Angry Male God

Chapter 1 The top student is moving bricks

The annual Labor Day holiday of May Day is usually a happy day for students and employees. During such a long holiday, they finally have time to travel or rest at home.

At this time, at the construction site of Anming Building in Lingjiang City, the sun was scorching at noon, and the sun at eleven o'clock was scorching. Here, many people were working hard just for the double salary of May Day. The workers of the construction team liked this long holiday the most. There was no other reason, just because of the overtime salary during the holiday.

Among the busy middle-aged men, there was a boy wearing a black T-shirt, which was now wet with sweat and stuck to his body. He was moving bricks at this time.

His skin was clean and white, which did not belong to the construction site. He had a short haircut and almost no hair. At this time, the black T-shirt was tightly attached to his body, vaguely outlining his attractive abdominal muscle contours. There was a few traces of hostility on his fair face, looking very fierce. Although he was moving bricks, his eyes were like a wolf, which made people dare not provoke him.

Workers passing by would always secretly take a look at the boy's hand, which had more bricks than others, and then sigh that they were old. If they were young, they could also move so many bricks...

At this moment, Wang He, the adopted son of Shen Herong, who was once the top thug on the black street and now moved bricks on the construction site, had no inner fluctuations. He put the bricks in his hand, which were more than half of those of others, on the ground, and then stood up to continue moving bricks.

[Host, you have been moving bricks for several days! Don't you want to know the story of this body? Slap your adoptive parents in the face, reach the peak of life, and become the ultimate male god. This is the way you should go! ]

There was a voice in his head that hated iron for not being able to make steel, but Shen Herong ignored it and continued to move a dozen bricks, snorting in his head.

"You idiot, you support me if I don't move bricks? You want me to continue to go back to that home to be abused. Am I a masochist?"

There was a bit of contempt in his swear words, which made System 438 stunned and then aggrieved.

[But, but the host's identity certificate is still in the hands of your adoptive parents. Only by getting that can you find your biological parents~]

Putting down the brick again, Shen Herong took the towel on his neck, wiped his sweat, looked up at the hot and thieving sky, and gave the sky a middle finger.

"You bitch, that's someone else's life, not mine. When I was on the road, you weren't even born yet! It's useless to rely on your parents these days. When I make money, I'll find someone to fight back with me, and I'll get my things back, right? As for my biological parents? Sorry, I never had them."

Shen Herong is an orphan, of course, referring to the time before he traveled through time. Although he was brought through time by a system for unknown reasons, Shen Herong still wanted to live well. Although this body has a pair of adoptive parents and a stupid brother, it doesn't matter to Shen Herong.

This body is gifted with extraordinary strength, so Shen Herong skipped classes and came out to move bricks. Now, including the two days he skipped classes, it is now May 3rd, and he has earned 20,000 yuan by moving bricks in five days.

Don't ask why so much, just ask because he is extremely strong and willful.

Before Shen Herong traveled through time, he was a rough man with a junior high school education. Although the body he traveled through now is a top student, he can't expect any scholarships, and can only rely on moving bricks to make a living.

[……] 438 was speechless after being scolded, and he didn't plan to communicate with the new host. He directly sent a wave of electricity to Shen Herong, and everything about this body was stuffed into his head.

In an instant, Shen Herong's body trembled extremely, as if he was passed by an electric current. The whole person lost his strength and fell to the ground. The workers next to him thought that the child had heatstroke. The temperature outside today reached 30 degrees. It is conceivable to move bricks in such a temperature.

A worker in his thirties hurriedly took his own bottle of mineral water, helped Shen Herong up from the ground, opened the bottle and fed him water. He was treated to a few good meals by this kid these days, and he was very grateful.

What kind of feeling is it to have someone else's memory of sixteen years in your head in an instant?

Haha, Shen Herong can tell you that it feels like your head is about to explode!

Various memories shuttled through his mind, allowing Shen Herong to completely understand everything about this body and the unwillingness of this body. In less than a minute, Shen Herong woke up.

"Brother Shen, are you okay?" The worker who fed Shen Herong water was just startled, and now seeing Shen Herong recover, he hurriedly asked.


Shen Herong's face was pale, and he uttered these two words, which was regarded as an accusation against the thief God and the system.

It must be said that Chinese is indeed profound and profound. Two words can express all of Shen Herong's current emotions.

Finally, Shen Herong was helped to rest in a small tent nearby. Of course, other workers still had to work. After all, no one was like Shen Herong, who was not stressed by such a large workload in a day. For these workers, it was a lot to make more than 300 yuan a day.

Shen Herong, lying dead in the tent, continued to curse the system.

"What do you want to do, you idiot? Do you want to electrocute me? I tell you, I don't buy that. Don't think you can brainwash me by giving me someone else's memory. I will not change my name or surname. I am the most handsome guy in the underworld, Shen Herong!!! Even if I traveled through time, I am still the most handsome bricklayer on the construction site!!!"

It took about a week from accepting his time travel to starting to carry bricks to make a living. Shen Herong sorted out the memories in his mind, but still refused to admit that he was the owner of this body, Wang He.

In his opinion, all this happened very strangely. Shen Herong suspected that he was kidnapped and then came to this "fake" world for experiments. Otherwise, how to explain his sudden "implanted" memory?

438 was really speechless about this host. This was the only one who did not regard it as a golden finger after seeing it, but regarded it as a host of the villain. However, the host he chose must be licked even if he kneeled down.

[Yes, yes, host, you are Shen Herong, no one objects, I am the male god system created by the Interstellar Association, and I need to upgrade the transformation of major interstellar popular TV series through the host. Are you willing to do it? ]

438 said that he fabricated a so-called interstellar association and called it a white lie.

Shen Herong, who was lying there, understood this statement much easier than traveling through time, but when he thought of the miserable situation of "himself" in his memory, his tone became even worse.

"How could I not be willing? You didn't ask me if I was willing when you kidnapped me here? Humph, you are just pretending!"

[Correction! Correction! It is pretending. After system detection, the host's cultural level is low. Please improve it in time. ]

438 reminded him kindly again, but it annoyed Shen Herong, making his ears red and then angry.

"What? Do you still despise me for being illiterate? If you despise me, why don't you change to someone with culture? I don't even want to pay attention to you!"

He was angry for a while, and even spoke in a local dialect. For Shen Herong, his junior high school cultural level was indeed not good, but it was a pity that learning was also based on talent. He could fight more than ten or twenty people and could defeat a street, but in terms of learning, sorry, he wanted to know those knowledge, but those knowledge didn't want to know him.

[No, no, host, I promise that 438 absolutely does not dislike the host, and as long as the host studies hard, he will definitely be a super academic master! ]

Shen Herong felt that he would be an idiot if he believed this. It is impossible to be a top student, not in this life.

"Come on, I know what level I am at, just tell me directly, why do you want me to travel to this world?"

Looking at the peaceful and quiet appearance of this world, it should not be necessary for me to be a superhero to save the world.

[Host, please live well on behalf of the owner of this body, Wang He, and live to the end of my life. ]

438 gave the answer. Yes, it was such a simple request. Shen Herong was quite nervous at first, and thought that he would be assigned some kind of big task, but it turned out that he just lived well, which immediately made Shen Herong relax a lot.

"Hmph, what I'm best at is living, so stop talking about slapping someone in the face and counterattacking all day long, you're sick, since you let me live, live according to my way, don't jump out and scare me all the time."

[……] 438 was speechless, but it didn't say anything more, and began to let Shen Herong absorb those memories.

Shen Herong, who was resting in the tent, closed his eyes, and the memories of this body swept over him again. He not only remembered the memories after being adopted by his adoptive parents, but also the memories of just being born.

'I' was born in a wealthy family, my father is a handsome man, my mother is a beauty, the family has a villa and a nanny, and he was stolen during his first birthday party, and then fell into the hands of his adoptive parents.

The days after that were simple. Before he was six years old, his adoptive parents treated him very well. Then his adoptive mother got pregnant, which marked the beginning of the cold violence. When he was seven years old, his adoptive mother gave birth to a son. His adoptive parents poured all their love for him into their biological son, and he became a adopted son who was picked up. Every day, apart from going to school, he would go home to help with housework and take care of his younger brother, just like a free babysitter, and he would be beaten at any time.

From the age of seven to sixteen, he became a free babysitter in his adoptive parents' home. He learned from outsiders that he was not his adoptive parents' child. Because he was afraid of being abandoned, he tried to please his adoptive parents even more. Now he is in the first year of high school, and he studies very well. He is a famous academic bully in the first year of high school.

Of course, in this memory, high school was his last happy time. Because of his excellent academic performance, he has been working hard, hoping to get into a good university and work hard to repay his adoptive parents. However, he did not expect that when he was in the third year of high school, his adoptive parents sold his grades to a child from a rich family through special operations. In the end, he failed the exam and was ordered by his adoptive parents to drop out of school and work.

After that, he worked for a few years and gave his monthly salary to his adoptive parents. As his younger brother grew up, he returned home and heard that his younger brother was getting married. The woman was pregnant and asked his younger brother to buy a house in the city. The family certainly didn't have enough money. He was very worried about this. He wanted to give his younger brother the 100,000 yuan he had secretly saved, but he didn't expect to hear his adoptive parents say that they wanted to sell the jade pendant he had worn as a child.

For so many years, he wanted to find his biological parents, but he never had the chance. Hearing this, he broke into his adoptive parents' room and had an argument with them, but he was pushed downstairs by his adoptive mother and died on the spot.

Their house was an old house, and there was no anti-theft window on the sixth floor, so he died directly.

"Is this idiot mentally ill?"

After reading all the memories, Shen Herong cursed, and then remembered that he was this person. His face suddenly turned dark and he felt a little unhappy.

No, he had to think about getting the jade pendant back...

The author has something to say: I hope everyone will support the new book~ Please leave a message, muah! Three thousand updates before the V day.

There will definitely be a lot of extra updates for this book after the V~ muah!

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