Angry Male God

Chapter 86 Twin Sisters

Weekends are leisurely for many children. They go out to play with their parents, or go out with classmates. Everything seems to be the best.

It's just that on weekends like this, some children stayed at home, doing housework or dealing with some things. Shen Herong was not in the mood to do this. After seeing that Shen Hongzhi was still unconscious, he went out to buy food downstairs.

There is a fast food shop downstairs. Although it is not very clean, Shen Herong doesn't care. People don't care so much when they are hungry.

I spent fifteen yuan on braised pork rice bowl. It was very cheap, right? This is because they are all from the neighborhood. If outsiders come, the price will not be the same. The owner of the shop is a kind-hearted fat boss. After seeing Shen Herong, a trace of sympathy flashed in his eyes, and then he put in more braised pork. Meat.

Although Shen Herong rarely eats at this restaurant, he often comes to buy it. This time he came to eat by himself. The boss was a little strange, but he always wanted to take more care of him.

He didn't take anything home to eat. He just sat at the table in the store and finished the braised pork rice bowl. I have to say that the boss's food tasted really good and the price was very affordable.

For a while, Shen Herong, as a thirteen-year-old child, had not yet thought about what to do next. If he chose to leave home, he would definitely have to choose some way to fight. Shen Herong had been the boss many times. Yes, but I have never worked a part-time job...

Thinking about it this way, it would be better to stay at home.

After finishing the meal, Shen Herong said goodbye to the fat boss and left the store. Unexpectedly, he bumped into Jiang Yu, who was just coming out of Jiang's house. As soon as Jiang Yu saw the expression on his face, he trotted over with concern in his eyes. .

"Shen Herong, are you okay? I'm sorry. I heard your father beating you before. I originally wanted to call the police, but my sister wouldn't let me call the police..."

She seemed to be explaining why she didn't stand up for Shen Herong, but instead pulled Jiang Chi out and used it as a raft, which made Shen Herong laugh immediately, looking at Jiang Yu who was indeed out of the mud.

As the heroine of "Undercurrent of Youth", she is simply the cleanest among these things. Even if she mistakenly identifies her boyfriend, people are willing to tolerate her. Isn't this a golden finger?

There was sarcasm in his smile, which made Jiang Yu a little unhappy. She obviously wanted to care about him, so why was Shen Herong like this?

"Why do you care so much about my family's affairs?"

His words made Jiang Yu's face even hotter. He didn't expect that Shen Herong would say that. He didn't know what to say. He thought that his sister was right. There was no good person in the Shen family. Shen Herong He was obviously the one who was being bullied, why did he become so annoying now?

"I...I just care about you."

She explained her thoughts with a blushing face, her delicate face looked very beautiful, but unfortunately, Shen Herong never knew what it meant to cherish the fragrance and cherish the jade.

"Then I thank you for your kindness. Don't be so lenient in the future."

Shen Herong said and walked directly back home, leaving Jiang Yu behind. Jiang Yu turned to look at Shen Herong's back and bit his lip.

Why? Why does everyone praise her for being well-behaved and liking to play with her, but Shen Herong just likes her sister?

Jiang Yu admitted that she was jealous of her sister's beauty, but she was loved by her parents at home. Although her sister was a little lonely, Jiang Yu felt that her sister had received enough. With her appearance, could she be liked by many people every day?

In fact, she is quite afraid of the Shen family members. Whether it is Shen Hongzhi who likes to hit people when he is drunk, or this gloomy Shen Herong, she finds it a bit annoying. Some people are born in smelly ditches and are destined to Rolling in the mud, this is what the Shen family is like.

Shen Herong returned home and saw Shen Hongzhi who was still unconscious in the hall. He decided to think about how to live his life in the future. At the age of thirteen, maybe Jiang Chi was right. They didn't have ID cards. Without money, even if you leave here, where can you go?

[Host, you can study hard. If you study hard, you will get a scholarship. If you have a scholarship, you will have money~ And host, you are in the second grade of junior high school this year. If you study hard, you can choose schools based on your grades in the third grade of junior high school. Those schools will not only It’s free for you, and we’ll give you a scholarship~]

438 jumped out again. It believed that this method would put no pressure on the host who was once illiterate and is now very powerful.

In the previous life, the host's body was slightly autistic and he was admitted to a very good finance university, so 438 believed in Shen Herong's ability.

"Haha... Then I might as well go to the construction site to move bricks."

Shen Herong thought of how many tutors surrounded him in his previous life, but now he has ended up like this, huh? many tutors?

Shen Herong got up from the bed all of a sudden. He thought of a way to make money.

Thanks to the rapid development of the Chu Group, Shen Herong did not give up learning after becoming president because of the reason of being in line with international standards. At first, he could only get used to English, and later he learned Japanese, French, Italian, Korean, etc. language, it can be said that Shen Herong can now be a translator.

[Host, I need to remind you that you are not yet under age. It is impossible to move bricks. It is impossible to move bricks in this life. You should give up. 】

In response to 438's ridicule, Shen Herong said nothing and ran directly to Shen Hongzhi's side. As expected, his ID card was found on Shen Hongzhi's body. Fortunately, WeChat did not have a real-name system at this time. Shen Herong took the ID card and Out.

The target was an Internet cafe here, which was actually a bit messy. When Shen Herong passed by, the smell of smoke and noise could be heard.

"I want a private room, how much does it cost?"

Thanks to the tall height of the thirteen-year-old, the network manager of the Internet cafe raised his head and glanced at Shen Herong. After hearing that it was a private room, he did not reject this child who was obviously an underage at a glance.

"Ten dollars an hour, how long will it take?"

Shen Herong thought for a while... It was only three o'clock in the afternoon, and it would take at least two to three hours. Xie Wen got off work at 6:30 in the evening.

"Three hours."

After he finished speaking, he took out his money and Shen Hongzhi's ID card from his pocket. The network administrator turned on the computer and then asked someone to take him to the private room. It was said to be a private room, but in fact it was just a small room. The small room is probably where people from the Internet cafe live. There is a computer in it. It is quite quiet and quite nice.

Shen Herong was the only one left in the room. He turned on the computer and directly logged into several translation websites that he had known earlier. He heard about this from his former assistant, and the information he gave to his assistant , if some assistants cannot translate it, they will find someone to translate it online and make money based on the amount of translation.

Of course, this is also classified according to language. For example, English has the lowest price. A four or five-page document only costs 50 to 100 yuan.

Japanese, Korean, and Italian are more expensive. Shen Herong skillfully registered as a member of these websites and then saw the posts.

This post is to post your own requirements. Generally speaking, those with high prices have time requirements.

Shen Herong clicked on several posts in succession, and then contacted the owner of the post. After negotiating the price, he got the documents from the other party, some of whom were translators of foreign papers. In fact, most of the people here asked for translators. All of them are materials and foreign papers to enrich myself.

For Shen Herong, English is almost like his mother tongue. In more than 20 minutes, the first document was successfully translated, and he earned 150 yuan. Although it was small, Shen Herong felt that this kind of sustainable business It's pretty good. No wonder so many people want to take the translator exam.

More than three hours passed by in a flash. Shen Herong translated almost ten pieces of information. Among them, the Italian manuscript was the most expensive and the simplest. After three hours, Shen Herong actually earned a little over two thousand yuan. .

This feeling of using your brain to make money is very strange. Shen Herong withdrew the money to his WeChat account, got off the plane and left.

He had to get home before Xie Wen came home.

The Internet cafe was very close to home. When Shen Herong went back, as soon as he opened the door, the smell of urine came over him. When he went in, he saw that it was Shen Hongzhi who was holding back his urine in the hall...

It had been almost five or six hours since Shen Hongzhi came back at noon, so it was no wonder that it would be like this.

As for Shen Hongzhi, when he saw Shen Herong, he glared at him fiercely.

"You bastard! Let me go!"

He threatened Shen Herong fiercely, but he didn't know how embarrassed he looked at this time, just like a bereaved dog.

Shen Herong ignored him, went to the bathroom and found the perfume that Xie Wen had given in the supermarket, and then sprayed it in the hall, even spraying it directly on Shen Hongzhi's face.

Now Shen Hongzhi started coughing crazily. After all, the smell of perfume was still very choking.

"Your mouth stinks."

After Shen Herong finished speaking, he opened the door again and walked out, leaving Shen Hongzhi coughing and cursing alone.

She took out her phone and checked the time. Xie Wen would be back in ten minutes. Shen Herong went to the fat boss and ordered a portion of braised pork. While eating, he looked at the road outside, intending to block Xie Wen.

After he finished eating, he saw Xie Wen coming from the corner carrying dishes.

When Shen Herong walked out, Xie Wen also saw her son and hurriedly followed him.

"He Rong? Why didn't you cook at home?"

That's right, Shen Herong was always responsible for cooking for Shen Hongzhi on weekends. Seeing Shen Herong here now, Xie Wen was a little surprised, and she was also afraid of being beaten because her son didn't go back to cook.

She was a little flustered on her face, but Shen Herong was expressionless and could not be polite. What he had always hated most was this kind of woman who was weak and could be bullied but had no ambition to make progress.

They walked forward without saying a word, and the two finally arrived at the door of their home. Xie Wen smelled the perfume before she even entered the door, and she looked wrong. She thought there was another woman inside, so she opened the door. After entering, she saw the woman being raped. The husband, who was tied to the ground, was startled. When he turned around, he saw his son who had locked the door and looked indifferent.

"He Rong, how could you do this? How could you tie up your father?"

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