【Gold Dust: It sounds very nice, but in fact there are still many loopholes.】

【Gold Sand: Since everyone can do what they want, what happens when two people have conflicting wishes?】

【Botio: My goodness, this is interesting. What? If the two of them really fight, can it still be considered a paradise in the dream?】

【Xing: I see! That's right, I feel like this situation is not going to work.】

【March 7: Yes, yes! If this situation really happens, what will happen?】

【Gold Dust: It’s very simple. That kind of thing will not happen. Because people can control it.】

【Gold Dust: In the so-called paradise of order, there must be a powerful force to control everything.】

【Gold Sand: That person must be Mr. Sunday, right?】

【Xing: I really understand this time. 】

On the exposure screen.

At this time, Sunday finally started to speak again.

"Miss Firefly!!"

"You who suffer from entropy loss must understand what this means, right?"

Sunday at this time.

He directly chose his target.

This time the target is Liuying.

Because Liuying does have such a regret.

If there is no entropy loss, Liuying should have a different life.

But now, she has such a regret.

Being asked this question, Liuying also fell into silence at this moment.

Because she can really imagine what it would be like if this wish could come true.

【Xing: This... is indeed something that Liuying cannot refuse, right?】

【March 7: But this seems to come at a price】

【Gold Dust: That’s right. From the current perspective, the price is very simple. It’s just sleeping in a dream.】

【Gold Dust: If you want to perfectly realize Mr. Sunday's idea, it can only be realized in dreams.】

【Ji Zi: However, we cannot make concessions at this time.】

【Furninha: So, what will she say?】


On the exposure screen.

Liuying seemed to be struggling with her heart at this time.

Sanyueqi, who was standing by, saw Liuying's tangled look.

She could only hold her forehead helplessly.


"It sounds... like it's impeccable.……"

At this time, Ji Zi also chose to remain silent.

After all, this was a moment that belonged only to Liu Ying.

Everyone was waiting for her answer.

Because such an answer could change many things.

Finally, after hesitating for a long time.

Liu Ying also spoke at this moment.

There was not as much joy in her eyes as imagined.

On the contrary, she seemed to be still a little hesitant.

It could even be said that she had some more ideas.

As the saying goes, there is no free lunch in the world.

If you want to make your entropy disappear, then obviously you have to pay some price.

But what exactly is this price... she doesn't know.

Sunday was asked this question.

At this moment, he also began to shake his head.

"The cost is negligible"

"Just a personal one.……"

""Eternal martyrdom." Sunday said directly the price he would have to pay at this time. Because someone always has to pay a price. So, he was ready to sacrifice himself. In his eyes, that was right.

"If we want to maintain this paradise for all people……"

"There has to be someone who is in a state of sobriety until the end of the universe."

Sunday had already turned his back at this moment.

He had already had this idea and was ready to make this decision.

【Xing: This...I plan to stay awake alone on Sunday to maintain this dream?】

【Fernina: What is this strange feeling of martyrdom? Why is it so strong?】

【Narcida: Hey! Actually, Sunday doesn't have any bad intentions, does he?】

【March 7: This so-called no bad intention……】

【March 7: Do you mean that we should allow the star core to remain here and let it affect the people of Pinoconi?】

【Gold Sand: Besides, by then I'm afraid everyone will fall into a deep sleep.】

【Jizi: How should I put it specifically?……】

【Ji Zi: We have analyzed it before, and we understand why Sunday made such a choice.】

【Jizi: Actually, if it weren’t for the special experience, I believe Sunday wouldn’t have gone astray.】、

【Xing: So what you mean is... there is still hope?】

【Hanabi: Hahaha! Is this the time to save the day? I'm so excited!】

【Gold Dust: Is there another good show to watch?】

【Portio: Darling! Does this mean that we need to wake this guy up first?】

【Ji Zi: At present, it seems that we can only defeat him head-on to make him give up his idea completely.】

【Xing: Well... that's not wrong. After all, when I felt that Tongxie was not working before Sunday, it was because I was hit.】

【Robin: Brother... I beg you all to save my brother! Please, everyone!】

【Xing: Hehehe! Galaxy Batman! I will definitely help you!!】


On the exposure screen,

Liuying at this time had also noticed the meaning of Sunday's words.

"wide awake…."

"In other words, that paradise is still a dream"

"Entering paradise means giving up reality, right?",

Liuying asked.

This was the doubt in her heart.

At this moment, she already understood what price she had to pay.

"This is not giving up, but transcendence."

Sunday shook his head.

He did not think that what Liuying said was correct.

In Sunday's eyes, this should be a kind of evolution.

All the suffering in reality comes from the struggle for material things.

However, in the spiritual world, all of this can be found.

"Flesh and blood"

"If material things are the root of spiritual suffering, then we should defeat them."

Sunday said so.

At this moment, he was like a martyr who preached his own views.

But unfortunately, he was the only one here.


【Portio: Hahaha! Isn't it funny?】

【Bottiou: His dear! Abandon the body and leave only the spirit! I can only say that this idea is really great!】

【Heita: I can only say that it’s a good thing that he has such an idea!】

【Black Tower: Beings like Boshizun also chose to abandon their physical bodies】

【Black Tower: The physical body will indeed become useless sooner or later in the process of human evolution.】

【Black Tower: Abandoning material things and seeking spiritual things may become a part of evolution at some point in the future.】

【Xing: Huh? This means... maybe they all seek the spiritual world inwardly, maybe they really evolve?】

【Gold Dust: Hahaha! Maybe there is some civilization that, due to lack of resources, has forced everyone to enter the dream world?】

【Black Tower: If he relied on his own strength to forcibly open up a path】

【Black Tower: Then, he might become a powerful envoy, or even become an even more powerful being.】

【Sanyueqi: Star God? Above the Order Envoy, there are only Star Gods, right?】

【Botio: Haha!! I understand what he means】

【Bottiou: If he had forced his own way, he might have achieved greater success.】

【Botio: Unfortunately, he is only using power from the outside world.】

【Heita: That's right, he doesn't have that kind of power, he is borrowing the power of a star god or a star core.】

【Heita: Then it is meaningless for him to say these things anymore.】

【Star: Yes, we must get rid of the star core】

【Star: So far, the core of the star has caused too many disasters】

【Ji Zi: We will not allow anyone to use the star core to bring greater disasters to the universe.】

【Ji Zi: After all, it would also be a huge harm to more people.】


On the exposed screen.

At this moment.

Liuying listened to Zhou Ri's words and began to refute them.

"But in such happiness!!

"People have never overcome suffering, and have never lost the opportunity to overcome suffering."

"In other words.. it's a cop out!!"

【Heita: You can understand it this way. After all, our world is made up of matter. This is the most essential difference.】

【Xing: It feels like I'm in class! This is a bit... a headache】

【Black Tower: It is because our world is made of matter】

【Black Tower: If he can really open up a spiritual world that is different from the real world, then it will be different.】

【Black Tower: Unfortunately, he doesn't have that kind of power】

【Heita: So, this becomes a kind of escape】

【Gui Naifen: Shang Shang! Did you understand what she said?】

【Su Shang: Yes! I understand!】

【Gui Naifen: Hmm? Do you really understand?】

【Su Chang: I understand. If you don't understand, you should eat and sleep.】

【Gui Naifen: As expected of Shang Shang... This mentality... is really good】

……(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

On the exposure screen.

At this moment, Sunday did not deny it.

"You can think so, but there is no shame in escaping"

"On the contrary, everyone has the seed of escape in their heart."

Sunday said so.

The moment he admitted that this was an escape, he had already made a mistake.

And this result will not change.

Escape is not a positive word after all.

The moment you see the word escape, most of the first things that come to mind are negative.

And for those who are constantly struggling to survive in the painful reality, escape is tantamount to directly overturning all their previous persistence.

Choosing to escape at this moment, all past efforts have become a joke.

If you have to choose to escape long ago, why not avoid it earlier?

They struggle in reality.

It is naturally difficult to accept failure in reality.

Although they can be reborn in the spiritual world.

But that has no meaning anymore.

"Doesn’t Miss Liuying think so too?"

"Why does life fall asleep?"[]

"Because people are afraid of waking up from a dream."

Sunday used the words that Liuying had said before.

He knew a lot, maybe he knew everything in this dream.

So, he chose Liuying, the only one who could be a breakthrough among the crowd.

"But this does not conflict with the great cause"

"Only by admitting this can we understand the weakness of human nature, and then tolerate and protect it."

Sunday continued.

Indeed, as he said.

As long as you can cross this threshold in your heart, reality will naturally not matter.

But convincing yourself is the most difficult thing to do.

Liuying listened to his words and nodded slightly.

".I... recognize that you are a natural leader."

Liuying had no objection to this.

"You are pessimistic about humanity."

"But he still holds a negative heart and gives equal compassion to all beings."

This is the summary of Liuying on Sunday.

This is exactly the case.

Sunday can always see the negative side of people and always ignore the bright side.

He struggles in this pain, but he still wants to save mankind.

From this perspective, it is indeed admirable.

【Xing: I feel like Liuying has directly described the current Sunday. He is really like this.】

【March 7: No���, he always sees the bad side now, and can't see the good side at all】

【Himeko: If he could see more goodness in people, maybe the outcome would be different.】


In the exposure screen,

Liuying admitted Sunday and directly expressed his thoughts.


"But I am different from you, I live for myself"

"In my opinion, it is natural for people to make choices for themselves."

"It is their birthright."

"Maybe escaping is the nature of the weak"

"But who is a weak person... should not be defined by others."

Liu Ying directly expressed her opinion.

Just as I said before.

Some strong people were weak before they became strong.

If they are defined as weak at this time.

Then how should they be evaluated when they become strong in the future?

If they are sentenced to death when they are still weak.

Then all this is a bit too arbitrary.

Liu Ying looked at Zhou Ri, and her eyes were more determined at this time.

"Do I have to be classified as a weak person in your eyes?"

At this moment,

Sunday had fallen into silence.

He could not answer Liuying's question.

And because he could not answer, at this moment, he had already failed.

He had said so much before, but it didn't work.

He just evaluated it all based on his own experience.

That's why he had his own ideas.

However, he couldn't convince the other party.

At this moment, Liuying did not let Sunday give the answer.

Instead, he took the lead in giving the answer.

"I don’t think so!!"

Liu Ying didn’t think of herself as a weakling.

So it didn’t matter what Zhou Ri thought.

Because no matter what he said, he couldn’t save himself from failure.

If he said Liu Ying was a strong person, it would be the best rebuttal to his own ideas.

But if he said Liu Ying was a weakling, Liu Ying didn’t think so.

At this moment, he had nowhere to retreat.

【Xing: It seems that the final answer has been given to this debate.】

【March 7: Yes! Miss Liuying has already given the answer!】

【Gold Sand: All the loopholes in his words have long been exposed】

【Gold Dust: He unilaterally labels others, but when differences and changes occur, he can do nothing about it.】

【Bottiou: His baby! Since the negotiation has failed, I think there is only one outcome.】

【Liuying: I think, even if there are three deaths, I know exactly what to do.】

【Firefly: I won’t choose to escape!!】


On the exposure screen.

After hearing Liuying's answer.

Jizi also expressed her attitude at this time

"Since Miss Liuying has expressed her opinion"

"The Starry Sky Train will naturally give us our answer"

"Over to you, Star!"

"Just like Mr. Mikhail asked, let's tell him our choice."、

Jizi looked at Xing again.

This time, they decided to let Xing explain everything.

Xing had taken out the hat from Mikhail before.

She put it on.

Along with the hat, there was also a clock boy private.

"The so-called pioneering!"

"Just follow the path that no one has yet to complete!"

"Going a greater distance……"

Four people and a clock boy walked forward together.

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