Angry Male God

Chapter 166: The vain male college student

Who is Shen Herong? He is the student most commended by the school this year! Even the freshmen more or less remember this senior Shen Herong.

This senior is not only handsome, but also has good grades. He gets scholarships every time. He also participates in leagues held by the school and other universities. He brings a lot of glory to the school every time. It can be said that he is very proud. Awesome.

Especially during this year's senior encouragement stage, Shen Herong stood on the stage to cheer for the new junior girls and juniors. He was even filmed on video, and it became a hot search topic that day. After all, people in this world are In this way, handsome people are not only handsome, they are also excellent, and it is good that they study well...

So after this post contained Shen Herong's name, it quickly became popular in the forum.

[Gossip Soldier: Everyone should know about a top student in the school recently, and everyone should have heard of his name. I won’t go into details, but you definitely don’t know what kind of vain money worshiper is behind this top student. people. A girl once posted about how she cried after confessing to Shen Herong and was comforted by him tenderly. Some people also said that such an outstanding existence is simply uncontrollable. But have you ever thought about how ordinary girls like you won’t behave like this? We're together not because we don't like you, but because you don't have money! I have here the relationship records between this top student and Bai Fumei in the past six months. In half a year, Bai Fumei cheated her out of more than one million, so I asked you if you are afraid? 】

After this post was posted, many people saw it. Everyone knew that it was Shen Herong, but it was a little strange to see Shen Herong being with Bai Fumei and defrauding Bai Fumei of more than one million. , because anyone with eyes can see that Shen Herong does not have a girlfriend, and there is no one who is even too close to her.

That's right, how can there be women in such a world of top academics? He is obsessed with his tutor's papers and the books in the library every day. Some students even film Shen Herong going to the library to record and encourage themselves every day in order to encourage themselves. After all, there are many people who are better than you in studying. What reason do you have for not studying?

Therefore, when this post leaked out, no one believed it. After all, Shen Herong worked at 3:00 and 1:00 all day, and many people in the school could see it. If he had a girlfriend, everyone in the school would probably know about it. ?

You know, Shen Herong is not unknown in the school. Apart from his somewhat miserable family background, he has been able to get scholarships from the school throughout the year. He is always the best in the same department, and his professional achievements are always the best. He is number one. It is difficult for people not to pay attention to such a person, okay?

So everyone looked next and saw the follow-up of this gossip soldier. It turned out! All this is love from the Internet! Do top academics also want to date online?

Gossip Soldier said that a Bai Fumei named Xiao Yinghua accidentally added Shen Herong on WeChat and fell in love with him. Because she was young and didn’t know how to express her feelings for someone, so the most direct way was She sent money and said that Shen Herong initially ignored her, but after she sent more money, Shen Herong started to pay attention to her and even talked to her.

This clearly means that Shen Herong worships money!

There are also screenshots posted inside. Many of Shen Herong’s classmates have added their names to it. At a glance, you can tell it’s Shen Herong’s WeChat account. The top one is full of transfer information, and the bottom two are worth tens of thousands. It is enough to prove that the money was really given, but because the two people talked relatively little, everyone could not tell whether the two people had any relationship. They just watched Xiao Sakura kneeling and licking Shen Herong, but Shen Herong seemed to be from the beginning. The tail is very calm.

Many students have the most leisure time, so this post quickly became popular. Then as more and more pictures were released by the gossip soldiers, everyone also concluded that the total money from these pictures has really been It has exceeded one million!

Some students accurately calculated the amount of money and found that the total amount was 1.14 million. For an ordinary student, it was really a lot.

In addition, Bagua Xiaobing also summarized the changes in Shen Herong, a top student, after he met Bai Fumei. He bought expensive computers, clothes became more expensive, etc. Anyway, it just means the same thing, that Shen Herong took it. People's money shows off!

In this world, there is a law called the law of men and women.

To explain, women can hit men, but men cannot hit women. If a man hits a woman, he is a scumbag. If a woman hits a man, then there is something wrong with the man.

The same is true in terms of money. It is natural for a woman to spend a man's money. If two people are dating, the man is willing to do so. But if a man spends a woman's money, he is a pretty boy and a freeloader. If he has the ability, , why do you want to take money from girls?

Suddenly, many girls who saw this post had different views on this legendary and graceful senior. After all, regardless of whether this senior worships money or not, just seeing that he did not return the girl’s money is problematic. He should be a greedy person anyway.

As the post gradually gained popularity, Li Jiaxing was very satisfied with what they had been planning for so long.

"I have already purchased the hot search, and I will be able to upload it in an hour. Then the people across the country will see what kind of person this top student is."

Feng Yun, Wang Sui and others were also very happy. After all, they spent so much money and time just to see the moment when Shen Herong fell. However, they didn't expect that Shen Herong was not tempted by so much money, and even didn't ask them for money. So they changed their plan and planned to expose Shen Herong in this way to let everyone know his true face.

"Well, it must be arranged."

So two hours later, a hot search had already rushed into the top three hot searches.

# Anlan University bully cheated money in online dating # Such a title is very explosive. Anlan University is a very good school. With the professional term "student bully", many people clicked in and learned about Shen Herong's money fraud.

In the third hour after the incident, Teacher Meng learned about it and hurriedly called Shen Herong to come to the office.

Shen Herong was in the library before, and some people around him were secretly watching him, but he didn't care. 438 had already told him that his story was posted online, so after receiving a call from Teacher Meng, he got up and went to Teacher Meng.

Many students saw Shen Herong being called by the teacher, and thought that the teacher was going to deal with this matter, but they didn't expect that it would be another ending.

"Herong, since things have come to this, why don't we call the police? This is deliberately destroying your reputation. Although you took the money, you also told her that you did a good thing, and you returned it several times before, and the other party called again, so I mean to call the police, find clues about this girl after calling the police, and then return the money."

Teacher Meng knew that Shen Herong had kept the money to return to the girl, and thought of the school's Xiaoyinghua scholarship fund, and just wondered if this girl was targeting her own Herong from the beginning?

"Well, OK."

Shen Herong nodded. Even if he investigated the truth, it would be difficult to recover his reputation if it was damaged. However, it was not certain that it would be possible if the police intervened. This was considered an infringement of personal rights. In particular, Shen Herong had signed a promotion contract with the Little Sakura APP before. It was really strange that a scandal broke out now.

So the police station in Anlan City received a call from Anlan University, asking the police station to quickly investigate who was the person who released these false news, and also to investigate the news about Little Sakura and return the money to Little Sakura.

The police station also saw this kind of news for the first time. After learning that Shen Herong had added the netizen named Little Sakura, the other party kept sending him money, and then he didn't want it, but the other party wanted to send it, and even harassed Shen Herong, they were really confused.

A young policeman on the side saw this situation and couldn't help but say.

"Isn't this an ATM slave?"

Several old policemen looked over, and the young policeman explained.

"It's a popular name for a slave in the Ace love circle. By dedicating their money to the master, they get the pleasure of having their money controlled. Such people usually have mental problems."

When the police heard this, they didn't know what to say. After all, they really couldn't keep up with the trend of the young people playing with these things now.

However, the police station quickly filed a case for investigation, and then asked the Internet police to track Xiaoyinghua's IP. Unexpectedly, this IP address turned out to be Shen Herong's school, and the post posted by the school was quickly located, and the police quickly began to move out.

The school had already started to spread rumors, and Weibo hot searches had exploded, but now the police suddenly came to the school, which surprised everyone. Some people even thought about whether to arrest Shen Herong. After all, more than one million yuan is enough money to file a case!

However, they really didn't expect that the police went to Shen Herong's dormitory, but they didn't arrest Shen Herong, but Shen Herong's five roommates...

Li Jiaxing, Feng Yun, Zhang Zelin, Wang Sui, and An Minglang were all stunned when they were caught, and they didn't know how to react. When Teacher Meng brought the principal and others over, they were also disappointed, because no matter how they tried to excuse these people, they also realized that these five people had a problem with their roommate Shen Herong.

Because of this opinion, the five of them fabricated the existence of Xiao Yinghua, and then tried to seduce Shen Herong with money. Who knew that Shen Herong didn't take the bait, and later he continued and paid more than one million, just to make everyone think that Shen Herong was a vain person?

Isn't this a brain flood?

The author has something to say: Four updates before five o'clock! Four updates today! I'll take a nap in the afternoon

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