Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 402 Helga: Is it true that someone could be so unlucky?

After settling in the mansion, Les did not bother the Greengrass family too much. He just asked the house elf Doudou to prepare a midnight snack for him, and then went to the bathroom in the guest room to take a shower.

The next morning, when Les appeared at the breakfast table, Daphne and Astoria were surprised and wide-eyed.

"Les, you--" Daphne opened her mouth slightly, and she was so overwhelmed by the sudden surprise that she didn't even know what to say.

"It was a little too late when I came out of the old Gaunt house yesterday, so I ran to your house!" Les took the runny sunny-side-up eggs, the white bread that was baked to a slightly yellow surface, the bacon that was fried to a crisp, and the sausages that were sizzling with oil on his plate, and told Daphne the reason for his visit.

Although this reason is completely unconvincing, Daphne and Astoria are still very happy.

"Any plans?" Astoria tentatively asked Les about his next plans after spreading a thin layer of jam on her bread.

"Of course, I'm going to enjoy the vacation." Les said without any hesitation.

He had been ordered around by Helga this semester, so he needed to take a good rest. But before he could relax and enjoy himself, he had to go to Helga.

Les planned to share his gains with her.

But at this time, Les was shocked to find that he seemed to be a little too distant from his old friend Helga - he didn't even know where she was going to live during the vacation.

After calming down and thinking for two seconds, Les thought of three places Helga might go.

First is Diagon Alley. She might rent a room in the Leaky Cauldron and live there for a long summer vacation. This life is the most comfortable and comfortable, and she can also go to Diagon Alley every day.

Helga might also rent a house in Hogsmeade. As far as Les knows, Professor McGonagall also has a house in Hogsmeade Village, so it is not ruled out that she will be roommates with McGonagall.

The last possibility is that she stays in Hogwarts and continues to work on her orders. Helga's business has been booming recently, and she has too many orders to complete. Therefore, it is possible that she will not go anywhere during the summer vacation and stay in her office to catch up on work.

Rice thinks that the possibility of the last situation is quite high. In the past, the four of them did live in the castle...

Thinking of this, Rice suddenly didn't want to see Helga so much. He still wanted to enjoy his summer vacation!

After thinking seriously for a while, Rice decided to communicate with Helga by email and talk to her about the arrangements for the next semester.

Anyway, he would not step into Hogwarts during the vacation! He is a student now. Is it reasonable for a student to go to school during the vacation? !

After making up his mind, Rice immediately started writing to Helga. He even planned to send the resurrection stone ring with the letter.

What Rice didn't know was that his good friend Helga Hufflepuff was in a little trouble at this moment.


"Damn, cough cough..."

There was an explosion in Helga's office, and then a thick smoke floated out of the office window.

Helga, who used the alias Smith White, pushed open the door and let the deadly smoke in the office dissipate faster.

"Wait, I'm really confused..." It wasn't until the fresh air from the window rushed in and formed a convection with the open door that the dusty Helga realized: she could obviously use a spell to dispel the smoke!

"Am I really old and confused?" Helga showed a trace of suspicion on her face.

She couldn't figure it out. As an old wizard, why didn't she think of using magic to solve the problem this time? It only takes a simple spell to solve it...

Helga hurriedly pulled out the spell. Just as she was about to dispel the smoke, she suddenly remembered a special function of Hogwarts Castle.

"Don't--" Helga's face flashed a trace of despair.

Before she could react, the thick smoke triggered the castle's fireproof spell, and the ceiling above the corridor instantly turned into the same sky as the auditorium, and then heavy rain poured down.

Helga: ...

And it's not just the corridor that is raining. The fireproof spell they left behind that year was very smart to find the source of the smoke, and then extended the cumulonimbus cloud to her office.

Then her office became like a hundred Salazars had made a big fuss.

This fireproof spell was set up by the four of them that year to prevent fires inside the castle. And in order to prevent someone from sabotaging, they also strengthened the fireproof spell. Once this thing is triggered, ordinary "Spell Stop" will not work at all. Only people like the principal who have extremely high control over the castle can stop the operation of the fireproof spell.

Of course, they also considered the problem of accidental touch, so the sensitivity of this spell is very general, and it is quite difficult to trigger it. There is a little wizard in Gryffindor who has the talent to add explosion effects to various spells, but he has been studying at Hogwarts for three years and has never triggered the fireproof spell of the castle.

In fact, the number of people who can trigger this spell is rare, so much so that no one knows that the castle has this magical ability.

Helga naturally has the authority to terminate the weather spell in front of her, but she looked at everything in front of her and gave up resistance directly, not wanting to do anything.

Destroy it, quickly.

Helga felt that something was wrong with her recently. She was unlucky in everything she did, and sometimes she would choke herself when drinking water.

Just now, when she was making the parts of the doll, she didn't know which spell or which part had the problem. The doll exploded violently as soon as it was assembled.

If Helga hadn't been so powerful, the explosion just now would have killed her. She is just disgraced now, and someone else would have died here long ago.

"Something's wrong, very wrong," Helga muttered.

If this happened only once or twice, it was bad luck on her part, and Helga considered herself unlucky as well. But these bad things happened too densely, to the point of being abnormal.

Helga suddenly remembered a ridiculous rumor told to her by her old friend Salazar.

The Curse of Defense Against the Dark Arts!

Anyone can only work in this position for one year. If you want to renew the contract after one year, you will have to pay a huge price. So far, no one can last until the second year. Some professors have even paid the price with their lives. For example, a professor a few years ago was killed by a wild boar, which was unbelievable.

Helga counted her fingers and realized that she seemed to have been working to the fullest for a year. Could it be that the legendary curse had also happened to her? But you didn't realize that you were cursed? !

Helga was confused and confused.

She can still tell whether someone is cursed or not. What's more, what kind of curse could curse a wizard of her level and have such an effect?

"Professor White, are you okay?" Dumbledore's voice came from not far away.

Helga turned her head and saw Dumbledore standing not far away, staring at the ceiling where the rain was falling.

"Hogwarts Castle always surprises me. After working and living here for so many years, this is the first time I know that the ceiling here can rain."

"Hogwarts Castle is our greatest wealth." After hearing Dumbledore's words, Helga felt a little better.

She said that after thousands of years of accumulation, no one fully understood the magic spell attached to the castle.

This is the truth.

Even as one of the founders of Hogwarts, Helga felt that the current castle was a bit strange. Over the course of thousands of years, too many amazing and talented wizards have left their mark here, and it has changed a lot from what they were back then.

Of course, the most basic and original things have not changed, such as Rowena's moving staircase and Godric's staircase for the women's dormitory.

"I think the teachers and students of Hogwarts are our greatest asset." Dumbledore retorted to Professor White with a smile.

Helga was stunned and said Dumbledore, you are right.

"This is a question with no fixed answer. Everyone has different ideas - are you not going to let the rain stop?" Dumbledore pointed to the ceiling where it was raining.

At this time, there was already a layer of water in the corridor, and Helga's office was already soaked by the water.

Helga nodded, directly used her authority to forcibly turn off the weather spell, and waved her wand to sweep away the water on the ground.

"Need help?" Dumbledore's fingertips lit up with flames.

He felt that he could use his power to help Professor White clean up her office.

"Thank you." Helga had the ability to clean up the office by herself, but considering her recent amazing luck, she decided to let Dumbledore help her.

Dumbledore didn't waste any time, and immediately controlled the power of the field, trying to restore the flooded office to normal.

Then the power of the field reacted wonderfully with the power of the doll parts accumulated in the office. Before Dumbledore could react, a new explosion was born.


Helga skillfully conjured up a wall to block the shock wave of the explosion.

Dumbledore was silent, the scene in front of him brought back many memories.

The previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professors seemed to have experienced this, but Professor White's scene was a little more exciting.

"Professor White, do you plan to take up the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position next semester? There are actually many other teaching positions in the school to choose from." Dumbledore remembered his original intention of coming here today.

He felt that for the sake of Professor White's physical and mental health, it would be better to provide her with another job.

"Do it! Why not!" Helga was also aroused.

She really planned to continue teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. She wanted to see what this so-called curse could do to her.

Dumbledore: ...

Looking at the ruined office, he suddenly felt that Professor White seemed to be particularly stubborn.

"Then...okay." Dumbledore decided to respect Professor White's choice. However, he will also make two preparations, and at the same time start looking for a backup candidate for the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, so as not to be caught off guard.

"This is the contract. If you change your mind, let me know at any time." Dumbledore took out a roll of parchment and handed it to Helga with a complicated expression.

Helga signed her name on it without looking.

"Good luck to you." Dumbledore left.

Helga started to tidy up her office.

She first got rid of the items that were completely scrapped, and then packed the items that were still usable into packages.

Looking at the remnants of parts scattered on the ground, Helga felt a little heartache: now all the hard work for several days was in vain.

Originally, she had already made most of the parts in the order and was just waiting for them to be assembled before shipping. However, the two explosions wiped out all her efforts.

"Ah..." Helga sighed.


At this moment, an owl flew in from the open window with a letter.

It looked at the messy office, and a trace of confusion flashed in its big eyes.

However, as an owl, the environment of the recipient is not a problem it should care about. It just needs to deliver the letter.

It landed directly on Helga's shoulder and stretched out its claws with a letter in front of her.

"Thank you." Helga thanked the hardworking little owl, and took out a piece of jerky from her arms and fed it to the owl.

While the owl was enjoying the jerky, she took the letter in her hand, opened it and read it.

The letter was sent by her old friend Salazar, and a ring was attached to the letter.

Helga's expression gradually changed with the content of the letter. When Salazar mentioned whether she would continue to work in the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Helga showed a bitter smile on her face: she would definitely continue to work until she solved the so-called curse.

If even she backed off, who else could solve this problem?

When she saw the part about the resurrection stone ring, her expression immediately became solemn: a stone that can resurrect the dead? The three deathly hallows? This is really interesting.

Helga put the resurrection stone ring in her arms and planned to study it later.

After reading Salazar's letter, Helga fell into deep thought.

If Salazar could come, she would be much better here, right? At least she wouldn't have to make parts by herself.

Once this idea came to her mind, it immediately took root in Helga's heart.

Without hesitation, she immediately began to write back to Salazar and tied the letter to the owl's foot.

During this period, the owl stood obediently on her shoulder and enjoyed the jerky she gave him.

"Go." She patted the owl's wings affectionately, indicating that it could go.

The owl flapped its wings and left a pool of bird droppings on Helga's shoulder.

Helga: ...

She cleaned the dirt on her shoulders expressionlessly, and then walked towards her own dungeon without looking back.

After a lot of twists and turns, she finally arrived there. This is her exclusive classroom, a relatively safe place.

In the dungeon, those bad things finally stopped happening, and Helga could wait for Salazar's arrival with peace of mind.


Update is here, good night everyone~

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