“Use your followers to defend yourself, so as to avoid direct attacks on your godhead?”

Not a bad idea.


It only works on Luo Fan before the Forbidden Hand Transformation!

Before the Forbidden Hand Transformation, Luo Fan’s body had to bear a lot of pressure when using the power of the incarnation. After the

Forbidden Hand Transformation, not only did this pressure completely disappear, but it also wiped out almost all the side effects of the incarnation!

In the past, the golden sword would gradually lose its sharpness because of dealing with too many gods’ followers.

But now.

With the in-depth interpretation of Luo Fan’s words, the golden sword will only become more and more targeted at the goddess of night!

【Nyx, the goddess of the night, is the original goddess and has a very high status. This goddess of the night in black robes corresponds to Gaia, the mother of the earth.】

【Mother Earth represents the growth and fertility of all things, while Mother Night represents the harsh nature and unknown horrors!】

【On one hand, it brings warmth and survival to human beings, and on the other hand, it makes human beings feel awe and fear! This is the product of ancient humans’ understanding of the living environment, which was materialized through the gods in mythology!】

【Gaia gave birth to all the gods, and is the grandmother of Zeus, and is considered the ancestor god on Mount Olympus. Nyx gave birth to a group of terrifying gods! 】

Just half a minute later, Nyx discovered that the army of the beasts of the dark night, which she had been able to defend perfectly, showed signs of collapse!

“What’s wrong with that boy? Whether it’s his own spiritual power or the number of golden swords, it seems endless!”

The goddess of the night, Nyx, frowned.

Normally, she would choose to fiddle with the other party’s fate to interfere with the other party’s ability.

However, she had tried it just now, not only did she fail, but she even suffered a lot of internal injuries!

“Do you want……..Ask for help from the Hades God of the Greek pantheon or other pantheons? My Hades Gate is still outside, and I can contact you through it.”

Just thinking of this, Nyx’s face changed drastically.

“Where is the door?”

“Where did my huge door go?!”

Nyx was surprised to find that she couldn’t contact her own Hades Gate!?

She didn’t return to the underworld, but…….It was as if she had completely disappeared from this world!

In fact, it was just as she thought.

Outside the realm of the Golden Sword, Angewomon used the Golden Sword sent by Luo Fan to stab the Gate of Hades.

After cutting off the connection between the goddess of the night, Nyx, and the gate, Angewomon put it into Luo Fan’s collection space.

Angewomon, Ladymon, and Celebi, as lives with the same roots as Luo Fan, are also qualified to be collected.

After reclaiming the Gate of Hades, Angewomon looked at Ladymon opposite him.

One black and one white, the two eight-winged angels looked at each other in the air.

“Let’s go! Black, the master needs our help”

“Humph! White, the master is not that weak, but you are right, when facing a strong enemy, we should stand by the master.”

Heidi also understood that Luo Fan wanted them to join forces.

Otherwise, he would not have called back Angewomon who was handling affairs for him in the underworld.

Although their current strength has improved a lot after Luo Fan’s strength has increased, their basic strength is at the peak of the highest level of demons.


Not enough.

With just this strength, it is not enough to help the little master.

Angewomon and Ladymon looked at each other and understood each other’s determination.

The two of them are not qualified to use that power.

However, if they use the power of the master, it is possible to achieve a fusion of power!

Once, this was the killer weapon agreed upon between them and the master!

“”Let’s get started~”

Angewomon and Ladymon said at the same time.

Then, the two girls stretched out their hands forward at the same time.

Using the holy power and magic power borrowed from their master, Angewomon and Ladymon united their minds, and the black and white light bloomed at the place where the two touched.

【Angewomon, Ladymon…….Convergent Evolution】


In the black and white light, a female angel with twelve wings just flapped her wings slightly, and she was so charming.

She was neither an angel nor a fallen angel, but a Chaos Digimon with six black wings and six white wings, possessing both divine and evil powers!

Mortismon, derived from the word Mastema, is one of the demons recorded in the Jewish Book of Yube, and can also be considered an angel according to the book.

It is a fusion of an angel with divine power and a fallen angel with evil power, so it was named Mastema, which is both a demon and an angel.


【When an unprecedented crisis hits the Digital World, the incompatible Angel Digimon join hands with the Fallen Angel Digimon to achieve a combined evolution and become an Angel Digimon. He leads the forces of the Angels and Fallen Angels summoned from other Digital Worlds connected to the gate to deal with the desperate situation.】

【The reason why the two normally hostile races came together was also because of the talent of Mostimon, who was known as the military strategist of another world. While the two opposing bodies evolved in sync, he had a pure heart and could manipulate the energy of light and darkness freely. He could help the Digimon in various situations and even personally defeat powerful enemies.

After the evolution was successful, a golden ripple appeared behind Mortismon.

Without the slightest hesitation, Mortismon rushed straight into it!

“Dragon! A dragon that is either evil, holy, or resentful of the gods!”

“Follow my banner and defeat the Lord’s enemy!”

Leading the Demon King-level dragon beast that appeared with her, Mortismon launched a charge towards the original goddess!

In addition to its own strong combat power, Mortismon also has the qualifications of a”military advisor” and is very good at commanding the army to fight!

On the other side.

After Nix felt that her relationship with the Gate of the Underworld was cut off, Luo Fan heard the system’s prompt sound


【The four-star collection”The Gate of the Underworld of Nyx, the Original Goddess of the Night” has been successfully collected!】

【Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: God Core – Divine Realm Athena】

【The core of the gods – Athena of the divine realm: Even in the divine realm, she is a top-notch god.

She can impose her will between heaven and earth and transform the earth into a flat land. Flood the entire surface of the earth with sea water so that the sun’s rays cannot reach the earth, and the sky is always in the azure blue of dawn.

Athena in the divine realm hates the world that is now filled with humans on the earth… She thinks it is noisy, ugly, and dirty, and it is unpleasant to the point of being unbearable.

In order to remove all the filth, it is the duty of being a god to completely destroy the earth flooded by humans.

Holding the Pandora’s Box of the end, it can set off disasters that destroy and transform the world. 】With another core of the gods, Luo Fan did not pay much attention to the power of Athena, but focused on dealing with Nyx in front of him.

【All those who do evil, be afraid of my power!】

【Now, I will have the majesty of ten mountains, the strength of a hundred rivers, and the power of a thousand camels! The majestic me raises the fierce camel mark! 】

The golden earth shattered, and a huge camel that was strong enough to carry and crush mountains and rivers walked out from the ground.

Then, it kicked a beast of the dark night to death with one kick!

【You have violated the contract and brought sin to the world!】

【The Lord says: Sinners must be punished】

【Smash its back! Dig out the tendons, bones, hair, and brains, and trample the blood and dirt together! If I am a person whose sharp teeth are difficult to approach, I will obey the Lord’s words and destroy you! 】The ferocious wild boar descended, and then charged directly at the army of the beast of the dark night!

“It’s no use! I am the Darkness of Olympus, and my darkness is infinite!”

“If I am not mistaken, the time you can use your ability should be limited, right? As long as you can hold on until then, it will be my victory!”

Nyx noticed Luo Fan’s urgency to defeat her, and also felt Luo Fan’s unstable power fluctuations.

Unknown God-Destroying Tool.

Nyx guessed that Luo Fan barely had the current strength by using the unknown God-Destroying Tool that has not been recorded.

As we all know, the holders of the God-Destroying Tool are all impotent and cannot maintain high-intensity combat for a long time like these gods.

Just now, the power of that young man should only look endless!

Thinking of this, Nyx regrouped and concentrated on summoning the followers of the night and the earth.

As long as she can avoid being hit by the golden sword that cuts off the godhead, it will be her victory! No matter how strong the incarnation is, there are only so many of them.

Generals cannot deal with the army!


Nyx’s good mood did not last long.

The next moment, a twelve-winged angel wrapped in black and white light broke through the space!

“An angel with super demon king strength! And he has both angel and fallen angel wings!? How is it possible!?”

“Besides this weird angel, what are those weird dragons behind her?” (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Could it be that this young man also possesses the power of”Magic Beast Creation”?!”

Nix felt that something was wrong.

Because now Luo Fan also has his own army!

A commanding leader, a charging general, and powerful soldiers! The overall quality is above her Dark Night Beast!

On the other side.

Luo Fan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Mortismon had finally arrived.

He finally had time to refine the golden sword with his heart.

Just now, Nix saw that his power was unstable, but it was just an illusion.

If he just used [Forbidden Hand], Luo Fan’s power would not be unstable.

The reason why his power was unstable was because he had drawn out some of his energy to use”Dragon Beast Creation”!

He knew very well that if he kept fighting with Nix like this, it would end up in a lose-lose situation. It would be difficult for the golden sword to hit the goddess of the night who was protected by her followers.

Therefore, Luo Fan chose to accumulate strength, and then……Give a fatal blow![]

【Nyx, the goddess of the night! In addition to being the goddess of the night and the god of nature, you also have another myth!】

【That is the goddess who controls destiny!】

【The goddesses who control fate and time. This kind of mythology exists all over the world. For example, in Greek mythology, Croto, Lachesis, and Atropos. In Norse mythology, Urd, Verdandi, and Skordi. Most of them are three sisters who are responsible for creation, maintenance, and destruction.】

【It is said that in ancient India there existed the origin and prototype of the goddesses of fate.】

【Greece, Rome, Northern Europe, India… all these mythological regions where goddesses of fate and time appear have one clear commonality.】

【No matter which land, it is the region where the Indo-European language family developed its culture. It originated in ancient India, then passed through the Caucasus to Greece, Southern Europe, Central Europe, Northern Europe, and finally reached the British Isles at the end of the West.】

【The concept of the god of fate who controls fate and time spread throughout the world through this Indo-European ethnic group.】

【The legend of the Goddess of Fate was invented by the Indo-European people in ancient times, and spread to become the archetypal concept of the goddesses who control time and fate! Soon after, it spread all over the world. It even spread to regions that had no direct connection with the Indo-European people.】

【Nyx, the goddess of the night! As the original Greek god,】

【The story about the goddess of the night, Nyx, mainly comes from the records of Orphism. This goddess in black robes brings the unknown and fear, fate and destiny. She is the embodiment of ancient humans’ awe of the unknown natural world.】

【As the essence of the night, this goddess represents the original cosmic night and is the representative deity of the dark side.】

【In the Orphic Codex, Nyx is recognized as a three-phase goddess!】

【You have three different god images and bodies at the same time.��】

【First: Ananke, the goddess of destiny! She controls all fate and destiny, has absolute will, and represents inevitability!】

【Second: Adrestia, the goddess of natural laws! The laws of growth that control all things are irreversible!】

【Third: Hermamene, the goddess of cause and effect! The law of cause and effect that controls all concepts represents the beginning and end of all phenomena and things!】

【Whether it is night or nature, they are all tests of fate and manifestations of the world’s disasters and laws!】

【And all destinies will be cut off in front of my sharp edge! 】

When Luo Fan forged the Sword of Word Spirit, Mortismon led the Dragon Beast Legion and two incarnations to rampage through the Dark Night Beast Legion, greatly restraining the mind of the Night Goddess Nyx 4.7.

Her strength is only that of a super demon king, and has not yet reached the level of a main god like Hades. This twelve-winged angel can pose a great threat to her!

“Young man! Don’t think I’m so easy to defeat!”

Nyx also roughly guessed Luo Fan’s thoughts.

A stalemate is not a solution, we must fight quickly!

This point…….She is the same!

Nyx pursed her red lips. She didn’t expect that she would be forced to this extent!

“There is no other way. If I want to take down this boy, I must retrieve the persona that I have sealed!”

Nyx chanted the returning words, and an inexplicable aura emanated from her body.

It was the aura released by the Goddess of Nature and Goddess of Fate that she had sealed!

【I am the original god! I inherited Chaos’ power and existence, and I am an existence known to everyone from Central Asia to Europe!】

【The earth, the underworld, nature, fate, and the night are all my incarnations!】

【Commanded by the Goddess of Fate – The Trinity of Fate, return!]

The goddess of night, Nyx, summoned the goddess of fate and the goddess of nature that she had sealed.

After retrieving the sealed person, her strength will be restored to at least the peak of the super demon king!

She sealed her own person in order to make the three persons gradually stronger, in the hope that after the three persons merged into one, they could break through to the main god level.

Now there is no need to worry about these, the right thing to do is to defeat the boy in front of him!

However, Nyx acted a little late.

“It’s useless!”

“The sword of the Word Spirit that I cut off the godhead was forged to cut off your trinity godhead!”

Luo Fan did not use the golden sword.

Instead, he turned the golden sword into the original golden spear and threw it out from his hand!

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