Xing: Although it's not a bomb this time, it feels very interesting.

Qingque: Really, this is really interesting.

Gui Naifen: Well, we are indeed like-minded people, and interesting things have happened.

Suchang: Everyone likes to play with memes, right?

Gui Naifen: To be honest, if there is a chance to invite Huahuo, it will definitely be a great show effect.

Huahuo: Well, is that so? Is it an interesting show?

Xing: Uh... I guess so.

Huahuo: Then are you going back? Xiao Huimao, if you go, I can also consider it.

Xing:...Don't involve me in everything, okay?

Xing: Find bombs, let's find bombs.

Sanyueqi: Don't you feel strange when you say this? Sanyueqi:

From the beginning of your search to now, it seems that you haven't found many, right?


On the exposure screen.

Xing continued to search.

Soon, she found a new doll.

It was a sheriff doll.

The moment the other party saw Xing, he said directly

"Oh, the god of fun"

"You actually saw through my disguise so quickly!"

Such words.

To be honest, it makes people feel very abstract.

Xing: Why do I feel so strange?

March Seven: What a coincidence, I feel the same way.

Walter: It sounds like a catchphrase of a certain folk civilization in a certain period.

Fireworks: Oh, my dear lady, do you like it when you are spoken like this?

Xing: If I can, I really want to grab your nose and kick your ass hard.

March Seven: Hahaha, very interesting way to fight back


On the exposed screen, the sheriff doll also continued to speak

"Seriously, my dear little gray-haired lady"

"You are just like the ferocious pangolin in Mrs. Susan's bedroom!"

The doll gave a very strange adjective

"Why is there a pangolin in her bedroom?"

Xing finally couldn't help asking.

Sanyueqi: Yes, yes, why is there a pangolin in the room? Could it be that her room is a mountain?

Funina: Living in a cave? How strange.

Kamisato Ayaka: This... Why do I begin to feel that your focus has been diverted? Nashida

: It is very likely that this is how it feels now. Xing

: So can Hanabi come out and explain it?

Hanabi: Hahaha! Then what kind of explanation do you want?

Hanabi: Maybe this 310 lady is an old witch?


In the exposure screen, compared to fireworks, the sheriff doll in front of him had no intention of explaining it at all.

"Oh, how shameful!"

"Didn’t Uncle Parker teach you well when you were a child?"

"Ask the right questions at the right occasion!"

The Sheriff Doll seemed to be following a script.

He was very unhappy because he didn't hear the script.

Then, the Sheriff Doll continued to explain.

"I know why you are here!"

"You took a bribe from that guy."

"The hypocritical and corrupt leader of the Fireworks Gang"

"The scum who wants to take the position of mayor of Fireworks City - Brother Huozi!"

Sheriff Doll first established an object of existence

"This evil city has fallen!"

"As a sheriff doll, I can't just sit back and watch!!"

"Now only this imaginary neutron bomb can completely wipe you out and reshuffle this fireworks city!"

Listening to the description of Sheriff Doll, it seems like it is really true.

Then, Sheriff Doll showed his true intention.

"If you want to defeat me, you'll have to face Hanabi-sama's dog."

"They are my loyal and good friends, you can't beat them!"

As he was talking, several dogs suddenly jumped out.

The two sides had to fight.

Xing: Ah, this... I really didn't expect it...

Sanyueqi: The accident was really unexpected. I didn't expect it to be like this.

Xing: I didn't expect that we still have to fight in the end. It's so hateful!!! Qingque:

I'm speechless and helpless, but there's nothing I can do.

Xing: But it feels good this way, as long as we have a fight.

Xing: Rules are meant to be broken!!

Hanabi: Yeah, yeah! So do you like it? Hehehe!


In the exposure screen, after Sheriff Doll won the victory, she also sighed.

"I was actually defeated by Huozi's abominable minions……"

"But you will never succeed!!"

"Because I am just a cute doll, not an imaginary neutron bomb at all!"

The sheriff doll sighed and died with his superb acting skills.

I can understand it at this moment.

It's a pity.

The imaginary neutron bomb is not here at all, so I'd better look for it somewhere else.

Such a ruthless result is finally over.

Xing: Fighting!! Cool!! (afab) March 7: Hehehe! Is it really that interesting?

Firefly: Ah this, I didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Firefly: But it seems that there is a more efficient way to fight.

Xing: Uh-huh, you mean, Sam Mech!! Fusion!!

Firefly: Ahhhh! Stop talking!!


In the exposure screen, after Xing encountered this sheriff doll, she continued to search.

Later, she found a trash can doll.

More and more abstract dolls appeared. When the trash can doll saw Xing, it was like a fixed NPC.

She said directly

"Welcome, Human"

"I am the little machine head, Boshizun Star God, simulated intelligence question answering machine!!"

"It is also very likely to be an imaginary neutron bomb.

The garbage can doll looks very organized.

This seems to be its characteristic.

"As long as you can answer the only question I have."

"I can open the lid and see if I am a bomb."

"If so, I will demolish it on my own to avoid causing harm to society."

The trash can doll said so.

"You are obviously a trash can."

Xing couldn't help but complain when he saw this. The trash can doll also explained this directly.

"You have to see the essence through the phenomenon, and my essence is in the bucket."

Then, the garbage can doll began to ask the questions he had prepared.

"Please listen to the question!"

"What creature has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?"

This question is very classic.

Firefly: This... seems to be a famous puzzle that everyone knows?

Heita: Yes, it has appeared in other folk tales.

Sanyueqi: The answer is people!

Jizi: That's right, corresponding to childhood, middle age and old age.

Sushang: But isn't this a leg?

Gui Naifen: Yes, it is true.

Qingque: When I was a child, I crawled, and my hands were considered legs. When I got old, my cane was considered a leg.

Hanabi: Yes, everyone looks very smart.

Hanabi: But I'm still very curious, what kind of answer will Xing give?


On the exposure screen.

After thinking for a while, Xing gave his answer instantly.

""Hua Huo, it's Hua Huo!"

Xing shouted happily.Hua

Huo: Hahaha! It really lived up to everyone's expectations, so interesting!

Hua Huo: Little Gray Hair, you are awesome.

Xing: How is it? Isn't it interesting?

Hua Huo: Yes, but how should I reward you?


The garbage can doll heard the answer and responded.

"Correct answer!!"

"But, unfortunately……"

"I hate the intuitive little devil."

The trash can doll said.

Then, it was like a fighting trash can.

In an instant, the two sides had to start fighting.

After a fierce battle,

Xing passed the test of the trash can doll.

When Xing opened the trash can. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In the trash can, he saw the doll that looked like fireworks.

Unfortunately, its essence was just a ball of cotton.

It was not a gun-type or convergent firing device and its combination.


Xing: Sure enough, this is also fake.

Hanabi: Yeah, so are you happy? Xing: I'd be happy if there was no bomb at all. Xing: I can only be happy if there is no bomb at all.


On the exposure screen.

At this time.

Xingye is still searching.

After searching for a while, he found another doll.[]

"Hello, I am a bomb!"

The Fool Doll said directly

"There is still some time before I explode, you can go somewhere else first!"

She was like a real Masked Fool.

Hearing this, Xing couldn't help but ask

"Can I just wait here quickly?"

She asked.

Obviously, Xing has completely carried out the mentality of a jerk.

March Seven: What else are you talking about at this time? Hurry up and do it!!

Fireworks: Hahaha! But I think Xiao Huimao doesn't seem to want to do it.

Xing: Tsk tsk tsk, now we have started a pleasant chat


On the exposure screen, the Fool Doll listened to Xing's words.

At this time, she did not seem angry at all.

"We are not waiting fast for this kind of feature at all!"

"But it doesn't matter, in order to make your waiting process less boring"

"I can sing a soft and soothing song for you!"

Then, without even giving the other person a chance to react, the Fool Doll started to sing.

"Now playing for you: Never Give Up》"

""Esrikli, the pop star from the Epsilon galaxy..."

Finina: Singing?

Mockingbird: This... Can Hanabi record something like this?

Ying: Lady Hanabi! That's great!

Paimon: Just taste it! Just taste it!


As the video played, the Fool Doll suddenly seemed to realize something.

"Oh, wait."

"Pinocchio's family did not buy the rights to the song."

"Can't play here"

"Well, let me recite a passage for you."

"Next, please enjoy the poem recitation"Never Give Up, Never Give Up"》!"

Without further ado, the fool doll began to recite.

Oh, Aha! If you ask me how I feel about you, please don't tell me that you turn a blind eye! He will never give up on you, never let you down!

He will never forsake you, never let you cry!

He will never say goodbye to you.

He will never hurt you with lies - praise Aha!

After that almost crying praise of Aha fell to the ground.

Only the irritating cassette sound echoed in the doll's mouth for a long time.

It turned out that it was not a bomb at all.

It was an old antique tape recorder.

At this point, all the sounds ended.



This time it's not a real bomb.

Xing: It's not a real bomb.

Sanyueqi: I didn't expect it! There is such a thing. Fu Nina

: In short, things are getting interesting.

Xing: It's a headache... How come none of them are bombs?

Liuying: If none of them are bombs, it would be a relief.



, Xing and Ma stopped searching again.

She found another outlaw doll.

"Welcome to the Hibiscus, dear lady!"

The doll was very polite.

"I am a dangerous bomb and a lawless lunatic who despises public order and morality."

"I wish you a wonderful day here."

Hearing this answer,

Xing suddenly became interested.

"You are quite polite."

Said this.

And the outlaw doll responded directly

"You're welcome, ma'am."

"But politeness still can't hide my dangerous and crazy aura"

"In case you don't believe me, let me show you:"My God!"

This doll has now completely performed the role of an outlaw to the extreme.

Portio: Huh??? What does this mean?

Xing: It doesn't mean anything else, I just simply imitate your speech, hahaha!

March Seven: Speaking of which, Portio is indeed an outlaw.

Portio: Haha! It's interesting, I wonder how long she can imitate.

Hanabi: Hehehe, fun things, of course, should be played for a while


Following closely, the outlaw doll continued to speak

"To be honest, the reason why I became an outlaw is not because I treasure a bomb."

"It's because my precious one has an ancient, crazy, and blasphemous spell that is unacceptable to human ethics."

Now you can feel the arrogance in these words.

Portio: Hehe, it's interesting. I really want to meet him if I have a chance.

Hanabi: Hehe, really? That's very interesting.

Not only that.

That outlaw doll.

She was still talking at this time.

"Do you want to feel it?"

"I can read it to you, but I will not be responsible for any consequences."

Xing Lianlian refused such a request.

"Forget it, I value my life."

The outlaw doll laughed wildly.

"Hey, baby, are you scared?"

"Let me tell you, it’s late!"

"You have opened the magic box..."

Then, the doll started to recite without hesitation.

"The ceremony is ready"

"Open your ears and listen carefully to the most ancient, most primitive, and precious tremor engraved in the genes of human beings!!"

""Huaska, Huoska, little Hanabi! Huaska, Huoska, little~Hanabi~!"

This voice is very similar to the voice of Clock Boy, the protagonist of the legendary Pinocchio animation brand.

Star's alarm bells immediately rang!

The ancient and profound muscle memory made you swing your arms and throw the doll into the sky - if what the doll just said was true.

Then there should not be an imaginary neutron bomb exploding on the surface at the golden moment.

Don't worry...right?

The last hint is simply speechless.

March 7: So...we are finished?

Xing: Anyway, it was directly shot out, so what happened? No matter.

Hanabi: Hahaha! Good, good! You are worthy of it! Really good!


At this time, in the simple 111 group chat, the voice of March Seventh was heard.

March Seventh: Good news!!

March Seventh: We found the remaining 172 dolls!

March Seventh: But... when he said it, he hesitated.

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