On the exposure screen.

At this moment, the name change seems to be hinting at something.

Sunday, whose name is completely unknown, also continued to speak at this time.

"Since the Yellow Springs War, the sky has been empty and the earth has been in chaos."

Now, although it is still the voice of Sunday, it can be felt that this is no longer just Sunday.

"To teach the universe to be knowable"

"The Taiyi of Order is born."

That voice announced at this moment

"This is the first day."

The voice said at this moment.

This first day also seemed so obvious.

Just saying this has triggered countless sighs.

Funina: Why does this sound like the creation of the world?

Nashida: It seems to be true. Kamisato Ayaka

: From the first day, he has been creating all things in the world?

Xing: Then doesn't he become the creator?

March Seven: Ah! Is it directly targeting the creator? This is too...

Walter: In the stories of some civilizations, there is indeed a supreme existence who created all things in the world.

Walter: If it is really order, it is indeed because of this. Creating from the first day is indeed in line with order.

Shajin: Yes, it is true. In this case, there is no What's the problem?

Portio: My dear! What a bullshit! Do you really think that the God of Order created everything?

Black Swan: There is indeed no record of this.

Fireworks: Hahaha! Don't you think it's fun? So now we have to imitate this so-called Genesis?

March 7: But everything here is illusory! What on earth does he want to do?

Star: He's not still trying to convince us, is he?

Firefly: This possibility cannot be ruled out. Now, no one knows what Sunday is.

On the exposure screen.

The three people followed the sound and walked over.

Afterwards, there was no sign of Sunday.

Here, they can still hear the voice of Sunday.

"He made a plectrum out of nebulae and built a harp with black and white keys."

"Hit the white keys, the sun rises, hit the black keys, the moon rises"

"Day and night became like this"

"This is the second day."

Sunday's voice sounded at this moment.

The voice was so obvious.

Hearing such words, the chat had exploded.

Funina: The second day? On the first day, Taiyi was born, and on the second day, day and night were created...

Nashida: I feel a sense of greatness.

Kamisato Ayaka: Just from the words he said, I can feel the power of that force. This existence is definitely not that simple.

That Villette: After all, he is a star god, an extremely powerful existence. Zhongli

: Create the world. Since you created the night, then the heaven and earth, and life, will also be created slowly, right?

Xing: Doesn't it feel a bit too perverted?

March 7: Yes, it is indeed very perverted.

Firefly: He started talking from this time, in the end What is it for?

Walter: The mission of delivering the star god they believe in, this must be a great cause in their eyes.

Screw Gum: That must be the case. They believe in the star god and follow the star god, so it is inevitable that they will be affected.

Gold Dust: Hahaha! I think, isn't this just creating momentum?

Gold Dust: It was originally a very simple sentence. It is naturally two different feelings to say it directly as"I want to resurrect a star god" and to tell it with quotations and a lot of stories.

March Seven: Uh... it seems that there is nothing wrong with what you said. Xing: It feels like if it goes on like this, we are no match at all!

Firefly: This is definitely a very strong opponent. We must be more careful.


On the exposed screen.

Xing, Sanyueqi and Jizi also followed the instructions at this time.

Then, they saw a huge picture frame.

There was a huge crack on the picture frame.

Following the crack, one could even feel the presence of power.

This familiar scene was the picture frame they saw when they first entered the dream.

But at this moment, there is still in the Piconi Theater.

No one knows where this will lead to.

However, when it first appeared, it served as a link.

Not only that.

There are also many puppets around this picture frame at this moment.

These puppets are all prostrating on the ground.

They knelt respectfully one by one, keeping their posture very low.

"The puppets are gathered around the frame. Do they want us to go in?"

Seeing this scene,

March Seven couldn't help but ask.

If we really go in, where we will go is unknown.

Funina: What does Sunday want to do?

Nashida: I don't know at all! Why do we have to go in there?

Kamisato Ayaka: Is this a trap? Is it really a trap?

Xing: I feel that if we go in, there should be no problem. It's already this time. Even if it is a trap, it doesn't matter.

March Seven: You are actually starting to be bold at this time!

Xing: Hey! If the opponent is really a star god, then it must be useless, right? This method is better to be disdainful of using.

Black Swan: Yes! That's true. Let's take a look at what Mr. Sunday wants to say now.

Gold Dust: Haha! Are you looking forward to it?

Poteo: His baby! Dilly-dallying! It's better to start the fight earlier!

Fireworks: Hehehehe! The Harmonious Music Ceremony is about to begin, but it's a pity! I'm afraid my bomb can't be used.


On the exposed screen.

Xing, Sanyueqi and Jizi also followed directly into it.

Waves of light were released at this moment.

Then, new changes began to appear on the screen in front of them.

It was like a classical drama movie.

Before the curtain was opened, golden words began to appear on it.

The first act of the prelude,"Ode to the Prisoner", was like the first play to appear.

In the blink of an eye, they found themselves transferred to a strange place.

This was very much like the corridor when they first entered the virtual dream.

However, it was unknown where the corridor here would extend to.

In the surrounding space, strange stones could be seen floating.

Not only that.

There seemed to be screens in the surrounding void.

On the screens, pictures were also flashing.

"Where are we now?"

Sanyueqi looked around and seemed a little confused.

"The atmosphere of this place……"

"It's very similar to Sunday's inner world"

"Perhaps this so-called prelude is also a similar ability."

Jizi felt everything here.

She directly gave her own guess.

To be honest, the possibility of this guess is extremely high.

"The play is called"Ode to the Prisoner"》!"

"Combined with the surrounding atmosphere……"

"I'm afraid that what's going to happen next is the past of Pinocchio."

Based on the little information, Jizi has guessed the answer she wanted.

Funina: As expected of Jizi, she is really knowledgeable and can see it directly.

Nashida: This is really... a little surprising!

March 7: It's this prisoner, I always feel a little uncomfortable.

Xing: There's nothing we can do about it, after all, it's like this now.

Firefly: Is Pinocchio's past the story of the Border Prison?

Gold Dust: If he really wants to talk about the past, he will inevitably talk about that story.

Gallagher: That's right. The watchmaker will also appear at that time, haha! I want to know what role we play in it.

Robin: This It's really hard to say...

Hanabi: Hahaha! Is it because your brother wanted to go to the watchmaker's funeral?

Jizi: It seems that since the first play talks about Pinocchio's past.

Sanyueqi: Then the second one is Pinocchio's present. To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network! )

Xing: Correspondingly, the third act is the future, and then it will be time for us to really fight.

Xing: I just don't know if this strange habit can be changed? Is it really good to pull other people into your inner world at every turn?

Gui Naifen: Hey! Not everyone's heart is positive, cheerful and sunny!

Sushang: Xiao Guizi's heart is definitely very, very interesting.


On the exposure screen.

At this time, it also began to play.

At this time, March 7, I couldn't help but sigh.

To be precise, I had already started sighing.

"I haven't been to jail in recent pioneering trips.……"

"I thought my luck had turned!"

"The result was unexpected! I still couldn't escape this disaster……"

March 7 was a little speechless.

At this time on Sunday, the sound began to continue.

"You are guests from afar."

"I don't want to see a war after all."

At this time, he had not given up the idea of persuading the train crew.

In a sense, his saintly tolerance was indeed admirable.

"So I arranged three shows before it was too late.

That's how Sunday Procrastination works.[]

It can be said that this is the last chance for negotiation.

If they still fail in the end, then they will have to use force to speak.

But it is obvious that Sunday will not be persuaded.

This is a foregone conclusion.

"Where should the story begin?

Sunday seemed to be thinking at this time.

Finally, he decided to start from the beginning, just as everyone imagined.

"Let's start from when Pinocchio was still a frontier prison."

Sunday explained.

Xing, Sanyueqi, and Jizi were also moving forward.

His voice was so clear at this time.

"In the 2147th year of the Amber Calendar, a massive war was launched due to the offense against Hanunu, and victory was achieved."

"The company calls it the Border War, while the people of Asdena call it the War of Independence."

Obviously, in the eyes of the company and the people of Asdena, these two things are completely different.

March Seven: Uh... I feel like the meanings are completely different for both sides.

Xing: The company certainly can't admit that it is the oppressive party, right? Otherwise, where will the company's face be placed?

Walter: There is another very important point in this matter.

Walter: Once the company admits that it is a war of independence, it will never be able to conquer Pinoconi in the future.

Jizi: The current company can still interfere with Pinoconi in the name of the Border Prison.

March Seven: So that's the case!

Funina: This... Is there a right or wrong thing?

Fu Xuan: There is no right or wrong. After all, in the eyes of the outside world, some people in the company are notorious.

Fu Xuan: It is not clear whether the people who were exiled to the border prison have problems.

Portio: Haha! Are you talking about the company's wanted criminals? There are too many!

Portio: Not only me, but his precious Void Order Envoy is also on the wanted list, so this matter cannot be measured.

March 7: In other words, we can't simply distinguish between right and wrong, right?

Xing: After all, I am not the person involved, and it has been too long. It is indeed impossible to distinguish clearly.


On the exposure screen.

Sunday also continued to speak

"Mr. Hanunu is a great man."

"But we should not be shy about

"He can bring freedom to his followers, but he doesn't know how to give them real freedom."

Sunday commented.

Although he is a great man, Sunday feels that this is all.���

"Three unknown guests stayed here, trying to pass on the lessons of pioneering to the border prison."

"But unfortunately, it's useless."

The story of this border prison continues.

But obviously, such a story is not optimistic.

At least at this moment, there are huge problems.

Sunday did not approve of everything that watchmaker Mikhail did.

Or rather, he felt that Mikhail had not done enough.

He believed that everything Mikhail did could not really save Asdena.

So listening.

Xing and his party continued to move forward, and then they saw the puppet.

From the puppet.

At this time, a voice came out

"We should build another cage!"

"Not in this world!"

"And in the hearts of people!!"

The voice of the puppet.

At this moment, it was simply deafening.

So... there were the following words.

At this moment, Sunday continued to talk about the past history

"Asdena is once again engulfed in war"

"This time the enemy comes from within"

"A prisoner remains a prisoner until his death"

"Only know how to fight for freedom"

"I don't know that I was born for freedom."

Sunday commented mercilessly.

Funina: Isn't this... a bit too much? What does it mean to only know how to fight for freedom?

Nashida: Isn't that enough?

Kamisato Ayaka: It seems that Sunday said that it is not enough, he also wants the prisoners to live for freedom.

Violet: I still maintain my original point of view.

Violet: It is always easy and simple for later generations to comment on their predecessors, as if one sentence can explain a person's life.

Violet: For example, Sunday, he indulged the stowaway who sold the child, and later it only caused a disaster.

Violet: It's just that the evaluation is very simple, but if you are in the situation, it must be different.

Xing: I can understand it.

Xing: I think that the reason why Pinoconi exists today is the result of the efforts of our predecessors.

Xing: If it is simply summarized in a few words, it is a bit too frivolous.

March 7: Anyway, I always feel weird. How can it be possible to demand perfection from people? Not to mention that it is something that has already happened.

Firefly: Maybe he will express his opinion again. For example, in dreams, everyone can live well. Ten

Xing: I don't think that's living. It's just escaping in illusion.

Xing: Immersed in an illusion that only exists for me, but in reality, the current situation is even worse.

Heita: It's still the same view as before. His dream can't include everyone. If everyone falls asleep, there will be no ultimate meaning.

Heita: People in reality will hurt those who are sleeping. This is inevitable.

Heita: In the end, he can't avoid the sin..

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