Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 47 I want to hire Malfoy to fight for me

Everyone's destiny is different. When Harry and Malfoy accepted Mrs. Hooch's judgment with depressed expressions, Daphne was in the spotlight. New ๐˜น.๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ

The story of her flying directly into the sky has spread throughout the academy, and everyone wants to know how she did it. Ask around from the little girl, maybe you might have a chance to learn this spell too?

You can fly up to the sky with a broomstick, but after all, it is a broom that is almost as tall as your height, so it is not suitable for carrying around. It would be great if you could learn the magic of flying - astronomy classes, divination classes, and other classes where the classrooms are located in the tower. You can fly up directly.

After separating from Professor McGonagall, Daphne met Les who was waiting for her in the corner. Recalling the rhetoric that Les taught her, Daphne revealed that the spell came from a scroll found in her attic. Miraculously, after reading the contents recorded on the scroll, the scroll was automatically destroyed, and Daphne also automatically mastered the spell.

Since Daphne's bloodline and origin are among the best in Slytherin House, even if she said that this spell was taught to her by the portrait of Slytherin, everyone would believe it.

Isn't it normal for an ancient magic family to have some collections that no one understands or has heard of?

Some understanding students also jumped out and said that in ancient times, earlier than the Middle Ages, ancient wizards would indeed use this method to pass on the magic spells they invented. The scroll Daphne mentioned is most likely the flying magic inheritance of an ancient wizard. The ancestors of the Greengrass family obtained an inheritance scroll by chance, but it was not used due to various reasons, and later generations forgot its existence, so it was passed down from generation to generation, and was finally opened by Daphne, a destined person.

Listening to the clear and logical analysis of the little wizards, Les couldn't help scratching his head: the performance of these little guys made him doubt that even if Daphne said that Slytherin taught her this spell, they could find a reasonable explanation. explain.

[Slytherin uses magic to communicate with the gods, and it is unusual to be able to do this]

[Isnโ€™t it normal for a pure-blood family like Greengrass to be favored by Slytherin?]

[Allow Gryffindor to leave the Sorting Hat, but donโ€™t allow Slytherin to leave the curse inheritance?]


That's what happened, Albus. At the staff table on the other side, Professor McGonagall told Dumbledore everything she had witnessed this afternoon.

Oh? I didn't expect Harry's kid to be so talented in Quidditch. After listening to Professor McGonagall's words, Dumbledore immediately put down the spoon in his hand with a serious expression: I think he can be specially recruited to join the Glan. Findor Quidditch team.

Mag fell silent.

She didn't expect that Dumbledore's focus was so strange. Also, this serious expression obviously didn't match the topic he was discussing!

I've decided on this, Albus, the child Daphne -

Everyone has their own secrets, including me. I don't think it's necessary to get to the bottom of everyone's secrets. What's more, isn't it normal for the children of the Greengrass family to be able to do special magic?

Professor McGonagall sighed. Since Dumbledore was willing to think so, she was also willing to trust Dumbledore's judgment. As long as he knew about it, it was enough.

But there is one last question.

Where are those brooms? I don't understand why they're collectively out of control.

I tend to think that this is a burst of magic from the young wizard. Minerva, you should know that there are many types of bursts of magic. The look in Dumbledore's eyes disappeared for a moment, but then returned to normal. As for Mag who was sitting next to him, he didn't even notice his changes. Some little wizards will make a lot of noise, while others will just silently make the glass disappear and let the withered flowers bloom. Maybe this time The cause of the accident was caused by one of the children. They had just entered school for less than two weeks. This is normal.

This is not a bad thing. We can ask the school board to allocate funds to replace the broomsticks in the school that have not been replaced in decades.

Professor McGonagall curled her lips, This is difficult. I think they are more likely to find a broom 'expert' and issue a quality certificate for these brooms to prove that they can still be used safely.

The incident in the flying lesson was over again. The culprit of the accident successfully hid himself in the shadow under Daphne, like a snake waiting for an opportunity, making it impossible to detect its traces.


Promise him. After hearing Malfoy's invitation to Harry for a duel, Ron didn't even hesitate for a second and directly made the decision for Harry.

A real man cannot refuse a duel. I will be your assistant.

Harry nodded. Even without Ron's persuasion, he would have agreed, because he didn't want to miss the opportunity to beat up Malfoy - he didn't understand wizard duels, but he knew how to duel.

What is a wizard's duel? Are there any rules?

After listening to Ron's explanation, Harry frowned.

You can only use the wand? After I die, you want to take my place and continue to fight?

Don't panic, you two know too little magic to really hurt each other - Malfoy can only use his little wooden stick to shoot sparks, and his fists are more effective than your wands. Ron Calmly analyzed Malfoy's sinister intentions for Harry.

He must have thought that you would refuse, so that he could laugh at you everywhere. Ron analyzed Malfoy's thoughts very thoroughly. Fortunately, you don't know much about wizard duels. If it were me, I might have been He bluffed.

Then I will accept his invitation?


Ron's analysis is correct. After Potions get out of class the next day, Malfoy was obviously a little surprised when he knew that Harry had accepted the decision invitation he sent. After two seconds, he said: Very good, let's go to the prize room tonight. See, the door is never locked there.

He left in a hurry before he and Harry could confirm the candidate for his assistant.

I envy you, Harry. You finally got an honest opportunity to beat up Malfoy. Ron showed an envious expression.

Thinking of that scene, Harry couldn't suppress the smile at the corners of his mouth.

Under the training of his cousin Dudley, he is quite good at fighting. The reason why he was always at a disadvantage was because Dudley was several weight classes ahead of him.

Instead of turning to his minion for help, Malfoy found Les in the library.

Les, I want you to be my duel assistant. He directly explained his purpose before Daphne next to Les could speak.


Update is here! The next update will be at 12pm, so you can watch it when you wake up!

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