, many werewolves who had just experienced transformation on a full moon night also came up with the idea of ​​going to the Ministry of Magic to try to be inoculated with the Restoration Curse.

More importantly, many ministries of magic have stated that they will keep the identities of werewolves who come to be inoculated with magic spells secret. They only need to send an appointment letter to the Ministry of Magic before the full moon night, and then arrive at the magic on the full moon night. Just do it.

This regulation greatly inspired the werewolves, and they suddenly realized that they could go to the Ministry of Magic in other countries to be inoculated with the humanoid restoration spell, so that the chance of their identities being exposed would be minimized.

As a result, the appointment quota at the British Ministry of Magic, the origin of the Humanoid Restoration Curse, was full.

The vast majority of werewolves want to come to the UK for treatment, because is there a more reliable place than here? In just one week, the number of appointments for the Restoration Charm at the British Ministry of Magic has exceeded the standard by more than three times, and the schedules for October, November, and December were all filled up at once.

The Ministry of Magic originally wanted to announce that it would no longer accept new reservations before December, but after communicating with Dumbledore and learning that Dumbledore was willing to lend a helping hand, the Ministry of Magic boldly removed all werewolves who had reservations. Scheduled for October.

With Dumbledore around, they became much bolder.

After that experiment, Mr. Henry's reputation soared, and he even earned a title. Most newspapers would refer to him as Generous Mr. Greengrass or Selfless Henry. The Greengrass family, which originally kept a low profile, was suddenly thrust into the spotlight. I don't know how many people were praising Greengrass' selflessness, and how many people were envious of his family's heritage.

The magic left behind by Salazar Slytherin!

Being able to produce such an almost legendary treasure is worthy of a family that has been passed down for thousands of years.

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. This is the price Greengrass has to bear after Les attributes his improved spell to the Greengrass family.

Some people are happy and some are sad. Lockhart is the second largest victim of this experiment. After an experiment, his character collapsed. Almost everyone in the world knew that he was a liar. The plot in Wandering with Werewolves was all made up.

But fortunately, he still has a considerable number of fans. Some of his fans believe that Mr. Lockhart writes novels, so doesn't it suffice if the plot of the novel is interesting? You insist on asking him to master many magic spells. Isn't this bullying? As for the words Mr. Lockhart said before, they were all characters created for the sake of immersion in the novel.

Although Lockhart is very grateful to these fans, at this moment he desperately hopes that his fans can shut up and stop causing trouble. But contrary to expectations, he can't control his fans.

This has led to extremely tragic consequences, and more and more wizards have raised questions: Since Lockhart made it up, why is the plot in the story so realistic? And if you heard the stories from where, where are the prototypes of the protagonists in these stories?

As the incident unfolded, some shocking revelations were made. A wizard pointed out that the storyline mentioned in Lockhart's book was very similar to the experience of a friend of his. He went to visit a friend to see if Lockhart had received authorization from his friend. It turned out that his friend had no memory of his adventures at all!

This news immediately made the front page of the local newspaper, and then, riding on the popularity of werewolf experiments, spread throughout the world in a very short period of time, causing a violent sensation around the world.

Under huge pressure from external public opinion, the British Ministry of Magic summoned and arrested Lockhart. What awaits him is the investigation and trial of the Wizengamot.

This time, acting professor Lupine became the official professor of Hogwarts and became another beneficiary of this incident.

Lockhart is the second biggest victim, and the biggest sufferer is naturally the Secret Order. A simple reconnaissance mission directly led to the death of three constellation-level monks, and the Secret Order lost three divine skeletons at once. Subsequently, three bases and dozens of secret agents were removed in retaliation. And because the retaliation is too targeted, the bases and hidden lines controlled by Capricorn and Sagittarius must also be moved. Now the Secret Order is very busy.

For a time, the Secret Order recalled all the monks with constellation titles to the headquarters to discuss the next plan - we can't let the three divine relics be lost in Hogwarts, right?

The families of Viggo and Sargitaris were jumping up and down, eager to incite the Secret Order to immediately launch an expedition to Hogwarts, level the place and recapture the organization's treasures. But most of the constellation monks expressed their refusal.

The reason is also very simple: if the proposal is really passed, then they will have to fight against Dumbledore, which will eliminate the existence of three constellation monks with one against three!

Do they really want to fight this monster?

But it's also true that the appeal of Hogwarts is getting stronger and stronger, because there are now three divine corpses, a complete divine corpse and Gryffindor's God-killing Sword.

Then they have to plan carefully how to target Hogwarts.


The second update is here ~ Happy New Year!

Today’s Interesting Picture: Hogwarts School of Culinary Arts


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