Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 277 Rice: No one understands the Big Four better than me (Update

Chapter 277 Rice: No one understands the Big Four better than me (Update)

Les's gaze penetrated Scabbers's black eyes and penetrated his heart.

The story behind the mouse shocked Rice. What was shocking was not his betrayal of his friends - Les had seen this kind of thing many times. When Asgard was conquered, there were many cases of father and son killing each other among the Nordic gods.

What shocked him was that this mouse was actually from Gryffindor House? This really shocked Les. He had thought that only people from Slytherin House could do such a thing.

Although I am very reluctant to admit it, under the influence of Voldemort's poison, Slytherin College has become a place of filth and evil, like the trash can at Hogwarts, it has housed countless troubled teenagers, and I have contributed with my own efforts. Killed more than half of the Death Eaters.

What's even worse is that after Voldemort lost power, the Ministry of Magic's liquidation of the Death Eaters was not complete. Coupled with the Sorting Hat's biased sorting, the current Slytherin College is still a stronghold of villains, and pure-blood supremacy is rampant.

In this context, almost everything bad is done by Slytherin House. As a result, Les actually caught a Death Eater from Gryffindor today?

What, you have bad guys in Gryffindor too! Les suddenly smiled with relief, and the more he smiled, the happier he became.


Why did this little wizard suddenly laugh? How scary! ! !

After laughing for a while, Les suppressed the smile on his face and stuffed the mouse Banban back into the cramped little cage.

Banban:? !

It struggled hard, clearly showing its attitude that it didn't want to be locked in a cage, but Les didn't care about its thoughts at all.

He had to think carefully about what to do with this rat. It was naturally impossible to let it roam freely like it did in the Weasley house. It would be a pity to kill it. After reading its inner memory, Les had an extremely strong impulse: he wanted to show this thing to his friends, and then take the Sorting Hat's Modify the sorting method.

Stop throwing pure-blood wizards with questionable characters into Slytherin House!

Today, the Sorting Hat's method of sorting has completely deviated from Rice's original intention. It has become that brave pure-blood wizards go to Gryffindor, smart pure-blood wizards go to Ravenclaw, and calm-tempered pure-blood wizards go to Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff, the remaining pure-blood wizards are all packed up and sent to Slytherin - after being screened out by the first three sieves, are there any good talents left for Slytherin College?

Fortunately, the Greengrass sisters could still save the last bit of dignity for the college, otherwise Rice would really break through the defenses and summon a basilisk to cleanse the college he left behind.

Of course, Helga and Rowena may not necessarily support his idea, because in their opinion, the Sorting Hat's sorting method is quite reasonable...

If you really want to blame something, Salazar, you should blame pure-blood supremacy! Les could almost hear the two men talking in his ears.

Thinking of this, Rice became more and more depressed: the rectification of the college atmosphere would not be accomplished in a day, so he could only endure it for a while, and it would get better in the future.

At this time, Banban in the cage screamed, and at the same time he slammed into the cage, seeming to be very dissatisfied with his situation.

These noises made Les even more irritated, and he quickly made a decision: Scabbers would always be kept in a cage, and if he didn't like it, Les would make him happy.

Les drew his wand.

Seeing this, Banban immediately calmed down: it didn't know what the little wizard in front of it wanted to do, but it obviously shouldn't provoke him further.

"Collapsed." Les used a simple stun spell to solve the problem of Scabbers being too noisy. Then he quickly took out the cauldron and a bunch of crystal bottles and began to prepare the potion for Banban.

unstable emotion? Just a potion and that's how Les dealt with it.

He could prepare a magic potion for Banban to keep his mood stable after drinking it, and his desire for action would be reduced to a minimum. The whole mouse just wants to sleep all day long. This potion would have serious side effects on the body, but Les didn't care - what it did was worthy of the suffering it would suffer.

In addition to mood-stabilizing potions, Les also has many novel experiments that require Scabbers to participate. Experimental materials like this are very precious, and opportunities are rare. After its value is drained, Rice can also entrust Mr. Henry to hand over Scabbers to the Ministry of Magic, so that the descendant of the Black family can regain his freedom.

Thinking of this, Les felt much better. He opened the door and walked outside.

In the following days, he stayed at Greengrass' house.

In this regard, the entire Greengrass family, from the head of the family, Henry, to Daphne and Astoria, were extremely welcoming. Les spent a very comfortable time here.

Halfway through the holiday, Greengrass Manor suddenly received a visitor.

That day, Les was lying on the terrace basking in the sun, and then he saw Mr. Henry walking into the garden downstairs with a hunched old wizard. The wizard is also an old acquaintance of Les, Mr. Borgin from Knockturn Alley.

When Les first woke up, he made his own initial capital through him. To be honest, he always felt that the price of his items seemed a bit low. But he didn't care much, they were just unimportant gadgets anyway.

Mr. Borgin seemed to have something important to discuss with Henry. The two of them walked to a stone table under the shade of a tree and sat down.

"What's the matter, why do you have to come to my house to talk about it?" Henry got straight to the point, without being verbose at all, and directly asked Bo Jin the reason for his visit.

"I recently received a set of rare treasures, top-notch treasures...Only you, the patriarch of the Greengrass family, are worthy of them..." Mr. Borkin took out a set of rare treasures from his arms with a flattering smile on his face. He found a box wrapped in black leather, "a treasure left behind by the founder of Hogwarts."

When the word "founder" floated into Les's ears, he suddenly became interested and stood up from the recliner, ready to take a closer look.

At this time, Daphne also came over, and her sharp eyes immediately spotted her father and Bo Jin in the garden.

"what are they doing?"

"Bogin is trying to sell a certain treasure left by the founder of Hogwarts to your father."

"Eh?!" Daphne was also suddenly interested in the legendary founder's treasure.

Looking at the two excited people downstairs, Les touched his chin.

He felt that it was better for him to go down and watch. After all, no one knew the Big Four better than him, right?


The third update is here! I’ll give you one update first, and we’ll pay off the remaining debts slowly. We’ll have a holiday soon, right?

Tonight’s update, (as much as possible) at midnight

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