Huang Quan: It's not me, to be precise, it should be the Grand Duke of Hellfire.

Shajin: Hahaha! Interesting! So interesting!

Shajin: I never thought that I could still meet the Grand Duke of Hellfire at this time.

Potio: My God! Is this something he said before he died?

Topa: The so-called impossible things are just things that have not yet come.

Doctor Zhenli: There is nothing wrong with this sentence, especially for many people who lack confidence.

Shajin: You can get encouragement from this sentence, right?

Xing: It's really touching? Who would have thought that the words of the Grand Duke of Hellfire... would actually come from Liuying's mouth.

Sanyueqi: It was what Huang Quan said to Liuying before.

Jizi: Indeed, in many cases, you need to be full of confidence in the future.

Jizi: Because only in this way can the desire and motivation to live be stronger. Walter

: At this time, I hope Liuying can make a good choice and give an answer.

Danheng: Everything is not over yet.

Danheng: There is still a chance for everything.

Mockingbird: Well, there are still more than 20 minutes left. This bomb can definitely be resolved. Gold Dust

: Is that so! Maybe there really is a chance. Portio

: Good, good, good! It looks like, maybe everything will be fine.

Black Tower: I will continue to remain skeptical.

Black Tower: The Masked Fool cannot be viewed with common sense.

Kamisato Ayaka: Ah this... To be honest, Hanabi definitely has more than just such a simple method.

Narcida: In other words, Hanabi will definitely cause trouble, right?

Hanabi: Hahaha! It seems that everyone understands me very well.

Xing: But I think everyone is full of confidence in the future.

Xing: We will definitely succeed.


On the exposed screen.

After Liuying finished saying what Huangquan said.

Now, she has her best evidence.

It is because of the impossible.

Everyone tries to see a ray of hope.

Then, this ray of hope will be infinitely magnified.

After the magnification, the final situation will be the most anticipated.

Hope is lurking in the crisis.

If it can be properly dealt with, then you will definitely get the desired answer in the end.

Just like at this moment.

Liuying continued to speak.

She seemed to be trying to convince something.

Not just to convince Xing.

But also to convince herself.

"There are so many impossible things happening right now.……"

"But will they never happen?"

Liuying asked herself.

At this moment, no one can give a clear answer.

If you are confident in the future, then everything is possible.

What's more, whether this firework doll bomb is a bomb or not is another matter.

And no one knows how powerful it is.

These two points alone are enough to explain many problems.

If it is not a real bomb, then there will be hope of life.

Funina: It's impossible! It just hasn't happened yet. Maybe it will happen one day.

Nashida: So why can't that day in the future be today?

Kamisato Ayaka: That's right, I think so too. Liuying

: Yes! The miracle is today.

Liuying: We can make our own choices.

Liuying: Maybe the result of the choice is beyond our control. Sure.

Firefly: But in a sense, we have chosen our own destiny.

Star: In any case, miracles must be created by our own hands.

Star: There really will be no miracles if we just wait.

March 7: Speaking of which, we have done a lot of things in Pinoconi.

March 7: Taiyi's Dream, God's Day, this can be considered a journey, right?

Robin: We have all made our efforts.

Robin: Then we can definitely do it now.

Portio: Oh my god! It's starting to get excited, right? It makes people feel a little excited.

Gold Dust: Hahaha, is that so? That's really interesting. Emerald

: Well, anyway, it's good if you have good ideas.

Topa: Overall, let's keep it simple.

Star: As long as we work hard, we can definitely reach a better future.


On the exposure screen, after Liuying finished speaking, she also expressed her own opinion.

In this dreamland , everything is possible. Everything is allowed.

It is because of coming here that Liuying has experienced many things she has never experienced before.

So at this time,

Liuying also holds a certain hope.

She is no longer a weapon, but exists as a firefly.

Because of this, she has experienced things she has never experienced before.

Therefore, she is actually the one who is most looking forward to this dreamland.

Therefore, she maintains a positive and optimistic view of the impossible.

""If you ask me, maybe it's just that these impossible moments have not come yet."

She said so.

Perhaps in Liuying's heart, what she really wants to do, what she really wants, is to deny those impossibilities, resist fate, and find a ray of hope from fate.

These are all what she hopes for.

Liuying spoke slowly.

Her voice was very light.

But in that very light voice, everyone could feel the firmness of her tone.

Although there was still a sadness that was hard to conceal.

"Is it the literal end?……"

"Still a pain like death……"

"Or a near-death situation……"

Liuying continued.

These are all possibilities of existence.

Possibilities of death.

"They are no different until the end."

"And I can still make many choices."

Liu Ying thinks so.

She does not regard fate as the most important thing.

Nor does she put fate in a position that cannot be resisted.

For Liu Ying, fate is just fate.

Funina: Even in the face of fate, we can make our own choices.

Ningguang: This is a positive view.

Zhongli: As a star core hunter, the script she got includes three deaths, and she already knew where she would go.

Yae Shenzi: But even so, everything is not over yet, right?

Nashida: Ah this... seems to be true. Kamisato Ayaka

: Making your own choice is the most important thing.

Xing: Even if the end of the journey is determined, we must I will embark on this journey firmly.

Star: No one can stop the future, and no one can stop things from happening.

March 7: That's right, we can choose for ourselves.

Black Swan: In a sense, everyone has countless possibilities of fate.

Black Swan: Every step you take and every choice you make will affect your future outcome.

Black Swan: Therefore, everyone's choice is very important.

Black Swan: One thing that can be clearly known is that everyone will die in the end.

Black Swan: When you see through death, death becomes less scary.

Portio: What the hell! So whatever choice you want to make, just do it boldly!


On the exposure screen, after Liuying said what she just said, she also had a more thorough understanding.

"I also firmly believe……"

"At the moment of choice"

"We already have the answer in our hearts." (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Liuying said this.

Then, she looked at the swimming pool again.

More precisely, she looked at the fireworks doll bomb in the swimming pool.

"It is not fate that shapes us."

"It is we who shape our destiny.

" It is very important to be able to control your destiny in your own hands.

Ningguang: It is not destiny that shapes us, but we who shape our destiny.

Ningguang: One is fatalism, and the other is humanism.

Zhongli: Indeed, if you believe in fate for everything, you will only become a puppet.

Zhongli: But in fact, things have never been like this.

Yae God: Because every decision you make will affect your future destiny.

Yae God: Every possibility you give up will eventually develop towards the worst situation.

Nashida: That's right, I can feel that it is true.

Xing: So, you should be bold to speak your mind and do what you want to do.


March 7: Like now, right?

Black Tower: What fate is, itself is not important.

Black Tower: If we can have a firm direction, work hard for it, and move forward bravely.

Black Tower: Maybe everything will be different for us.

Screw Gumu: That's right.

Screw Gumu: Being able to make a choice itself is something to be thankful for.

Himeko: So���What the future will be like is still in our own hands.

Ji Zi: It was Liuying who chose the third death, not the third death that doomed Liuying.

Black Swan: In this way, it will be a scene that everyone will like to see.

Black Swan: There are too many people who have contributed to Pinocchio.

Xing: To be honest, I can understand Mikhail's feelings now.

March 7: Me too... It's a bad feeling to say goodbye to my companions.

Xing: But since it has happened, there is nothing we can do.

Xing: I also believe that everything will be fine in the end.


On the exposure screen,

Liuying said so.

No one could stop her now.

She chose to help Pinoconi and take the bomb away alone.

As for the final result, no one knew.

Liuying had already walked into the swimming pool on her own initiative.

This was a small swimming pool on the Sunstone.

The water surface just covered Liuying's calves.

There was a slight sound coming from the water.

Liuying also continued to speak at this time.

"Star Train and Star Hunter……"

"Just like light and shadow."

She said so.


Liuying leaned down.

When she leaned down, she had already pressed the transformation device.

The mecha merged with her body in an instant.

At this moment,

Sam's mecha has completely covered her body.

The hand that entered under the water has now grabbed the Firework Doll Bomb Doll.

This so-called real bomb seems to be taken away directly by Liuying.

Xing: Here it comes, it's finally this moment.

March 7: Liuying has transformed! Damn, the others haven't come yet!

Gold Sand: So this is very strange.

Gold Sand: The entire Huichang Stone is this big.

Gold Sand: From the time span Judging from the situation here, there shouldn’t be anyone who doesn’t know what’s going on here.

Portio: Even during the search for the 999 dolls before, someone should have seen it.

Topa: In the end, only the two of them came. This script is a bit too coincidental.

Black Swan: Let’s not talk about those.

Black Swan: I vaguely remember that in the previous exposure scene, the firefly exploded after flying into the sky.

Hanabi: Hahaha! Do you think the bomb can be easily dismantled, is that interesting?

Hanabi: So it’s better to have some fun.

Kamisato Ayaka: Ah this...

Finina: Why don’t we talk about the Star Core Hunter and the Star Train again.

Xing: Speaking of which, this is also very surprising.

Emerald : Light and shadow are interesting in a sense.

Black Tower: Remember the last person who said this was the sea ranger and the hunting fairy boat.

Black Tower: One is in the light, the other is in the dark.

Portio: Oh my! You all have great memories.

Portio: Right! According to this logic, exploration and the end should be related.

Black Swan: What exploration is about is the unknown. Black Swan

: There is no end to exploration, but there is an end to the end.

Black Tower: So, what is the end of this is the most critical.

Black Tower: At the moment, Elio should also be resisting the end.

Portio: Hahaha! Oh my! Now it’s revealed. Understand.

Portio: The Star Core Hunters want to use the Galaxy Train to open up a future without an end?

Xing: Ah this... Now that you put it that way, I seem to understand why they have such high hopes for me.

Kafka: Yes, the key care target.

Xing: Hahaha! It's okay! I'm the protagonist! Now the three star gods have started to take care of me!

Xing: I don't even dare to think about the future! Maybe I will become a star god directly, wakaka!

March Seven: Stop, stop, stop! To be honest, I can't imagine that scene at all.

March (Okay Zhao) Seven: Let's talk about something practical.

Firefly: Haha, you're still so energetic! As for the future, we don't know either.


In the exposure screen, Liuying has completely transformed into Mecha Sam.

Now, she has got the doll.

Liuying's voice is still continuing.

"'We are on different paths"

"Tangled, moving forward together……"

"Growing vigorously……"

Having said that

, everyone can feel it now.

The relationship between the two parties seems to have some kind of tacit understanding.

And Firefly, who has already got the Fireworks Doll Bomb, has a determined look in her eyes.

In the cockpit, she has begun to use her strength.

Sam sank slightly.

Then, he suddenly rushed towards the sky.

The red tail behind him, the flames were so dazzling.

In the sky, at this moment, there was a dark night.

And now Firefly is the only light in the dark night.

This may be the light that illuminates the entire night.

Or... it is the moment to lead Pinocchio into the future.

Firefly suddenly flew into the sky.

Her voice, her inner monologue, will always ring at this time.

"Maybe the end is certain."

"But... it's not now."

Saying this, everyone can feel the determination.

Funina: Now I can probably understand what Liuying said before.

Funina: Fireflies fly into the fire, and live towards death...

Funina: The future she is heading towards is a road forcibly opened up from death.

Kamisato Ayaka: The end is not now! Everything is not over yet!!

Kamisato Ayaka: Everything is possible!! Earth

Star: That's right! We all believe it.

Star: I believe that Pinoconi will have a bright future, and I believe that Liuying will be fine.

Liuying: The future can definitely be opened up!.

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