Angry Male God

Chapter 48 The celebrity dad who cheated his son

Following Yang Xin, he arrived at the venue he had reserved. This place was very similar to a private shooting range.

"How about playing with guns with me, one million per round?"

Yang Xin really liked guns, but he had not yet obtained a gun license, so he admired people who were talented in guns.

"Then you have to give me money." Shen Herong did not hide it from the man in front of him. He had already remembered who Yang Xin was. Although Yang Xin was so awesome now and could do whatever he wanted, his funeral was even more awesome. The son of the richest man died in kidnapping. The kidnappers extorted as much as 3 billion yuan. Even though the richest man sent money, Yang Xin still died. This caused a great sensation at the time.

Anyway, some people sympathized with him and some cursed him online, and it was unknown who this rich young master Yang Xin had offended.

Calculating the time... it was exactly this period.

During the time when Yang Xin was gambling in Anyang City, his bodyguards had an insider, or in other words, the bodyguards also started gambling. Once a person gets involved in gambling, he will go crazy. So in order to pay back the money, Yang Xin's bodyguards betrayed him and handed him over to the kidnappers.

"I'm happy to send money. You should... know me, right?" Yang Xin smiled. He was only 27 years old this year, and he was only a few years younger than Shen Herong. The two looked about the same age, but Yang Xin was more famous on the Internet. He always liked to discuss various current affairs on the Internet, and every time he spoke, he was very passionate.

"Well, who doesn't know the national husband Yang Da Shaoye?" Shen Herong raised his eyebrows. He liked Yang Xin in front of him. After all, this child couldn't solve the problem of a family. No matter whether people on the Internet were flattering or despising him, Yang Xin lived more freely, but died young.

"Hahaha... that's just the name on the Internet. Actually, you can call me Yangzi."

Yes, Yang Xin is such an approachable person. He will be very enthusiastic to anyone he likes. Shen Herong didn't think it was strange and nodded.

"Yangzi, nice to meet you."

The two men smiled at each other and started shooting. The so-called round means ten shots. With the sponsor paying here, Shen Herong saw all kinds of firearms in this underground casino. They were all modified. Even if they hurt people, they would not be fatal. Almost at the moment he touched the gun, Shen Herong no longer concealed himself, as if he had become a different person.

The sound of bang bang bang resounded in this venue, and the numbers reported by the mechanical sound on the opposite side made Yang Xin very excited! Ten rings!!! Ten consecutive shots were all ten rings! This is already a very terrible result!

"Brother, you are awesome! So awesome? Tell me secretly, do you have a gun license?"

Although underground casinos don't ask for gun licenses, Yang Xin always wants to get one.

"No." At least there is no gun license in this world. When Shen Herong was shooting, he observed the bodyguards around Yang Xin calmly. There were four bodyguards in total, and one of them was the most suspicious because the bodyguard's standing posture was a little strange, and there was a slight difference from the other people.

Yang Xin really admired Shen Herong this time. He pulled Shen Herong to sit down and drink tea. He also knew Shen Herong's name and age.

"Brother He, you are so good at shooting, can you teach me? I am a member of the club in Shangjing City, but you just saw that my shooting is really not very good."

About every man is interested in guns, so Yang Xin is the same. At this time, in order to have good shooting skills, he is even willing to call Shen Herong Brother He.

"No problem." Shen Herong thought this was still okay, but then he looked up at the bodyguards and said.

"Are all your bodyguards veterans?"

Yang Xin was stunned when he heard such a sentence, but he didn't think much about it and replied.

"Yes, they are all special forces soldiers my father found for me. They were very powerful in the past and have been with me for three or four years. What's the matter? Brother He wants to compete with them?"

Special forces soldiers are of course good at using guns, but they feel different from Shen Herong. If Yang Xin likes to be taught by special forces soldiers, he would have asked his bodyguards to teach him long ago. How could he be interested in Shen Herong?

"No, I just want to tell you that bodyguards should not stay with you for more than three years."

If you know them well, it's okay, but many employers don't care what happens to these bodyguards, but it is often these little people who bring down many big people.

Yang Xin was not a fool. He understood what Shen Herong wanted to say. He had always thought that Shen Herong was not an ordinary person. He was even more curious at this time. He leaned over and lowered his voice.

"Brother He, what did you see? You don't have to hide it from me. There is something wrong with these people?"

Others might not think so much, but Yang Xin's identity and position were there, so if something really happened, Yang Xin himself dared not think about it.

Shen Herong also lowered his voice and did not hide it from Yang Xin.

"The dark-skinned bodyguard on the left looked a little erratic, and his walking style was not normal. I observed him for a while. His hands were shaking slightly. When he took something for you just now, it seemed that there was medical tape on his wrist. I have reason to suspect that he was taking drugs."

In this world where gambling and drugs are rampant, gambling is legal, but drugs are still looked down upon, just like a gun license. This thing is strictly regulated. Even if you get a gun license, you can only go to the club to play. At most, you will not be forcibly arrested by the police after doing something righteous. Therefore, the possibility that a person can take risks and mix with the kidnapping gang is, in addition to gambling, drugs.

Shen Herong is also a person who hangs out on the red street, but he will never touch pornography, gambling, and drugs. If he touches those things, a person's conscience will be gone.

Yang Xin froze for a while. He didn't expect such a big thing to happen among his bodyguards, but he was still calm and smiled.

"I'll have someone check it out right away."

He said, and took out his mobile phone directly, and then called someone to check the special forces soldier named Wang Biao.

After this incident, the two played for a long time. Shen Herong thought of his son who worked hard outside to make money to support his family, and felt that as a father, he must express his gratitude.

"Yangzi, do me a favor?" This underground casino teamed up with Liu Yang to cheat him out of nearly 20 million. Shen Herong thought he was not the kind of gentleman who would take revenge even after ten years. Generally, he would settle the grudge on the spot.

"Okay, what favor?" Yang Xin liked to join in the fun the most. When he heard Shen Herong's words, he immediately became interested.

So next, the top management of the entire casino had a report that it was Yang Xin, the son of the richest man, who initiated the Russian roulette and invited 50 players to join, each with 10 million funds.

In places like underground casinos, if you can afford it, you can play, and if you can't, don't talk nonsense.

Ten million is nothing for the senior members here, but within a minute, fifty people have joined. Most of them came to meet Yang Xin. No matter whether they lost or won 10 million, at least they could exchange contact information with Yang Xin, which was already good.

The son of the richest man, can he be short of 10 million?

Of course, Shen Herong also asked Yang Xin to borrow 10 million chips. He was still the banker. The casinos below had to join the game of 50 people. At least 10 million chips had to be played, and they couldn't take a cut. It can be said that it was just to make a name for himself. Shen Herong just wanted to make this money.

In addition... if everyone knew that the son of the richest man was here, would the kidnappers dare to do it?

Yang Xin had hidden his identity before, but now that his identity was revealed, the effect was of course different.

Everyone was gathered in a huge venue. There was not only a venue, but also some people to watch. When the gamblers heard such a big bet, they were already red-eyed. Fifty people, 10 million per person! Including the banker! That's a huge bet of more than 500 million! So almost everyone was discussing this gambling.

I thought, no wonder the son of the richest man likes to play these fun things.

Although Yang Xin was the initiator and not the banker, many people came to exchange business cards because of his status. They also gave business cards to Shen Herong, thinking that Shen Herong had a good relationship with Yang Xin and must be a young master of a wealthy family. Everyone was in harmony, and no one mentioned anything about 10 million.

After all, who can come to Anyang City to gamble? Can anyone be short of 10 million? Everyone is a person of status, okay?

Liu Yang had heard about this outside, and he also wanted to ask Shen Herong what was going on, but Shen Herong stood with Yang Xin, and he had no chance to contact him. When he thought about the other party and Yang Xin getting along well, he was really angry and his brain was about to explode!

This was a game of making friends for the rich, and the bet was on Yang Xin. Everyone wanted to get close to Yang Xin, so the 10 million was simply given to Yang Xin, and Shen Herong was the banker, and no one thought that there would be a situation where everyone would take it all.

So half an hour later, when the alarm sounded on the spot and the announcement of the hit was made, these businessmen couldn't help but look at Shen Herong next to Yang Xin. They didn't expect that this man was a talent.

This kind of Russian roulette is absolutely impossible to operate in secret, so it can only rely on luck or skills. However, the person who invented this game has found many national shooters with great shooting skills to test it. Even such people can't always hit what they want, let alone an ordinary person?

Although everyone lost 10 million, they still had a smile on their faces and congratulated Shen Herong. One person suddenly had 500 million, which is no different from getting rich overnight...

The author has something to say: This story should be about 15 chapters, and the next update will be before 10 o'clock

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