In Luo Fan’s villa.

Mitilte looked at her chest, wanting to cry but unable to.

After surrendering, Luo Fan placed a trigger-type”Demon Bird of Annihilation” on her chest.

She knew very well that this was a means of surveillance and threat to her.

I’m afraid that as long as the superior demon wanted, the magic power of this Demon Bird of Annihilation would explode and directly destroy her heart?

“Sit down.”

Luo Fan motioned for Mitilte to sit down.

“No……No……I can just stand…….”Mitilt said with great self-awareness

“”It’s okay if you don’t want to sit, then let’s talk while standing~” Luo Fan smiled softly.

He found this fallen angel quite interesting.

Perhaps if he just scared her a little, she would hand over the so-called”true feather of the fallen angel”?

“You just said I’m still alive……You think I should have died.”

“Where did you get this news?”Luo Fan said straight to the point.

“that is…….I learned it from the organization.” Mitilte whispered back.

“In the organization? You are a fallen angel, which means that this attack on me was the work of a fallen angel?” Luo Fan frowned.

Could it be Kirkbol? The war-crazed fallen angel who seized the Holy Sword of the Church and was about to trigger the three forces to restart the war?

Kirkbol’s strength should barely reach the level of Demon King. After all, even Rias, who was amplified by the Red Dragon Emperor, could not cause effective damage to him.

Judging from the strength, Kirkbol has the possibility of taking action.


How could Kirkbol have that kind of sacred flame in his hand?

If it weren’t for the sacred flame that had absolute restraint on demons, his predecessor would never have died so quickly.

“actually…….It can’t be considered the work of a fallen angel.” Mitilte poked his fingers together and whispered.

“Recently, Linali and we joined a new organization”

“Monitoring the situation in Juwang Town is the task assigned to us by the new organization.”

“A new organization? In other words, you betrayed the fallen angels?” Luo Fan was very concerned about this difference from the original plot line.

“Betray the fallen angel?……..Of course not!”

“We just want to get stronger in the new organization, become high-level fallen angels as soon as possible, and live a high-end life!”

Mitilt didn’t think he betrayed the fallen angels.

“Don’t you know that this behavior is what is called betrayal?”

“The new organization will not really accept you because you have not escaped from the Fallen Angels.”

“As for the fallen angels, after they have investigated the matter, they will definitely not accept you again.”

“So we have to upgrade to high-level fallen angels as soon as possible before we are found out?!” Mitilt said as if it was a matter of course.

“The idea is beautiful, but unfortunately, you don’t have the qualifications from the beginning.”

“Not everyone is qualified to walk on a tightrope. To walk on a tightrope, one must have value in oneself.”

“and…….The Misfortune Group or something like that can’t really help you become stronger. You are just cannon fodder.”Luo Fan couldn’t bear to watch it anymore.

Are all fallen angels so stupid?

It’s not impossible.

Fallen angels were angels before they fell, and low-level angels are very pure, or you could say very stupid.

“Cannon fodder? How could it be possible!”

“We have been given something that can defeat the upper-level demons! It’s just not in my hands!” Midilt said unconvinced.


“What did you say?……Misfortune Group?”Mitilt was sure that he had heard correctly.

“Ah, did I say that, or do you want to tell me that the new organization you joined is not the Disaster Group?”


Mitilt swallowed her saliva. Luo Fan was right about this. The new organization they joined was the Misfortune Group!

Sure enough, compared to these low-level fallen angels, would the higher-level demons know more?

You know, the Misfortune Group has not made any big moves in public.

Their names are known, which means that Luo Fan really knows more than them!

Mitilt was a little panicked.

Since Luo Fan knew more secret information, wasn’t Luo Fan’s judgment correct?! Will they really only be cannon fodder in the future?

Mitilt was full of pessimism about her future………

So, after a not-so-difficult psychological struggle, Mitilte once again displayed the French spirit and told Luo Fan all the information he knew.

“I see…….”Luo Fan touched his chin. It was pretty much what he thought.

It was really a stroke of luck to meet this fallen angel. It would be of great help to get accurate information for future actions.

“Then according to our agreement, I will go back to the fallen angels first.”

“You have to promise me that you won’t attack my companions before I try to persuade them to surrender.”

After Luo Fan’s guidance and his own reflection, Mitilt, who had a very flexible stance, decided to change his course and temporarily join Luo Fan’s team.

Both Luo Fan and Mitilt knew that there was not much trust between the two.

Therefore, they adopted the fairest and most reassuring way – to conclude a contract.

The two reached a contract, and Mitilt had to infiltrate the Fallen Angels and help Luo Fan hide the information that he was still alive.

And Luo Fan needed to let Mitilt go free after she completed the task.

Mitilt has made the decision to defect again with his companions.

This time, two jobs were directly taken, both the jobs of the Fallen Angels and the Disaster Group!

It can be transferred to the ancient country of the East, or the Nordic pantheon, in short, it is good to transfer to a place where it is difficult for the Fallen Angels and the Disaster Group to intervene.

In this way, the fate of cannon fodder should be avoided……..

“Oh, there is one more thing. Luo Fan stopped Mitilte who was about to leave.

“I heard that all fallen angels have a real feather”

“I want your real feathers, I wonder if Miss Mitilt can give them up?”

Luo Fan was very grateful to Mitilt.

Not only did she bring him enough information to determine the future policy, but she also successfully triggered the system’s collection task.

Where can I find such a good tool?

After Luo Fan finished speaking, Mitilt fell into silence for more than ten seconds.



Ten seconds later, Mitilte reacted and almost jumped up from where she was, revealing an unprecedented expression of surprise.

Her fair face first turned white, then turned red like an apple, making people want to knead it.

“for you!”

“I’ll give it to you!”

Mitilt closed his eyes and tried hard to make his true feathers appear.

“”Hmm! ~”

Reaching out to pull out his true feather, Mitilte and Luo Fan looked at each other and quickly looked away.


Luo Fan suddenly felt a little regretful.

He should have just snatched it instead of asking Mitilte for it.

Judging from Mitilte’s reaction, the”true feather of the fallen angel” means a lot to the fallen angel.

Asking instead of snatching is almost the same as confessing, isn’t it?!

Although Luo Fan doesn’t mind confessing, at least he has to confess with his own knowledge.

Why does Mitilte look like he has already confessed?

Glancing at the still shy blond fallen angel with twin ponytails, Luo Fan thought it would be better not to break the fallen angel’s delusion.

Anyway, even if she misunderstood something, didn’t she give him the true feather? As long as the result is good, Luo Fan is not the kind of person who would tell the girl that it was a misunderstanding even if she misunderstood the confession but still agreed.



I have already written the chapters that are on the shelves, so feel free to collect them. For the relevant works, please see the conditions for adding more chapters and the draft map. Those who are willing to read are welcome to read, and those who can’t wait are welcome to read the author’s old books

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