At this moment, Cocolia's right hand had already landed on the star core on her chest.

For a moment.

The shining golden light exploded on the spot.

The released golden barrier also swept ruthlessly at this moment.

Bronya saw this scene, and she immediately rushed forward to stop it.

However, it was too late.

She was blocked by the golden energy barrier and could not get close at all.

Cocolia screamed in pain.

The power of the star core in her body was about to take her away completely at this moment.


"Stop now!!"

Bronya saw this scene and shouted hurriedly.

However, she was powerless now.

The golden light released from Cocolia took away Cocolia's life directly.

At this moment, something seemed to be floating in the sky.

The golden light particles shot up into the sky.

Cocolia's body disappeared together.

In this piece of ice and snow, Cocolia's figure was missing.

She had died for what she pursued.

In the sky.

At this time, the sky was filled with golden light. Aurora.

At this moment, the golden light particles that were scattered out seemed so dazzling.

Bronya looked at the golden light particles all over the sky and felt sad for a moment.

Keqing: Finally... it's over! Zhongli

: In the end, everyone's strength is stronger.

Finina: It was a tough battle, but that flaming spear was really cool!!

Kamisato Ayaka: Yes, yes! It was so cool! Nashida

: I don't know how to say it, but it's so cool!!

Arata Ichito: The power of preservation! I still think that... The last creation engine is more handsome.

Ningguang: This failure took away her greed, and also took away her dream.

Lei Yingying: But for her, that is the future of the new world.

Yae Shenzi: This is really too unexpected, hahaha!

Liuying: In the end... did Cocolia want to prevent Bronya from being affected?

Sanyueqi: It seems that the barrier blocked Bronya...

Jizi: She is not a good guardian, but she is a good mother who gave her children a choice.

Walter: Wanting the star core to bring a new world, this 21st idea has failed.

Shajin: Oh! It's so sad and lamentable!

Topa: After seven hundred years of protection, it is inevitable that there will be a day when it will collapse. Topa

: It's just... after knowing that there may be a way to deal with the star core, she still chose to cooperate with the star core.

Liuying: The future should be created by herself, and she is still afraid of the future after all.

Huangquan: No matter what the future holds, I hope to make a decision that will not make me regret it.

Xing: Well! It's really a wrong step, and every step is wrong!


On the exposure screen, Xier was also filled with emotion as she watched the light particles scattered all over the sky.

"it's over……"

This battle was really difficult.

Bronya still couldn't get over the sadness.

She murmured:


"Have you woken up from your dream?"

In a sense, the so-called new world is just a future made up by the star core.

Sanyueqi, Xing and Danheng have come forward.

"Oh! This time of development... is really not easy!"

"Danheng, Xing, we succeeded!"

"Uh...but what about the star core?"

"Uncle Yang used to handle it."

Sanyueqi looked embarrassed.

Xing: Yes! Even I was handled by Uncle Yang.

Huahuo: Hahaha! Little gray hair, you are so cute.

Fu Nina: This is true... To some extent, Xing is really a star core.

At this time, Danheng also spoke directly

"I have informed Ji Zi and Mr. Walter."

"Let them seal this star core."

"Great, now the crisis in this world has been resolved, right?"

Sanyueqi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, the snowstorm is fierce and it is difficult to stop suddenly.……"

"After the star core is sealed, the cold wave will slowly fade away……"

"The rift in this world will no longer expand violently, but it will not disappear out of thin air either."

"Yalilo VI has the possibility of revival, but it will take time……"

Dan Heng sighed helplessly at this time

"It all depends on their efforts."

Bronya also expressed her gratitude at this time.

"Thank you, everyone. For Beloberg, this victory is just the beginning."

Mockingbird: It is indeed just the beginning! Or rather, it has just begun.

Firefly: Creation is not as fast as destruction.

Firefly: The creation that lasted for hundreds of years will also disappear in an instant.

Star: That depends on them, and the same goes for Pinocchio.

Bronya: Yes! We will all work hard.


On the exposure screen,

Bronya also started talking about important things.

"The residents of the city must know about the commotion caused by the Creation Engine.…"

"Many doubts need to be explained, many truths need to be made public……"

"I just don't know how to make everyone accept this.……"

Bronya said sadly.

At this time, Xing also expressed his opinion.

"Tell everyone the truth!"

"Is this really possible?"

Bronya was a little confused.

"Let the public know the mother's true intentions……"

"Tell them this lie that has lasted for seven hundred years……"

At this time, Bronya seemed a little hesitant.

"No! Absolutely not!"

Xi'er immediately refuted

"I don't know how to explain it, I just feel like there's no other way"

"In the lower class, we repeat to the children every day that tomorrow will be better."


Everyone knows that it is a lie, but at least it allows them to fall asleep with hope.

"If you tell others about what happened here, people will be disappointed."

"If I can't even trust the guardian, I don't know what else I should believe in."

After hearing this, Bronya decided to weave a lie.

"My mother...sacrificed herself to protect Beloberg."

"From the traveler who came from outer space, she learned the secret of the star core."

"She also knew that the first Great Guardian failed to destroy the star core.……"

Bronya said so

"But she still decided to challenge this force that was beyond human imagination."

"The Great Guardian Kokolia sacrificed herself to dispel the haze that enveloped Beloberg"

"From now on, this is the truth, what do you think?"

Bronya said, having given her own truth

"At least there is still some hope for preservation."

Seele nodded.

The other three also agreed.

Kamisato Ayaka: Are you going to end it all with a lie in the end? Nashida

: That's true, but it seems that this is the only way.

Villette: After the rift erosion, reconstruction work is still needed. In order to move towards the future, everything is necessary.

Zhongli: Although this is also a lie, it is not unacceptable.

Topa: If a lie can lead everyone to a better future, then this lie is worth it!

Gold Dust: Haha! However, don't take the lie as the truth.

Gold Dust: If you do that, you will repeat the same mistake sooner or later.

Bronya: Yes! I will definitely inherit the will of preservation! Protect it all well!

Black Swan: False memory? However, there is nothing wrong with that.


On the exposure screen.

With everyone notified.

All the people in the lower city also came to the upper level.

Everything seemed to start turning with the gears.

They walked towards the future.

And after that, new traces began to appear.

Xiluwa and Jeppard, the Langdao siblings.

Followed Xing to the place where Xinghe fought before.

As soon as she came, Xiluwa sighed. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"This place... is really cold."

She said so.

She used to be good friends with Cocolia, but unfortunately they parted ways.

Shiluwa looked up.

"This big it the star core restraint device?"

"It's spectacular that my predecessor has mastered such complex technology.……"

She sighed.

Jeppard beside her also spoke up.

"Lord Kokolia...died in battle here."

"Oh, he died a worthy death."

Shiluwa said unhappily.

"Now, should I tell you what you are doing here?"

Xing looked at Xiluwa and asked curiously.

"I'm here to play a farewell show……"[]

She walked forward

"This historic moment,���We two witnessed it together!"

"The venue is not very good and the equipment is a bit rudimentary, please forgive me."

She said so.

She and Cocolia played together before.

Jeppard looked at his sister and smiled.

"It's time to go on stage, sister."

Shiluwa was silent for a moment, then shouted

"Look at me! Cocolia!"

"Don't look away…"

"Because I…"

As she said this, Shiluwa had already raised the instrument.

Then, she fell heavily to the ground.

"Never again!!"


"Live! In your!! Shadow!!"

The instrument shattered with a loud bang.

Shiluwa gasped for breath.

She was now satisfied.

"It was great! The only regret is that I couldn't see that guy's expression"

"What a pity."

The two former friends said goodbye in their own way.


Funina: This looks like a real farewell.

Kamisato Ayaka: The past is over, and the future is just around the corner. Nashida

: It can be considered a good farewell to my past self.

Xing: It’s over! Yarilo VI is heading towards a brand new future!!

Sanyueqi: Yes! But the more I watch Sylva, the more shocked I am! I remember they seemed to be good friends before?

Bronya: Yes, they were good friends, but it’s a pity...

Walter: People always lose a lot in the process of growing up, and this kind of thing really makes people feel helpless.

Hanabi: Hahaha! Okay, okay! It’s all over, right?

Hanabi: Then, it’s the turn of the third star god, isn’t it?

Sambo: Yes! We have met this one before.

Funina: Watch it again? It’s really touching!

Nashida: No matter how many times I watch it, I will be shocked.


On the exposure screen.

At this time, the third screen also began.

This time, it was a glance from the harmonious star god Xi Pei.

This glance was obviously unusual.

On the screen.

In a trance, he returned directly to Liumeng Reef.

Misha smiled slightly at this time.

He walked towards the lounge chair.

"The hands of the clock go round and round…"

"Just like people's confusion, troubles, weakness... they keep swinging."

Misha said so.

He had already sat on the chair and then hugged the hat.

He then closed his eyes.

"But in the end, people still have to move forward."

The scene changed.

Xing's figure blocked the camera.

When the camera passed directly over Xing's body, Mikhail was lying there.

However, the voice continued.

"Just like your pointer, it always stays in front."

Mikhail's voice said this.

Xing knelt on one knee to this senior, and then stood up.

That voice was so obvious at this moment.

"My journey ends here."

Having said that,

Xing took up the hat and put it on his head.

"From now on…"


This is your way!���From now on, this is my path!! I am shocked every time I watch it!

March Seven: The road of exploration is never paved by others! We can definitely move forward to the future firmly!!

Kamisato Ayaka: Yes, yes! No matter what happens, exploration is really great!!

Nashida: That’s great! No matter how many times I watch it, I am shocked.

Funina: This is the will of exploration! No matter how much time has passed, it is still so tempting.

Hanabi: I didn’t expect to see this scene again, Misha and Mikhail.

Gallagher: Hehehe! Old friend, old friend, this kind of thing really depends on you.

Mockingbird: I believe that the future of Pinocchio is in our hands!!

As the hat was put on.

The surrounding scene also changed.

Xing put on the hat, and Clock Boy appeared.

March Seven, Firefly, and Himeko beside him all strode over at this time.

"So-called pioneering…"

""It is to follow the unfinished path of the predecessors and go a longer distance..."

Ji Zi said so.

At this time, Sanyueqi and Liuying looked at each other and nodded firmly.

They were already standing in front of Xingxingri.

Their attitude was also very firm at this moment.

"Mikhail's dream Pinocchio!!"

"It is definitely not in the order!!"

Xing shouted.

In an instant, a dazzling light burst out.

In the vast universe, a figure has appeared.

This voice has three faces.

She was bathed in the light, looking extremely sacred.

And her body was like a puzzle piece.

She opened her arms.

From this moment.

You can directly feel the unique power from Xi Pei.

It is really a harmonious power.

You can also feel the warm tolerance from it.

This is the harmonious star god!!

Xing: Xi Pei!! Here it comes! This is Xi Pei's glance!!

Hanabi: Indeed, compared to before, you got a glance without being injured.

March 7: Oh! Never mind! This looks really exciting Human heart!

Firefly: Hmm! The future of Pinocchio will not belong to order!!

Black Tower: Then I am curious. When Xing was glimpsed before, he came to some strange space...

Screw Gumm: Why didn't he go to that mysterious space this time? This is worth wondering.

Ruan Mei: In short, there are still many secrets in Xing.

Xing: Hmm! Then can you call me again? The same one as before!

Ruan Mei: Dear?

Xing: Woohoo!! Comfortable! This time it is really comfortable!

March Seven: Ah this...

Firefly: This this this... is not good?

Firefly: Hehehe! I didn't say it was bad when I called you before! Dear!

Xing: Uh... I didn't feel that way when you called me.

Sambo: Hahaha! It's so fun! Friend!.

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