Then, Topa began to explain the current situation.

"After review and voting by the Strategic Investment Department's Major Affairs Group Meeting"

"The following resolution was passed by an absolute majority of members.

Topa said this.

Then he began to talk about the decision.

"Based on long-term considerations for interstellar peace"

"Authorized by Pierpoint Headquarters"

"The Strategic Investment Department will permanently waive its claim to sovereignty over Pinocchio on behalf of the company."

"And unconditionally support the family's reconstruction of Pinocchio.

When this news came out, everyone was stunned.

March Seven: Wait, what did I just hear? The company is going to give up its claim to sovereignty over Pinocchio?!!

Xing: Crazy, absolutely crazy, it's not me who is crazy, it's this world that is crazy!!

Gold Dust: Hahaha! What an ideal world, is it really like this?

Funina: This is really... unexpected.

Kurumi: Ah... this is too bold! How could the company give up?

Kamisato Ayaka: But judging from the current situation, this is the case, that's right. Nashida

: Now I can understand why it is said that everything can happen in dreams.

Dan Heng: Yes! It is indeed possible in dreams, isn't this just dreaming? Hanabi:

Hahaha! You want the company to give up the fat meat that is about to be in hand, how is this possible? The dream made up by the chicken wing boy is so interesting.

March Seven: Although I know that Miss Topa is a very good person. But judging from the example of Yalilo VI... it's obviously not normal to do nothing!

Mockingbird: This dream is indeed a little unreal. It's hard for me to imagine that the company will give up.

Portio: His darlings! Just those little cuties! Damn, how could they give up?

Black Swan: Hmm... Such memories are indeed a little too beautiful, making it a little difficult for people to adapt.


Firefly: In any case, such a dream is really unbelievable.

Himeko: Indeed, if it was just a guess before, it can be 100% confirmed now!

Himeko: From our understanding of this company, they shouldn't give up.

Topa: Oh! I didn't expect that you all trust the company so much.

Gold Dust: It can only be said that it is well-known and highly recognizable.

Black Tower: It is indeed very recognizable, although it is all a bad reputation.

Firefly: I declare that this is the funniest fun of the century! Is there anything more fun? This unreal dream, I'm beginning to find it interesting.

Star:...I just want to wake up from it now


Listening to Topa's words,

Jizi was also very surprised.


She didn't seem to expect that something like this would happen.

Jing Yuan also showed a playful expression.

He seemed to think that this was a little out of the ordinary.

"Oh, that's interesting."

Xing still found this very strange.

"Didn't Shajin take the blow for nothing?"

Xing looked at Shajin and couldn't help asking.

Huangquan had indeed taken the two blows.

In this regard, Shajin showed an unprecedented open-mindedness.

"Haha, if this can bring peace to the entire universe, then it will be worth it."

Hearing the meaning of this sentence, people already feel extremely surprised.

Xing: I will never believe that this is Jin Sha! This is definitely not Jin Sha!

Xing: When he first came to me, it was not like this!!

March Seven: Don’t say you don’t believe it, no one will believe it. For the sake of peace, the company voluntarily sacrifices its own interests. It doesn’t seem right no matter how you look at it.

Hanabi: Hahaha! Didn’t the little peacock become like this in there? Didn’t he want to destroy the world?

Jin Sha: I didn’t expect it to turn out like this. I can only say that it is too kind to me.

Jin Sha: Oh! I am a good boy in the dream!

Funina: Is this a form of reputation harm? Nashida

: I don’t know about General Jingyuan...but Jin Sha, I really couldn’t help it, hahaha.

Kamisato Ayaka: Asking Jin Sha to give up...this dream is really getting bigger and bigger.

Walnut: Hey! Do I really have to dream this? I feel more and more crazy


After asking the company for their opinion, they then approached Dr. Zhenli.

"The company's opinions are over..?"

"Then it's our turn."

Dr. Zhen showed unprecedented gentleness.

"The Academy and the Talent Club also expressed great concern about the disaster of Pinocchio."

"Finally, we both decided to reach a comprehensive cooperation and provide technical support for the reconstruction of Pinoconi.……"

This is the message that Doctor Mari wants to convey.

But after hearing such a message, some people are completely overwhelmed.

Hanabi: Hahaha! The Genius Club and the Doctoral Society are cooperating! Hahaha! They are really well protected!

Hanabi: Chicken Wing Boy! Chicken Wing Boy! Who gave you such courage?

Hanabi: How could the Genius Club launch such a cooperation?

Gold Dust: Hahaha! Professor! I'm talking about you! The Genius Club is going to cooperate.

Doctor Mari: Humph! I prefer to believe that this is a trick of fools.

Screw-Gum: From a rational point of view, this possibility should not exist.

Black Tower: Hey! What is this? Did you watch a farce?

Xing: This is simply... It feels like Professor Latio's image has collapsed in an instant.

March Seven: Uh... I feel that more than one person may be ruined. And the people from the Genius Club...

Black Tower: I haven't been to Pinocchio, and Sunday should not know about my existence, so it can't be constructed.

Screw-Gum: Then the most likely person is me.


Doctor Zhenli said.

Then he looked around.

"For the details, let’s listen to what this genius has to say."

"It's your turn, Mr. Screw-Gum."

Doctor Truth said, and Screw-Gum immediately followed suit.

"I admire and envy the unremitting exploration of the inner spiritual world by organic life."

"Inorganic life does not have the ability to dream"

"But when the intelligence pulse is activated and the inspiration circuit starts to operate, I will enter a state defined as imagination."

Screw Gumm did not hide his envy of dreaming.

This alone is enough to make people speechless.

Xing: Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye! Don't ruin my impression of Screw Gumm.

Gold Dust: A genius suddenly seemed to have lost his mind. Is the Star God of Intelligence not smart enough?

March Seven: It feels like this dream exists specifically to discredit.

Dan Heng: Hey!

Potio: Hahaha! His baby! Sunday dragged everyone in just to talk about this?

Fireworks: Hahaha! Too funny! Too funny! I feel like Sunday can be a fictional historian.

On the screen.

Screw Gumm is still talking.

It talks about its longing for dreaming.

"Every time, a fire rises from the darkness in my imagination"

"It is warm and bright"

"I often think that fire may be the essence of intelligence"

"A cluster of inspirations inspired by high temperatures. The future direction of the universe may lie in it."

"Unfortunately, for me, it is just an illusion reflected by my thinking system, which is out of reach."

"But after learning about Pinocchio's current achievements, I finally realized that the flame is not impossible to seize."

"After discussing with several partners"

"We have decided to temporarily suspend the promotion of the simulated universe project, and will support the Boshi Society's research on dreams and memory domains as a technical consultant, so that this material can better serve all mankind."

Hearing this, even Heita couldn't help it.

Heita: Ha! You must have been kicked in the head by a donkey to choose to suspend the research plan of the simulated universe.

Heita: Can human dreams be compared with those of star gods? How ridiculous.

Xing: Yeah, I also think it's quite ridiculous hahaha!

Fireworks: Oh! No, no, if I keep laughing like this, I'm going to laugh crazy.

Fireworks: I feel that people can dream, but this is too abstract, right? Hahaha!

Gold Dust: Oh! I can only say that people cannot create things beyond cognition.

Gold Dust: Maybe in Sunday's cognition, studying star gods is not as good as studying the spiritual world of people.

Gold Dust: Oh, and professor, why do I feel that under normal circumstances, you won't even look at them?

Doctor Truth: Mediocre people need guidance, not direct giving! It seems that this beautiful dream is really crudely constructed.


Doctor Zhenli on the screen is also saying

"Not only that, we also contacted Yiting through the company, and they also promised to assist in the research……"

"Oh, I am really happy for the dream chasers of Pinocchio——"

"The most intelligent and the most stupid minds in the universe are now all being used by them." (To read the novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

All forces, without any selfish motives, seem to be working towards one goal.

This is beautiful, but it is not like human beings.

"This is all thanks to Pinoconi's hero Xing. Everyone is moved by your integrity and selflessness."

At this time, Topa also smiled and looked at Xing.

"It's finally settled, isn't it? Finally - well done, my friend."

Gold Dust also praised

"It always feels so good that it’s a little unreal…"

Xing listened to the praises from everyone around him and felt that he couldn’t understand it for a moment.

In the current situation, it seemed that all the credit was his.

Walter was also a little surprised by this.

"Indeed, it is particularly difficult to imagine that members of the genius club would be interested in worldly research.……"

He found it hard to believe.

But then he compromised immediately.

"That's all, the result is good anyway."

At this time, Ji Zi seemed to understand why Jing Yuan wanted Xing to appear.

"No wonder everyone wants her to show up."

Xing: I think it's better not to show up. Sanyue, you are the quickest to slip away.

Sanyueqi: Hehehe! That's true... I don't know if it's true, but in this kind of occasion...

Liuying: It's really hard to deal with. I don't feel happy.

Jingyuan also spoke at this moment.[]

"It is great to know that you are willing to help Pinoconi."

"I believe that everyone will be able to reach a consensus in the next negotiation."

Jing Yuan said so.

Then he couldn't help asking

"It seems that the future of Pinocchio is set in stone. I wonder if everyone in the train crew still has any concerns?

"Peace is our greatest wish, nothing else is desired."

Ji Zi responded directly.

Jing Yuan also agreed.

"Haha, OK. Since everyone has no worries, Jing Yuan will take his leave here."

"Everyone, please feel free to embark on your journey. The subsequent related matters will be handed over to my alliance."

Xing: Now I seem to understand why I have to come forward.

March Seven: Because you are the great hero of Pinocchio, hahahaha!

Hanabi: The great hero Galaxy Batman!! Xing is a great hero!!

Xing: Seriously, they are planning to solve the problem before I can react, and then send me away.

Shajin: So have you reacted now?

Xing: It’s hard to say that I have really reacted. I looked at the picture and didn’t realize that it was fake.

Jizi: If I had stayed in Pinocchio longer, I would have realized that something was wrong.

Liuying: That’s why I was in a hurry to send people away and enter a deeper dream.

Xing: What should I do? Is there anyone who can save me?

Black Swan: I always feel that there may be a turning point, such as Miss Huangquan.

Huangquan: I think that when the dream master was anxious for me to leave, he had already noticed some clues.

On the screen.

After a while……

"'In that case, it seems we don't have to worry about anything in Pinocchio.……"

"It's time for us to embark on a new journey."

Jizi looked at everyone and was ready to take them away from Pinocchio.

Walter also immediately expressed his attitude.

"Well, I agree."

Jizi then said directly

"Then you two should go back to the train first."

"I'm going to pick up Xiao Sanyue and check out at the same time." As he was speaking, the Black Swan suddenly appeared beside them.

"Also, Miss Black Swan wants to see me for something, right?"

Ji Zi asked while looking at Black Swan.

Black Swan smiled slightly.

"You are worthy of being Miss Navigator."

Walter looked at the Black Swan and was a little surprised at this time.

"It turns out that you have been with us all along..."

Walter also sighed

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, Xing and I will be waiting for you and Xiao Sanyue on the train."

"Let's go, Xing."

Walter said, and the two left together.

Xing was also a little emotional at this time.

The company and the family will work together to build Pinocchio.

Scholars from all over the universe will also spare no effort to provide help...

Now, it seems that it is time for her to embark on a new journey.

(The journey to Pinocchio ends here...)

Xing thought to herself, and finally smiled helplessly.

(Well... it's still perfect (De Li Zhao).)

Then, she followed Walter back to the train.

March 7: It's over! You seem to really believe it!

Xing: This... Could it be that you are really sleeping in a false dream?

Firefly: Maybe, there is a turning point! As long as someone can wake you up from the dream.

Xing: Who could this person be?

March 7: Maybe, it could be Miss Black Swan?

Black Swan: Well... If I knew, maybe there would be a chance.

Return to the train.

Pam had already spoken at this time

"Passenger Xing, the route meeting is about to begin, and we are waiting for you!"

Xing looked at Portio and Black Swan, and was a little surprised at this time.

She thought to herself:"When did the train become so lively?"

Pam saw that everyone was in place and immediately said

"Ahem... now everyone is here."

"Then let’s start the route meeting now!"

"Is it to decide where to go next? How do you say, vote or?"

Potiou asked directly.

Black Swan directly advised

"Don't worry, cowboy. Let them decide."

"Where are you all from?!"

Xing looked at the two of them and couldn't help it.

Ji Zi also stood up and explained.

"Let me explain"

"Mr. Portio and Miss Black Swan, for their own needs"

"They requested to temporarily travel with the train crew.……"

"As you all know, the Starry Sky Train will never refuse any passenger who wants to go far away."

"So, they will travel with us for a while until we reach our destination."

After Ji Zi said this, it was confirmed that the two of them would travel together.

Sanyueqi: This... let them travel together? Isn't it too abnormal?

Xing: It's a bit too unexpected. This dream is too fake. Can I wake up?

Liuying: I don't know how long this dream will last, but there is no sign of waking up now.

Potio: Travel together? It's really interesting!

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