Old Aodi looked at the two of them and smiled directly.

"Blame me for not taking good care of you and making you wait outside for so long, right?"

Jadeite heard this and responded directly

"No way, Mr. Odi"

"It's our honor to meet you"

"You may not know that"The Biography of Odi Aifa" is a must-read for employees of the Strategic Investment Department after they join the company."

As soon as Feicui came up, she showed respect for Old Odi.

At least on the surface.

Topa, who was standing beside her, also echoed

"After all, in the eyes of many people"

"You are a legendary figure who single-handedly supports the Pinocchio economic system."

Both of them said together.

It must be said that such a chat can easily make people feel happy.

Xing: You just started with a lot of praise, and that's it! I feel like I can't stand it anymore.

Liuying: For example, you are praised as the Galaxy Batman? A great hero of the civilized universe?

Xing: Okay, okay! Stop, stop, stop! I really can't stand it at all.

Jizi: In fact, it is just a means of words.

Jizi: There is no one who doesn't like praise, this is the weakness of human nature.

Jizi: If just a few compliments can achieve the desired result, then things will be very simple.


On the exposed screen,

Old Aodi obviously understood this.

He pointed it out directly.

The purpose of doing so was to tell the other party that compliments were useless.

"Hohohoho! As expected of the ten members of the Strategic Investment Department, you two really know how to talk.

This iconic smile is also his characteristic.

"Old Otto likes chatting with smart people"

"This way, we can save on the routine and superficial work and get straight to the point!"

So saying.

He continued to get to the point.

"Since we have invited company representatives on board this time, you two can probably guess what I want to discuss, right?"Seven Seven Three" Jade then intervened in the topic.

"The future of Pinocchio…"

"If I'm not mistaken, this is what you want to talk about." Fu Nina

: You've already started to intervene in the negotiations! I didn't expect it to be so quick.

Kamisato Ayaka: It feels like the two sides are testing each other less, and they're getting straight to the point. Nashida

: Indeed, I feel the same way.

Xing: It feels very unusual! Is it so clean and neat?

Ningguang: In this case, the testing of both sides doesn't make much sense.

Ningguang: They both know what they want and what the other party wants.

Jizi: It's normal to get to the point quickly and make some exchanges.


On the exposure screen.

Old Aodi continued to smile

"Hohohoho, you’re right, you hit the nail on the head!"

"Just a few simple words, but the interests involved are so complicated!"

He nodded repeatedly.

Then he expressed his opinion.

"Take the example of the golden-haired boy who didn't come."

"He spent a lot of time and effort and almost lost his life. What was it all for?"

"In the end, isn't it just to create an opportunity for the company?"

"Does this give you a reason to take over the fat piece of meat of Asdena again?……"

Xing: Hearing such comments about Jinsha... it's true...

Jinsha: Don't take it too seriously, after all, I'm just joining in the fun.

Topa: Yes! You asked for a life-and-death bet, right?

Kamisato Ayaka: I always feel that Jinsha's approach is a bit extreme.

Doctor Mari: That's what gamblers are like! If you don't let him gamble, it will be a problem.

Jinsha: Yes! Besides, isn't this a good outcome?

Jinsha: If the company didn't have such a talent who almost died in Pinoconi, how could they have intervened so smoothly?

Jinsha: Yes! And the fact that there is a force of order in Pinoconi is enough for the company to use this as an excuse.

Jinsha: They can hand it over on Sunday, but Dream Master can't do anything about it.

Ningguang: Once the hole is torn open, it will be difficult to close it. Zhongli

: No matter how you look at it, it is more advantageous for the company.

Yae Shenzi: It depends on how old Odi fights back.


On the exposure screen.

Feicui listened to what Old Aodi said and laughed.

"The experience and wisdom accumulated from ten Amber Ages in the business world are indeed well-deserved." After saying this

, she continued to ask

"Assuming your guess is true"

"Mr. Odi, how do you plan to respond to the company's move?"

Emerald's question was very simple.

In this situation, both sides have no intention of hiding their fangs.

The pressure on Old Odi has become very great.

Old Odi didn't care when he heard this.

"I admire your composure, Ms. Emerald!"

"You must have seen a lot of things."

Old Aodi first praised the jadeite, and then continued

"But you don't know enough about Pinocchio…"

"Hohohoho… Facing the greedy Greedy Wolf, Old Emperor Aodi is not going to sit still and wait for death."

He said this directly.

But then... he fell into silence.

Zhongli: The atmosphere has arrived! It seems that neither of them is ready to give in.

Ningguang: This is inevitable! At the beginning of the negotiation, one's attitude will determine what will happen in the future.

Ningguang: If you show weakness at the beginning, then there will be trouble later. Funina

: It was so tense at the beginning. Does Old Emperor Aodi have any means?

Nashida: There should be, right? Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this, right?

Xing: But... what can he do? Just let the company give up the idea. It's useless to just talk, right?

March Seven: Indeed, the company doesn't seem to give up automatically after being told a few words.

Robin: There should be something else that we haven't thought of.

Gold Dust: Haha! No matter what, Pinocchio can hardly escape the fate of the company's intervention.


On the exposure screen.

After a moment of silence...

Jade saw that the negotiations had reached a deadlock.

She took the initiative to break the ice

"I don't mean to interrupt... Please continue."

This sentence directly gave the initiative to Old Emperor Ao.

But at the same time, she has not yet directly thrown out her trump card.

In negotiations, knowing the trump card is very important.

Whoever throws out the trump card first means that it is easier to be manipulated.

Old Emperor Ao laughed when he heard this.

"Hohohoho…then I will get straight to the point"

"This time, I'm going to meet you two before the formal talks."

"It is to persuade the Strategic Investment Department to completely give up the plan of Pinocchio."

Old Odi seemed extremely confident.

This confidence even had a bit of arrogance in it.

"If you know when to back off at this step, you can exit with more dignity.……"

"It also saves the company from losing face at the negotiation table."

It can be said that it seems that Old Odi is giving the company a chance.

Xing: This... Why does Old Odi feel so arrogant? Didn't something happen to Pinoconi?

March 7: It is indeed different from what I imagined.

Ningguang: It's just a negotiation technique. What he wants now is to let the company throw out its chips first.

Ningguang: However, it is not difficult to understand from his words.

Ningguang: He should be the trump card. Zhongli

: It is said to be a trump card, but it is a bit pale and powerless in the face of absolute facts.

Shajin: Something happened to the company's senior executives, this is inevitable.

Xing: So what will it be?


On the exposure screen.

Topa listened to what Old Odi said.

She was starting to get a little anxious now.

Or rather, she was persuaded to stop without fighting.

"A P45 executive was attacked in a dream and nearly died."

"The company cannot just sit back and do nothing about it."

On this point, Topa expressed his attitude directly.

"Plus the riots during the Harmony Festival……"

"Pinocchio's credibility in the eyes of the public has also fallen to a new low"

"Even if your attitude is firm, the reality is still there, isn't it?"

Topa directly stated the pros and cons.

However, at this time, he has not mentioned the matter of order.

Funina: Okay, checkmate! There is no way out now.

Kamisato Ayaka: There is absolutely no way! How can this be solved so easily!

Ningguang: The company already has reasons to intervene, and this cannot be stopped. Ningguang

: As for Pinocchio, the current dilemma... it seems that there are other ways to solve it. To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) Himeko

: That's right! There is still a way, at least not as good as the company executives who have no possibility of coping. Xing:

In other words, is Pinocchio still salvageable?

Walter: It is better to say that it must be based on the premise of the company's intervention and do something cruel.


On the exposure screen.

Old Odi seemed to have finally seized the opportunity.

He listened to Topa's words and immediately responded with a smile.

"Miss Topper, you just used a word - the dilemma of reality."

"But don’t forget, this is a dream world!"

"If you want to succeed here, you have to have big and wild ideas!"

Old Aodi said, already a little excited.

Xing: Could it be? Something big is coming?

Sanyueqi: No way? Can we really win?

Shajin: Haha! It's really exciting!


Old Aodi now.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he followed his momentum and spoke directly.

"Want to know how I would handle a crisis?"

"It’s okay to tell you!"

"Through my operation, Pinocchio will take a great step forward and be listed on the market independently in the world!"

Topa was very surprised to hear this.


At this time, Feicui's face no longer had the joy she had before.

She was now gradually revealing her fierceness and coldness.

"Listen to your meaning……"

"Do you want to bypass the company and directly offer shares to the entire universe?"

Xing: This... Why does it seem like Feicui is a little panicked?

Sanyueqi: Not panicked, right? More like... unhappy?

Kamisato Ayaka: That's true, she seems a little angry.....

Ningguang: Self-listing? What does that mean?

Gold Dust: Wonderful! This means they are going to bypass the company and auction off the ownership of Pinocchio.

Jizi: I see, so that's why we need the Hibiscus to gather so many wealthy people together?

Jizi: Once the news gets out, people who are interested in Pinocchio will flock to it.

Walter: At that time, Pinocchio will not be divided up by the company, but by other forces that come here because of its reputation.

Gold Dust: So, this is a very gamble and risky move.

Xing: This... Isn't this a broken jar, isn't it good for the family?

Robin: It seems so, but as long as the family controls more than 50%, Pinocchio is still in the hands of the family.

Robin: This step is more like a threat to the company. Emerald

: Interesting, I really didn't think of this move.

Emerald: Choose to let other forces take over to put pressure on the company?

Jizi: But in fact, this is a self-destructive preservation method.

Robin: This... The company shouldn't give up, right?

Topa: That's why we have to start the negotiation in advance, hoping to persuade him.

Xing: But will it work?


On the exposure screen,

Old Aodi also spoke frankly.

This is his idea, and he will naturally carry it out to the end.

"That's right!"

"Rather than sit there and watch you eat away at Pinocchio step by step!"

"I would rather open the door to my beautiful dreams to the whole universe."

Old Odi said directly

"Starting today, any aspiring person in the galaxy can become a shareholder of Dreamland!"

"This is the way of harmony that Old Odi will implement, ho ho ho ho ho!"

Mockingbird: The way of harmony... in some sense, it is. Firefly

: But, if so many forces begin to get involved in Pinocchio, won't it make the situation worse?

Star: It is conceivable that for a long time, Pinocchio will probably be involved in the struggle for fame and fortune.

Black Swan: In this case, it will be no less than after the frontier prison was liberated, with various forces standing side by side.

March 7: This is also a disaster for Pinocchio!

Gold Dust: It is precisely because of the chaos that it can bring pressure to the company. Gold Dust: The company has already paid a considerable price. If it fails, it will definitely be a loss.

Topa: A threat?


On the exposed screen,

Old Aodi is still talking about his thoughts.

"This reform should have come sooner!"

"Unfortunately, the Oak family is a group of wooden heads who are blinded by order.……"

"As the name suggests, their thinking is not as active as an old man like me."

He first mocked the Oak family mercilessly.

Then, he showed that he was very happy.

"Thanks to the previous small shock"

"The biggest obstacle standing in the way of the old Austrian Emperor's reform has now been wiped out, ho ho ho ho!"

Xing: It's true that he benefited from it in 4.2.

March Seven: Ah, this... is exactly the same as what was said before.

Kamisato Ayaka: It's really... uncomfortable. Robin

: Sure enough, no one can stop the Clover family that now controls the economy of Pinocchio.

Ningguang: This is really a coincidence!


On the exposed screen,

Old Aodi was still speaking passionately.

"The Clover Family will release the financial report of Dreamland"

"Let the whole universe see!!"

"Even after the disaster, Pinocchio is still full of potential and opportunities, and the family is still full of confidence in the future."

After hearing this,

Emerald was silent for a while.

Then, she started to speak.

"Crisis is also an opportunity"

"You have actually been waiting for the right time, waiting for Pinocchio to become the focus of everyone's attention again."

Having said that, she continued to analyze.

"If Pinocchio can successfully overcome the difficulties……"

"If the company wants to get involved again, our every move will be exposed to the public."

She pointed out the interests involved in an instant.

Xing: This... does it mean that the company can't do anything?

March 7: It seems to be true.

Sand Gold: Indeed, Pinocchio is the star of the event! If there is no order crisis this time, it is really difficult to intervene.

Portio: Hehe! Although I don't recognize Pinocchio's independence, the facts are there.

Portio: It's not that easy to take it back!

Old Odi heard this.

Now he smiled even happier.

"Hohoho...Now I believe it"

"Miss Feicui, it seems that you have indeed read my biography."

"What is the next move? Think about it carefully."

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