Fu Nina: We have seen some of them in Xing's dream before.

Nashida: Indeed, they are quite special. Even they almost didn't realize that this was a dream.

Kamisato Ayaka: Ordinary people who have been immersed in a beautiful dream for a long time will probably fall deeper into it, right?

Nilu: When Robin and Sunday talked before, the three people they met were all immersed in a beautiful dream, weren't they?

Ningguang: Although it is just a microcosm, from this index, we can already feel that beautiful dreams are indeed beautiful.

Fu Xuan: For humans who are not immortals, if they can be immersed in a beautiful dream forever for decades, I believe many people would be willing to do so. Qingque

: Don't mention it, I actually like it too, if I can slack off in a dream every day.

Fu Xuan:...

Gui Naifen: Beautiful dream? Then it is probably because our number of fans has increased crazily! ?

Sushang: Yes, yes, I am afraid there is nothing better than this. Shajin: It seems that there is a conclusion. It is not easy for money to wake everyone up from a beautiful dream.

Himeko: From what you said just now, it seems that the robin has been singing here for a long time, but it just woke them up.

Walter: In harmony, order is the discordant note.

Walter: And in the Taichi dream of order, the robin is the discordant note.

March Seven: So, do we need the robin to continue singing here?

Xing: That would be too tiring, would n't it? It seems difficult to keep singing.

Black Tower: Please wake everyone up. Singing is not the only way.

Screw Gumm: Indeed, that's a bit taken for granted.

Fireworks: Hahaha! I think with the Void Commander here, we can declare it over.


The black swan in the exposure.

At this time, I am still thinking

"But the question is, how to do it?"

Hearing this, Xing felt a little overwhelmed.

"How about we go back to Taiyi's dream?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the people in the live broadcast room couldn't help themselves.

Sanyueqi: Hmm? What do you mean? Go back to Taiyi's dream? Wait! This won't work, right?

Sanyueqi: Hey! This is not the right time to liven up the atmosphere!!

Huahuo: Hahaha! It fits my perception of the little gray-haired boy. This is so funny!

Huangquan: Don't worry! There will be a way!

Xing: After hearing what Huangquan said, it's a sure thing!!


On the screen, Black Swan also laughed after hearing what Xing said.

"Are you backing out?"

"Unfortunately, human consciousness always tends to be realistic."

The Black Swan said this.

And this means another thing, Xing may find it difficult to return to the beautiful Taiyi dream.

"Now that you have noticed the flaw in the dream, there is no way to go back."

This situation is reality.

Unless the flaw in the beautiful dream is gone

"People's yearning for beautiful illusions is almost paranoid"

"This kind of mentality will make people subconsciously resist... the cruel truth."

Black Swan said so.

Funina: I see! In this case, thinking back, Xing can't accept the company giving up the beautiful dream of Pinocchio.

Doctor Zhen: This can be regarded as a disguised use of human weakness.

Doctor Zhen: The more you desire beautiful things, the more you find that it is false, the more you will reject it.

Xing: So this is good news and bad news?

March 7: It sounds like that, yes. And this news doesn't feel very good.

Fireworks: Unless this is another dream, in which case you can be affected again.

Xing: No! Then don't.

Black Swan: Now do you know why I chose such a time point?

Black Swan: It's very simple, because this will be the most profound for you in terms of your memory.


In the exposure screen,

Black Swan also said the difficulty of waking everyone up.

"I also took the trouble to pick a moment when the stars were completely defenseless."


The Black Swan used the stars as an example.

Similarly, it is not easy to wake up the rest of the people.

In the entire Pinocchio, there are many people who are sitting or standing and falling asleep.

"But all the people of Pinocchio……"

"It would be extremely difficult to make such a large group of people have the same will."

Black Swan thinks it is very difficult to awaken so many people and unify their will.

Funina: As difficult as ascending to heaven, it doesn't mean there is no way, right?

Kamisato Ayaka: Yes, although it is difficult, there is indeed a way. Nashida

: Do you remember the pictures that were exposed before?

Ganyu: What pictures? The memory is a bit old, I am beginning to forget.

Keqing: If I remember correctly, Huang Quan will completely destroy the entire dream.

March Seven: Ah this... completely destroy Taiyi's dream?

Xing: Can Taiyi's dream be destroyed? Does Huang Quan have the ability to come and go freely?.

Shajin: I think the commander of the void should have some privileges. If this place can be destroyed...

Boti Ou: His baby! I understand! Even if all these people are trapped in a beautiful dream.

Potio: But if the beautiful dream starts to break directly, then all the previous efforts will be wasted.

Jizi: When the beautiful dream is no longer a beautiful dream, but becomes a nightmare, everyone will wake up.

Firefly: That’s right! This illusory dream is not real after all!

Firefly: No matter how realistic it is, there is a limit.

Xing: It’s amazing! If it weren’t for Huang Quan, it would really be impossible!

Sanyueqi: So, the reason why the dream owner was anxious to drive Huang Quan away before was because of this?

Firefly: Hehehe! Maybe he is looking at the chat group and getting angry at this time.



In the home of the Oak family.

The interior of the Chaolu Mansion, which symbolizes absoluteness.

At this moment, Sunday is here with the dream master.


"I didn't expect that what I did back then would be discovered?"

The dream master seemed to be a little regretful at this time.

This kind of thing is extraordinary and indeed not simple.

"The beautiful dream is about to collapse."

Sunday did not respond to the dreamer's words.

He just kept repeating this sentence.

And behind this sentence, it hinted at the near future.

The beautiful dream was collapsing quickly.

They could no longer stop this omen.

They failed after all.


On the exposed screen, Huang Quan also explained the difficulty of the plan to wake everyone up.

"The difficulty of this plan is probably not much different from resurrecting a star god.……"

Everyone needs to wake up, and waking them up at the same time requires tremendous power.

And just as everyone was talking, a voice rang out.

"But no matter what, we can't just sit there and watch."

Dan Heng's voice suddenly came.

Then, he came into view with Potio.

Xing: They woke up too! It seems that everyone is almost here.

March Seven: Yes! There are also me, Sister Ji Zi, and Uncle Yang.

Dan Heng: So, what does the patrol plan to do at this time?

Potio: My dear! Can you leave some suspense? Why are you in such a hurry? No hurry, no hurry!

Fireworks: It seems that everyone is about to arrive! Hehehe!

Gold Sand: This is going to make things interesting! Which side will win?


On the exposure screen,

Poteo, who had arrived, also started to speak.

"This is a critical moment for the survival of the universe. How can we have time to worry about a broken number?"

It is obvious that Potiou does not take the current situation seriously.

"Are you awake too?"

Xing looked at the two people in front of him, his eyes full of confusion.

"Thanks to Miss Black Swan."

Dan Heng said directly after hearing this.

Obviously, this was all helped by Black Swan.

Keqing: Sure enough, before getting on the train, Black Swan was looking for Ji Zi, I'm afraid she was talking about this.

March 7: Great! Everyone is awake!

"It's just a piece of cake."

Black Swan responded softly

"I would also like to thank the memory seekers in Pinocchio"

"Your three companions……"

"They should all have woken up from their dreams."

Black Swan said so.

Obviously, there are many rememberers of Liuguang Yiting in Pinocchio.

Finina: Are there so many rememberers? It seems there is hope!!

Nashida: That's right! It seems we can really win!! Kamisato

Ayaka: Can we win? We will win!! Black Tower

: It would be great if the people of Liuguang Yiting are willing to help. Firefly

: But, only a few can be awakened like this, right?

Gold Sand: Don't worry! This should only be a preliminary plan.

With that said.

Then the exposure���Huang Quan on his face. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She also said the same thing at this time, rubbish

"This is the first step of the plan"

"With the help of Liuguang Yiting"

"People who are strong enough like you will gradually wake up from the dream"

"The awakened free will will become the discordant sound that shakes Taiyi's dream."

She said very seriously.

Finding the discordant sound in Taiyi's dream is the most critical thing.

At this point, Dan Heng slowly shook his head.

"But a few dozen people are nothing but a drop in the ocean in front of such a huge dream."

"We must find other ways"

"Awaken the free will of hundreds of thousands or millions in a short period of time."

Funina: This goes back to the previous question! They can't be awakened.

March Seven: It still feels so difficult!

Star: No! I'm beginning to feel that this is all going to end!!

Fireworks: Hahaha! Little Gray Hair is making trouble again.

Gold Dust: There is not only one way to awaken, there are many plans.

Gold Dust: If the number is enough, I believe things will become more interesting.

Walter: In other words... introduce more awakened people and break into the dream?

Star: Ah... this is really possible!! []

Black Tower: So, do we have to use the Alliance Jade Omen again?

Black Tower: Or are there other means?


On the exposure screen.

Just as everyone guessed.

Since it is very difficult to awaken people.

Then bring in more people.

Huang Quan shared this great idea at this time.

"If it’s hard to break through from within, seek help from outside"

"We already know there is a way."

She said so.

Then she began to explain her ideas.

"'Asdena is a galaxy filled with memory matter"

"There is a strange phenomenon called synesthesia dream. As the name suggests, it is like the online game.

"When you first enter this place, many people will appear in each other's thoughts and share the same dream……"

"At this moment, the entire Asdena galaxy is just a dream."

Huang Quan said here.

The meaning of her words is very clear.

Xing: Come on! This idea is really great!!

Hanabi: Hehehe! With so many people suddenly connecting online, the server will be overwhelmed, right?

Silver Wolf: Should this be my line?

Kafka: Simply put, this group of people cannot enter Taiyi's dream in the first place.

Kafka: This group of people themselves are unstable factors, and now Taiyi's dream has a gap.

Huang Quan: That's right!


When Dan Heng heard Huang Quan's words, he began to understand what to do next.

"You mean, as long as a large number of interstellar travelers can jump to the Asdena system"

"Their free will will be mixed into this dream, shaking its foundations..."

However, this kind of thing also has huge risks.

"But those who are called may also perish���In a beautiful dream, it becomes the cornerstone of order"

"The real difficulty lies in how to gather a large group of people who are as determined as you in a short period of time."

Black Swan directly pointed out the difficulty.

Xing: Hehehe! Now it depends on our connections! Alliance Jade Omen!!

March 7: That's what I say! Don't take it carelessly! This thing can only be used once!!!

Dan Heng: No! I think the Alliance Jade Omen will not be used this time!

Shajin: Hehehe! The hunting flying star!


At this time, Dan Heng also gave the best solution known so far.

"I think only the Alliance Jade Omen can do this."

Dan Heng was planning to use the Alliance Jade Omen again.

After all, this thing had been used in the previous dream.

But in fact, this thing had not been successfully used yet.

"No, there is no need for that."

At this time, Potio shook his head directly.

"There's no need to alarm the Immortal Boat Alliance"

"Keep this treasure that you can only use once in your life."

"Thousands of free wills? No big deal——"

"Leave it to the Sea Rangers to solve it."

Potio said with unusual ease.

Xing: Woohoo! Here they come! Sea Rangers! Are they going to gather together?

March Seven: That's it! It feels like they are going to kill like crazy! Hahaha!

Black Tower: The Sea Rangers are indeed a group of determined people, very suitable

"Can you gather the sea rangers?"

Dan Heng looked at Potio, still confused.


"Outsiders think that the Sea Patrol Rangers are elusive and have no contact with each other."

"Let me say – indeed!"

"But because of this, there is an unwritten rule…"

"Huang Quan, do you know what this is?"

Potiou said.

He took out the thing Huang Quan had given him before.

"This is the relic I gave back to you.

Huang Quan responded.

It was because of this relic that she came to Pinoconi by chance.


"Its owner must have told you"

"This thing is worthless to anyone other than the Sea Ranger. It can only be useful if it is returned to its original owner."

Potio nodded at this time.

"Because this is a burial object, only heroes who have made great contributions to the Sea Rangers are worthy of it."

Potio said so.

Obviously, this thing is very valuable.

Moreover, it is not a level of existence that ordinary people can own.

"When its light appears in the universe, it means the fall of a giant star, and the direction in which it falls……"

"There will be countless meteors streaking across the sky, that is the fire of the sea rangers gathering."

Potio shouted passionately

"They came from all corners of the galaxy, regardless of reason or cost, just because we abide by a common bottom line.——"

"The hunting flying star will only fall in the longest night!!"

"And behind it - will be the dawn!!!"

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