Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 466 Dance Partner Competition

Rowana took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

In fact, when Salazar came to her house, she had suspected that he came for the Christmas ball, and she did play a role in fueling the flames.

It was her persuasion that made Dumbledore determined to follow the practice of the Triwizard Tournament, hold a ball on Christmas, and let the contestants who passed the first stage lead the dance.

And her purpose was naturally to watch Salazar go up to dance. But who would have thought that in the end she would get herself into trouble.

Rowena was unwilling to admit defeat, and she was still trying to struggle.

"I'm not really good at dancing. Why don't you go find your two students? They are from the Greengrass family and must be good at singing and dancing."

Les looked at Rowena with a strange look.

"Don't you think there seems to be some contradiction between the two words Greengrass family and good at singing and dancing?" He couldn't help but complain about Rowena.

For four years, he didn't see any artistic cells in his two students, and Daphne looked like a good seedling for learning swordsmanship.

Rowena smiled awkwardly.

"Rowana, be my partner. With your intelligence, you should understand that when Dumbledore decides to let the contestant lead the dance, you have no choice." Les said in a grim tone.

He has figured it out, so he might as well die with Rowena!

Want to make me uncomfortable? Then don't think of staying out of it!

Rowena sighed: I have shot myself in the foot.

She has now realized that Salazar must have noticed something, so he came to me with the idea of ​​a one-for-one exchange. As for why he didn't find Helga, it was because he didn't have any leverage over Helga, and Helga didn't necessarily have to cooperate with him.

I am like an eagle hunting a poisonous snake. I was bitten by a snake in the air, and I died of poison, and the snake also fell from the sky and died.

"Okay, I'll do as you say." Rowena knew that she had no choice but to agree.

Les left Rowena's office with satisfaction, while Rowena went to Dumbledore's office with a bitter face and the antidote Les had made, to prepare for the next stage of the game.

Dumbledore was a little surprised when the door was pushed open again.

He thought that Professor White needed more phoenix blood, and just when he was about to persuade her to let Fox take it slow, he found that the person who came in was Professor Arius.

"You are here too? Is there something? Let me make it clear first, Fox can't draw blood for a short time." Dumbledore first asked Professor Arius to sit down, and then smiled and told her that if it was for the blood of the phoenix, then she could go back.

"I don't need the blood of the phoenix for the time being, I came for this." Rowena put the box full of antidotes on Dumbledore's office.

"In the next stage of the competition, I hope that the contestants can bring these antidote potions before entering the alchemy world. However, these potions cannot be given to them directly. They must pass the test before they can be given."

"Okay, I will contact Henry and let him make arrangements." After receiving the box, Dumbledore asked Rowena a question: "Did something happen inside?"

Royna did not answer, but Dumbledore had seen through everything from her attitude.

I guess that person went in to clean up the mess, right? Dumbledore thought so.

After experiencing that day, Dumbledore actually had a question in his heart, that is, why did he get involved in such a game between children?

Putting himself in their shoes, Dumbledore felt that he was not interested in playing. They were not stupid, and they were not the kind of people who would jump out of their minds on a whim, so there must be a deep meaning behind this move.

Professor Arius's attitude today proved that his speculation was accurate.

"The things have been brought, I will go back first." After handing over the medicine to Dumbledore, Rowena wanted to leave.

Dumbledore seemed to have suddenly remembered something and asked another question: Why do you and Professor White need the blood of the phoenix?

Rowena stopped, her face blooming with joy like a harvest, and shared their latest research results with Dumbledore.

Dumbledore's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance.

He sat up straight and asked seriously: "No restrictions on species? Any magical animal, as long as you pour blood on it, you can harvest the fruit with the ability to transform?!"

Rowena nodded.

Dumbledore couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He keenly realized the great significance of this fruit to the magic world. To put it bluntly, this fruit can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of wizards.

Professor Arius in front of him only mentioned the phoenix and the dragon, but Dumbledore knew very well that there were far more powerful magical animals than these two.

The huge and ferocious Acromanthus, the Nangdu Leopard whose breath is enough to destroy a village and requires hundreds of wizards to subdue it, the Basilisk that will kill immediately with direct eye contact, the bloodthirsty and powerful Chimera, the Manticore...

If wizards transform into the above magical animals, Dumbledore has no doubt that they will gain extremely powerful power.

Fortunately, the blood of these magical animals is very difficult to obtain. But the bad thing is that according to Professor Arius, if you want to successfully take the fruit, you need to have a good compatibility with these magical animals.

I'm afraid that wizards who can have a high degree of compatibility with Chimera, Manticore, and other naturally evil magical animals are not good people, right?

Dumbledore felt a little anxious, but when he saw Professor Arius's calm eyes, he calmed down immediately.

"Great invention, wonderful idea." Dumbledore praised it, but at the same time he also quietly pointed out that this kind of magic should be strictly controlled and not let it fall into the hands of people with vicious hearts and evil nature.

'Salazar has already used it. ' Rowena complained in her heart.

But although she complained in her heart, she kept agreeing, saying that there was no problem.

After Professor Arius left, Dumbledore closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

At the same time, Helga was writing a letter. She had a book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" on her hand, and it was obvious that she had just gained a lot of inspiration from it.

She felt that there were several magical animals that had a good compatibility with her or were strong, and she planned to try them one by one. However, the blood of these magical animals was not so easy to obtain, and she was mobilizing her relationship to find them.

In terms of connections, Helga, who sells automatic combat dolls all over the world, has the best connections, even Les is slightly inferior. It is not difficult for her to buy some blood of magical animals.

After writing dozens of letters and sending them all, Helga relaxed.

Next, she just needs to wait for a reply.

Les walked in the corridor of the castle, feeling the strong Christmas atmosphere in the castle, his face was full of comfort.

These days have exhausted him.

Time travel and high-intensity research have put the three of them in a tense state. Now that things have come to an end, they can also "let their hair down and relax" as Professor McGonagall described.

But after walking a few steps, Les remembered one thing: the doll is still active in his name, and he has to stop it as soon as possible.

According to the new instructions issued by Les, the doll began to move towards a corner of the castle where few people go.

In an abandoned classroom, Rice waited for the puppet as he wished, but what was a little unexpected was that there were two little tails behind the puppet.

"Rice, you finally showed up!" When they saw the real Rice, Daphne and Astoria breathed a sigh of relief, and then became nervous again.

Both of them understood that the "final moment" had arrived.

"I was busy with something and stayed outside. Now I finally have time." Facing the Greengrass sisters who suddenly appeared, Rice began to look for reasonable excuses in his mind to explain why he had been missing for more than half a month.

After thinking about it, he felt that he could tell the truth. Whether it was the antidote or the transformation fruit, they were things that the two of them could know.

However, to Rice's surprise, Daphne and Astoria didn't care where Rice had been before, and they asked a question in unison.

"Rice, can I be your partner for the Christmas dance?"

After asking, the two looked at each other, and there was even a smell of gunpowder in the air.

Rice blinked: Why haven't they found a partner yet? No way...

He couldn't help smacking his lips.

"I've found a dance partner. I'm really sorry." Les said in an apologetic tone.

Hearing this answer, Daphne and Astoria were a little disappointed, but at the same time they were relieved.

"Can I know who your dance partner is?" Daphne was a little unwilling and asked again.

"Professor Arius."

Daphne, Astoria: Huh? !

This answer confused them too much. Why is it her? Can we invite school professors to the dance? !

Facing the confused two people, Les patiently answered their questions for them.

"Of course you can invite school professors. If there is nothing prohibited in the rules, then you can. As for the reason for inviting her..." Les narrowed his eyes: "This has nothing to do with other reasons. I just want to take revenge on her."

As he said, Les shared the cause and effect of the dance with the two people, and said that he couldn't allow the person who came up with this bad idea to stand on the shore and watch them floundering in the water. He had to drag her into the water with him.

Daphne couldn't help but glance at her sister. She wanted to ask why the Christmas dance was a bad idea.

"Have you two been waiting for my reply? I'm really sorry. I've already decided on my dance partner." After realizing that he seemed to have delayed the two students from finding dance partners, Les felt a little embarrassed.

But I'm sorry, it's the most urgent and top priority to trouble your Ravenclaw aunt. Even if time goes back and Les is given a chance to re-select, he will still make the same choice, but this time he will notify his two good students in advance.

However, Daphne and Astoria did not show too much disappointment on their faces. They looked more relieved.

"It's okay. I don't like the others anyway." Daphne responded, and Astoria nodded gently.

"You two..." Les sighed, and there was nothing he could do with these two stubborn girls.

He extended his index finger, tapped each of them on the forehead, put away the doll and walked out of the abandoned classroom, leaving the two behind.

"Sister, do you have a favorite dance partner?" Astoria asked softly after Les's back disappeared.

"Not now, what about you, sister?"

"Me neither."

The two raised their heads and their eyes met in mid-air.

"Then can you be my dance partner?" The two asked in unison, then smiled and reached a consensus.

Les hurried down the stairs and came to the first floor hall. Students from various schools crowded here, making the originally spacious hall overcrowded.

Les tried to push away the crowd in front of him, and at this moment, someone called his name. Les turned his head and found that the person who called his name was Fleur Delacour, a contestant from Beauxbatons who he had met in the alchemy world before.

"What's the matter?" Les had just stood still when he suddenly felt a spell coming at him.

Given that there were people everywhere around him, Les did not use the armor spell to bounce it off, but used magic to wrap this weak spell and let it stagnate in mid-air.

After a quick analysis, Les found that the source of the spell was Fleur, who was not far from him.

"Les, have you found a dance partner?" Fleur was completely unaware that her spell had been intercepted, and she even felt that she had succeeded in a sneak attack.

As soon as the question was asked, Les immediately understood what the spell was. It was either the Confusion Curse or the Imperius Curse, or it could be the innate magic of the Veela. However, considering that the spell did not feel that powerful, Les ruled out the possibility of the Imperius Curse.

Les casually slapped the spell on Malfoy who was passing by.

When Fleur was about to take advantage of the situation and catch Les Lint, the mysterious and powerful contestant, in one fell swoop, Les winked at her and showed her a strange smile.

"It seems that someone wants to talk to you. I won't bother you for now. Goodbye!" Les pushed open a gap in the crowd, slipped in like a snake, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Fleur was stunned for a moment, and then she knew that she seemed to have messed up, because Draco Malfoy from Slytherin College appeared in front of her and asked her in a loud voice if she was willing to attend the Christmas ball with him.

Fleur was completely stunned. She looked at Malfoy like a sea cucumber and couldn't say a word. The people around also stopped, their eyes constantly wandering over the faces of Malfoy and Fleur.

Pansy Parkinson beside Malfoy was even more furious like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

A few seconds later, Malfoy got rid of Fleur's charm, and when he realized what was happening, he felt like the sky was falling.


Updated, good night everyone~

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