“Well~ The interaction of the tongue of God actually has a bonus to cultivation, which is also a pleasant surprise.”

Luo Fan stretched and came to the living room.

Sitting in the center of the guarding formation, Luo Fan started to practice again.

If it weren’t for the amazing increase in the speed of cultivation by the interaction of the tongue of God, Luo Fan really wouldn’t have to tangle with Nakiri Managi for two days and two nights.

Well, one day and one night is enough…..

While practicing, Luo Fan suddenly opened his eyes and looked out the door. He stood up from the formation and slowly walked out the door.

“”Little cat hiding in the bush, how about coming out to see me?” Luo Fan said to the bush to the right of the door.

A few seconds after he finished speaking, a little girl with white hair and golden eyes came out of the bush.

Luo Fan knew this little girl. She was a little cat from Tacheng, a follower of Rias, and her class was”Warrior”.

His relationship with her should be that of a senior and a junior who would exchange pleasantries from time to time, right?

“Senior Luo Fan, I haven’t seen you for two or three days. Senior Luo Fan has not only become more handsome, but he also seems to have become a scumbag?”

The kitten launched a spit attack!

Luo Fan felt that the kitten was really wronging him.

The scumbag first deceives the feelings and then the body.

He first possesses the body and then cultivates the feelings. There is a world of difference between the two.

The order of precedence is very important.

“I’ll take it as a compliment from you, Kitty, about becoming handsome, but how can I call you a scumbag?” Luo Fan asked back.

“Senior Luo Fan said that he is not a scumbag, which means that you are engaging in a physical transaction?”Tacheng Xiaomao’s eyes were sharp.

Just now, she saw with her own eyes that a woman with a good figure left Luo Fan’s villa.

The reason why Xiaomao’s eyes were sharp was not only that.


Very different.

The first time she saw Luo Fan, Xiaomao felt that the current Luo Fan was very different from the previous Luo Fan.

If it weren’t for this face that was really unforgettable, and she also knew Luo Fan’s”Qi”, she would probably not dare to recognize Luo Fan.

“Senior Luo Fan, it turns out that this kind of woman with the temperament of a mature wife is your ideal type?”

“Is this why the senior doesn’t like President Sona?”

The kitten narrowed her eyes.

Sure enough, do men like big breasts?

Although President Sona is excellent, the growth of her breasts is indeed regrettable.

Well, by the way, she is smaller than Sona.

She doesn’t like Luo Fan or anything, but just wants to criticize this social environment where”everyone likes big ones”.

Society should develop in the direction of diversity!

Flat-chested people also have human rights!……..

“That person just became my dependent. Can you understand what I am saying, little cat?” Luo Fan said directly.

“Senior…….Dependents?” The kitten thought thoughtfully.

“That’s really big news.”

“Senior Luo Fan, you should know your nickname, right?”

“The noble son of annihilation, the strongest superior demon, the lonely and aloof silver-haired prince.”The kitten whispered, each of these titles sounded very powerful, but in fact, they were not that valuable.

“The senior has always acted alone, has not taken in followers, and has even rejected a female pure-blooded demon’s request to become the senior’s”queen”.”

“If the newspapers in the underworld knew that Senior had changed his mind, they would probably come to interview him, right?”

The kitten was very curious about what happened to Luo Fan that made him change his ways and choose to take in his followers………

“Kitty, I wonder if you have heard about the information that I was attacked”

“After being attacked, I felt that personal power was indeed limited, so I had the idea of collecting followers.”

The”king” of the real demon chess piece can use the power of followers, and Luo Fan is not going to give up the characteristics of the real demon chess piece just to keep the same habit as his predecessor.

That is not being cautious, that is being stupid.

Luo Fan felt that he was already cautious enough to go out with his clone instead of his real body, and there was no need to add unnecessary details.

After all, the fact that he was different from the previous Luo Fan would be exposed sooner or later, so it would be better to let everyone know this from the beginning.

“Senior Luo Fan was attacked? Who attacked him? When did it happen? Has the murderer been caught?”The kitten frowned slightly and asked. The kitten’s answer satisfied Luo Fan very much. It seemed that neither the information that he was attacked nor the information that he was attacked but still alive had been leaked.

“The process is simple……..”

Luo Fan told Tacheng Xiaomao the explanation he had thought of before.

In short, he was attacked, and although he was injured, his life was not in danger. In the end, the problem was solved by Gurefia.

“I didn’t expect that Senior Luo Fan would also be injured. It seems that the problem is very serious.”The kitten touched his chin and said seriously.

Luo Fan’s most valuable title is”The Strongest Superior Demon”.

This title was obtained after his predecessor defeated”Phoenix”, who was also a superior demon, with the strength of a superior demon.

Although some tricks were used, winning is winning.

Even the most superior demon may not be able to defeat Phoenix, who is also a superior demon, but Luo Fan did it.

So, after that, Luo Fan had another title of”The Strongest Superior Demon”……..

“I think what happened to Senior Luo Fan and the reason why I went to see Senior Luo Fan can be discussed together.”After thinking for a while, Kitty said seriously

“Kitty, why are you looking for me?”

“Come to think of it, I haven’t asked you why you are looking for me, Kitty? You wouldn’t normally come to my house.”

Luo Fan was just worried that no one would”teach him the pulse”, and Kitty came to his door.

As the saying goes, a visitor is a guest, let alone a guest who brings abilities, so Luo Fan naturally welcomes him.

Facing Luo Fan, Kitty straightened his face slightly, saluted formally and greeted:”Lord Luo Fan, on behalf of the next head of the Gremory family, Lady Rias Gremory, I would like to invite you.”

“A school festival is being held at an educational facility of the Gremory family in the human world. That school is called Highly Incubated”

“Lady Rias wants to invite you to participate in the school festival of that school, because that school was established for high-ranking demons to select their followers.”

“Lady Rias suggested that Senior Luo Fan could choose his favorite retainer at the school festival.”

“After selecting her followers, Lady Rias wants to work with Senior Luo Fan and President Cang Na to deal with the current chaos in Juwang Town.”

“Recently, Lady Rias has noticed that there are many more forces in Kouou Town, and it has reached a point where it must be dealt with.”

“This is why I came to visit you, Senior.” The kitten said in a very formal tone………

After listening to the kitten’s words, Luo Fan agreed without much thought.

“No problem, I agree to this.”

Koneko’s words made him feel much more at ease.

Rias dared to act directly like this, which meant that there was no strong person in Juwang Town who had the strength to reach the level of the highest level demon.

As long as there was no highest level demon, Sona, Rias, and their queen could handle it.

Rias asked Koneko to notify him, which was just a written procedure.

After all, this Juwang Town was nominally governed by the three of them….

After getting Luo Fan’s response, Xiao Mao had no intention of staying for a long chat. After a brief exchange of pleasantries, he prepared to leave.

Xiao Mao had just moved his thighs when Luo Fan heard the system’s prompt sound…….

【Yesterday I spent 2000 and got 100 evaluation votes. Today I will add three more chapters, seven more chapters.】

【New book is launched, please give me flowers, comments, and monthly votes~]

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