Angry Male God

Chapter 149 Baby-faced rich second generation

The Jiang family's affairs are also a mess. Jiang Shiman's mother married Jiang Shiman's father, but Jiang Shiman's father came with nothing. Later, he changed his surname to Jiang Shiman's mother. Jiang Shiman's mother was weak and didn't understand the business world at all. Therefore, the old man of the Jiang family gradually delegated the company's affairs to Jiang Shiman's father. As a result, this father was not only a Phoenix man, but also an ungrateful man. There were other children in the family. After the death of Mr. Jiang, he was the one who managed the company. The year before last, he even brought his illegitimate daughter Jiang Zhiman back home, which greatly stimulated Jiang Shiman and almost failed the college entrance examination.

It was because of this that Jiang Shiman wanted to work harder and then overthrow her father, but she didn't know that Jiang Zhiman also hated her father in her heart.

The reason why Jiang Zhiman was brought back was because her mother died. Although Jiang Zhiman was an illegitimate daughter, she didn't know it when she was young. She thought her father was just on a business trip. Later, she learned that her mother was actually a mistress, a lover of a married man. Jiang Zhiman couldn't accept it at the beginning, but could only passively accept it in the end. How it all happened, probably only Jiang Zhiman knew it in her heart.

Even if her father compensated Jiang Zhiman a lot later, she still hated her father in her heart. It was precisely because of this that in the plot, although Jiang Zhiman was an illegitimate daughter, she didn't make readers hate her, because from the perspective of readers, after they brought Jiang Zhiman into the story, they found that since Jiang Zhiman didn't know she was an illegitimate daughter at the beginning, how could she accept it later? So it was normal that she never helped the Jiang family again after leaving the Jiang family.

Dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and mice's sons can dig holes.

This old proverb is not nonsense. Jiang Zhiman turned a blind eye to the Jiang family in the plot. This time, Jiang's father tried to save Jiang Zhiman who hit someone and sent several lawyers to deal with the matter. Unfortunately, Jiang Zhiman offended the Shen family.

Jiang Zhiman drove drunk all the way and hit several people. The most serious one was even hospitalized. According to this level, he must go to jail, whether it is drunk driving or malicious injury, especially after the Shen family's lawyer got the video, the video became proof.

When Jiang Zhiman stumbled all the way, it could be seen that it was careless in the front, but when he hit Qiu Wenjun, he did not hesitate and even turned the steering wheel specifically, so this can almost be regarded as intentional murder.

The lawyers pressed on step by step, and the Shen family began to put pressure on the Jiang family. Jiang's father quickly gave up this brainless illegitimate daughter and even took back the lawyer. In this case, no one helped to defend her. In addition to the public opinion caused in society, Jiang Zhiman's sentence was quickly sentenced. She was sentenced to four years for drunk driving and intentional injury. This sentence sounds very much. You know, in many cases, the perfection of the punishment will not be so much.

But who made the Jiang family give up this illegitimate daughter?

Jiang's father is a person who puts interests first. Even if he has feelings for this daughter, he wants to protect his own interests more. So when the Shen family began to oppress him, he quickly gave up his biological daughter. In his heart, he still has a daughter, so he is not afraid.

Jiang Zhiman was also very upset when she knew that she was abandoned by her father. She didn't expect that she would be sentenced to four years in prison just for driving a car. When she was transferred to prison, Jiang Zhiman still couldn't believe it. She even thought it was a huge joke.

Qiu Wenjun was watching other people filming in the crew. She would finish filming in two days. The days in the crew were fulfilling. In addition to acting, she had to study hard. In half a month, the school would start the exam. Qiu Wenjun was a little nervous.

"The girl who almost hit you last time was sentenced for drunk driving and intentional injury."

Shen Herong felt very happy when he thought of this result. Four years was enough for Jiang Zhiman to feel comfortable, right?

Qiu Wenjun was stunned, and then she remembered what happened before. She knew that this must be related to her boyfriend, and she took her boyfriend's hand and said.

"Herong, you did the right thing. Such a person who drives and drinks is simply irresponsible for his own and other people's lives. It is right to go to jail. You are so awesome!"

Being praised by the person he likes, Shen Herong's cheeks blushed slightly, but being able to solve these things for Qiu Wenjun is what Shen Herong likes to do most.

In a blink of an eye, Qiu Wenjun's scenes were officially finished. Director Zhou Shen was very reluctant to let her go, because compared to those female stars in the entertainment industry who could only pose, Zhou Shen felt that Qiu Wenjun, who could fight, was simply too powerful, so he was reluctant to let her go.

The most famous actor in the crew even came to chat with her, and finally said that if Qiu Wenjun wanted to enter the entertainment industry, he hoped that she could join the actor's studio and share resources.

Qiu Wenjun thanked all these seriously. Although she filmed a movie, Qiu Wenjun really didn't think about whether to continue in this circle.

Qiu Wenjun's sophomore year and Shen Herong's junior year began. The two of them didn't seem to be affected by filming movies, and their relationship seemed to be better.

The two dormitories of Qiu Wenjun and Shen Herong, who hadn't seen each other for half a year, officially held a social gathering. As a result, within a month, Shen Herong learned from Xing Yunqi that Feng Wenyuan was actually with Lan Sisi from Qiu Wenjun's dormitory.

"Really?" Shen Herong heard the result and looked at Feng Wenyuan who was reading a book on the side. Seeing Feng Wenyuan reading seriously, he walked over and saw the book Feng Wenyuan was reading.

"One Hundred Love Words to Girls".

Well, okay, even if you are a top student, you still need to learn to fall in love.

As for Feng Wenyuan's love affair, everyone was surprised for a while but got used to it. On the Internet, the promotional video of "The Bandits" was finally released in October, and the film was scheduled for the end of the year.

In fact, this time is a bit rushed, but the film "The Bandits" does not have any big special effects, it is pure martial arts. This promotional video has been on the hot search as soon as it came out, and the fighting scenes on it made the audience exclaim after seeing it.

Anyone who knows Qiu Wenjun and Shen Herong said that they want to go to the movie, and even Shen's father and mother have begun to notify relatives and invite them to watch the movie. After all, they have met Qiu Wenjun in late summer. She is a very good girl.

Soon it was the end of the year. Unlike other movies, "The Bandits" was not promoted in every city. Instead, the online promotion was overwhelming, and almost everyone who opened the webpage could see the movie. In fact, according to statistics from the public, the number of men who chose to go to the cinema to watch movies was twice that of women. This movie was essentially aimed at the male market. Under such circumstances, everyone was looking forward to it.

At the end of the year, two blockbusters were introduced from abroad. In addition to "The Bandits", there were two comedy films, a warm film, and a mess of films, totaling more than a dozen.

Many people in the industry believed that Zhou Shen invested too much this time, and the film he shot was such a 2D film. It was hard to say when the time came.

Although the pre-sale tickets exceeded 50 million at the beginning, it was useless for a film with an investment of 250 million to have a box office of 50 million.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the movie was finally released. Qiu Wenjun was not with Shen Herong. She was at home, and she booked the theater with all her relatives and friends, and saw herself on the big screen for the first time.

Shen Herong also watched the movie with his family. After all, Shen's father and mother were so excited. When they thought that the heroine was their daughter-in-law, their mood was different.

This year's attention must belong to "The Bandits". With high investment, careful filming, and the precision of these martial arts, the box office on the first day exceeded 200 million. After that, it was even more outstanding, leaving all other blockbusters behind. After a week, the box office directly reached 2 billion.

It can be said that Zhou Shen not only did not lose the title of 8 billion box office myth, but even entered the million club!

Of course, the name Qiu Wenjun and the Qiu Family Martial Arts School have become everyone's favorite existence. Since the movie started, local people who know the Qiu Family Martial Arts School have been going there every day to check in, and many people want to send their children to study there. It can be said that this advertisement is unprecedentedly grand, which makes Mr. Qiu very satisfied.

However, just when everyone was looking forward to whether Qiu Wenjun would have new movements, they heard that Qiu Wenjun would not shoot anything else in the short term. He is a top student of Jinghua University, majoring in finance.

This year is destined to be a year of excitement for Chinese martial arts. In the end, the domestic and foreign box office revenue exceeded 6 billion, which is an incredible achievement.

Compared with the excitement outside, Jiang Zhiman, who was beaten and suddenly awakened her eyes, couldn't sleep all day and night in the prison. When she opened her eyes, she saw those very scary ghosts.

Prisons are actually similar to graves. Those who were beaten to death in prison became evil ghosts and were reluctant to leave. So after discovering that Jiang Zhiman could see them, they kept launching mental attacks on Jiang Zhiman.

In this case, Jiang Zhiman went crazy in less than half a year. She was tortured crazy by those ghosts and was transferred from the prison to the mental hospital. It can be imagined that at least the ghosts in the prison died soberly, while the patients in the mental hospital died crazy. Jiang Zhiman just changed to a more painful prison.

When Shen Herong heard the news, he was not very interested because he had graduated and planned to propose to Qiu Wenjun.

This time, they wanted to have the most perfect ending.

The author has something to say: # Please bookmark the author's column and search for Jianghu Bu Jian Mo Da with one click##

The next update will be before 10 o'clock, and a new story will begin! Mo Da!

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