Angry Male God

Chapter 59 The celebrity dad who cheated his son

This is Shen Yuxing's first time in Las Vegas. This gambling city is known as the Sin City all over the world. Every place is filled with an indescribable sense of decadence and splendor.

Probably the more prosperous people feel, the more degenerate and decadent they feel. As a person who is not yet an adult, Shen Yuxing is brought to such a place by Shen Herong. Of course, it feels different from that of an adult. Same.

Sister Su and others would only sigh at the prosperity and splendor of this strange place, but Shen Yuxing felt that this city was like a charming woman posing, driving all the lustful men and women crazy.

Because Shen Herong is now considered the owner of the pyramid, and among the assets of Caesar, there is a house that belongs to them. Shen Yuxing was brought by his father to the villa area where they live now. After knowing that this villa also belongs to his father, then I feel like I really don’t know what to say.

Sister Su also saw the domestic news, so after finishing the meal, Sister Su put forward her own ideas.

"Since your photos have been taken by the paparazzi before, I mean why not post it on Weibo to prove it?"

Although gambling in this world is protected by law, it is really strange for a celebrity to appear blatantly in a place like Las Vegas.

"Well, that's okay." Shen Herong nodded. He supported his son's affairs.

"Then let me send one too~" Yang Xin came over to join in the fun, and then hugged Shen Yuxing. Shen Yuxing also discovered at this moment that the so-called national husband is just the name everyone gives Yang Xin. In fact, Uncle Yang is a very good man. Where are the good people~

Ever since, the three of them took photos together and finally decided to let Shen Yuxing post it on Weibo.

Domestic hot searches are taking over, and everyone is speculating about the relationship between Yang Xin and Shen Yuxing. Shen Yuxing's Weibo, which has not been posted for half a month, has finally been updated.

[Shen Yuxing V: I came to Las Vegas with my dad and Uncle Yang. My dad is going to participate in a poker competition. I hope my dad can win the championship~@宇星的小universe@杨鑫[Picture]]

In the photo, Shen Yuxing is standing between two men and being hugged. On the left is national husband Yang Xin, and on the other side is the man who fans think is Shen Yuxing's brother. Unexpectedly, this man turns out to be Shen Yuxing's father?

Fans were instantly shocked because the looks of the father and son are so awesome! And why is Shen Yuxing’s father so young? This is not scientific at all!

What's more, Shen Yuxing actually called Yang Xin Uncle Yang. This relationship must be close, which proves that Shen Yuxing's family must be very rich. Thinking of the company's efforts to protect Shen Yuxing's reputation in the past two years, now it has become It is because of Shen Yuxing's family background that his identity cannot be discovered. This can be said to be a very wonderful result.

As for why... no one knows Shen Yuxing after his debut, or it seems that he does not exist in reality at all. It is because before he debuted, he was not called by this name, and Shen Yuxing wore glasses at that time. Although he looked Okay, but the hair is long and covered, and teenagers change every day. No one knows that the Shen Fan of the past has become the Shen Yuxing of today.

People in the entertainment industry are probably superstitious. After Shen Fan signed a contract with an entertainment company, he asked a master in the industry to change his name in order to make his debut. At that time, the master said that the name Shen Fan was not very good, and he was afraid that he would be hurt by others. With the name of jealousy, wouldn’t it mean that with all the prosperity in this world, one would be envied by others?

Later, the name was extended to become Shen Yuxing, which means that Shen Fan shines like a star in the universe. Shen Herong liked this name very much at first, and as expected, he became an instant hit after his debut, with fans everywhere. It can be said to be very powerful.

In short, this news makes Shen Yuxing's fans happy, and Shen Yuxing's company is also very happy. They don't care what Shen Herong did in the past, but now, the popularity and commercial value Shen Herong brings to Shen Yuxing are other people's business. All incomparable.

Xue Linjia also saw this Weibo, and he was actually a little panicked. He had never told anyone else, not even his parents, about what he did to Shen Herong. Now seeing Shen Herong going straight up into the wind, Xue Linjia felt worried. He was envious and jealous, but also felt an indescribable uneasiness in his heart. He didn't know why. He could only hope that Shen Herong and Shen Herong would not find out about Liu Yang, if the other party was really as powerful as what was said on the Internet. , then will he do something to himself?

People with a guilty conscience always have a lot to think about. Xue Linjia had been thinking about this while filming the TV series. As a result, she accidentally fell off the stage and broke her leg. She was eventually sent to the hospital, which officially started her days of recuperation in the hospital. .

This incident even made the news, which made Sister Su sigh after seeing it.

After all, when Shen Yuxing and Xue Linjia debuted at the same time, and they were exactly the same age, everyone would inevitably compare them. Compared with the traffic route taken by his own Yuxing, Xue Linjia's plan was actually more thorough. He even said that there would be greater success in the future. Development is something that Sister Su has always believed in in her early years.

After all, that kid is very talented in acting. Compared to Shen Yuxing, the other party is much better than Shen Yuxing.

It's only been two years, and Sister Su has to admit one thing. A person's love is really amazing. There was once a TV show that did a street interview with two people. To put it bluntly, it was to take photos of the two people to let everyone know each other, and then if you meet someone you don't know, you will be asked which one you think is better and which one you would like to like.

Although Xue Linjia has good acting skills, his popularity is not as strong as Shen Yuxing. Some people are probably born to be loved, and Shen Yuxing is like this. He started to attract fans from the first advertisement after his debut, and later became a popular idol that major brands competed for. Being loved by others is something that cannot be envied.

Even Sister Su occasionally feels that she is lucky. Although Shen Yuxing's singing and acting are average, he is just so loved by others. Maybe this is the aura of being loved by others.

They no longer care about domestic affairs, because after three days, there are only 100 participants in this poker tournament. According to this statistics, in almost two months, the number of people who joined this grand gambling has exceeded last year, with more than 130 million people. Thinking about it this way, the prize money is also very objective. If anyone wins the championship, he will be a well-deserved super gambling god.

Is the competition among 100 people fierce? Yes, it is fierce, because it will be broadcast live around the world for almost half a month. It can be said that every time when it comes to the last 100 people, the live broadcast will be more popular, and even the live broadcast room will start gambling mode. You can use gifts to bet on the person you like. If the other party really gets the title of gambling king, then you can also get a sum of money.

It can be said that in this world where gambling is supreme, the biggest gambling event in Las Vegas every year is at this time. The number of global live broadcast viewers has exceeded 500 million. While having fun, you can also gamble by the way. This is something that many people like to join.

Therefore... this kind of competition can always gain huge benefits.

On the day when Shen Herong started the competition, Shen Yuxing, Yang Xin and others sent him in. Shen Yuxing looked at his father who had changed a lot and raised his fist to him.

"Dad! I believe you will definitely win the championship!"

Yang Xin also nodded and patted Shen Herong on the shoulder.

"Brother He, you have become the uncrowned king before, and now, bring your own crown!!"

Shen Herong nodded, and then followed the large group into the venue. In such a professional competition, in order to prevent cheating, each player needs to be checked in detail. The person who checked saw Shen Herong's recommendation letter and was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party was an oriental person. Then he thought of the crane from the East, and then he thought of who Shen Herong was, and wished Shen Herong would be favored by the goddess of luck.

After that, there were competitions in batches. The competition for 100 people would take half a month. Shen Yuxing turned down all his work just to wait for his father to finish the competition. He and Yang Xin were almost waiting outside every day. However, since they had money, they lived in the hotel opposite the venue and watched the live broadcast of the competition every day.

Among the 100 contestants, most of them were foreigners, with only a few Oriental faces. The appearance of Shen Herong made the fans scream, because after so many years, there are still a few gambling kings with high looks. It is really rare to see someone as good-looking as Shen Herong. At least the photographers are willing to give Shen Herong more shots.

Shen Herong didn't care what was going on outside. He just played the game quietly. Maybe the goddess of luck really stood on his side. Every day someone was eliminated, but Shen Herong was still there. After more than ten days, the last game was against a Brazilian man. He seemed to have a plan in mind. The battle between the two attracted the attention of all gamblers.

Shen Yuxing actually didn't understand what was so fun about these cards, so even if he was watching the live broadcast, he just hoped that his father would win. Yang Xin was also nervously watching the situation in the live broadcast. Shen Herong stood there like a crane, and then put the last three cards in his hand on the table.

For a moment, everyone present held their breath, and then burst into violent cheers!

"Win! It's the crane from the East! Let us congratulate the crane from the East! He successfully won the 87th Las Vegas Gambling King's Crown!!! He is the real king who deserves it!!!"

The host grabbed Shen Herong's hand and raised it up. There was a jubilation in the scene. Shen Yuxing and Yang Xin also hugged each other happily in an instant, and then stood up and kept going back and forth. It was really too happy.

And Shen Herong, after the host's praise, stood in the position that truly belonged to the gambling king, and was wearing a golden crown inlaid with gems on his head. This was the crown of an emperor of the British royal family a hundred years ago. It was used as a crown by the gambling king to prove the gambling king's power and ability.

"So as the champion, what do you want to say?"

At this time, the media and everyone were waiting for Shen Herong's words, thinking that he would say something encouraging, but unexpectedly, they heard Shen Herong's unique gratitude, not self-pride, but gratitude to his son.

"Today, I am most grateful to my son Shen Yuxing for being able to stand here. My son is a star. You may know this, but you certainly don't know that my son became a star to support me. Now, after winning this championship, I want to give all the prize money to my son and tell him that his dad can also support him!"

The author has something to say: Before the next update at 12 o'clock, this article has participated in the [I have a date with Jinjiang] competition. I beg for your nutrient solution. One vote for one bottle of nutrient solution, one vote for one landmine! Three thousand votes for one more chapter! Now the number of votes is 2695! Come on everyone! Whether there will be more chapters tomorrow depends on the nutrient solution~

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