As Bai Mo threw out three Poké Balls, three Pokémon appeared beside Bai Mo.

"Seed seed~" The Bulbasaur happily rubbed at Bai Mo's feet.

Bulbasaur, who has already been conquered by Bai Mo's delicacies, is now looking forward to eating the dishes made by Bai Mo.

As for the other two Pokémon, they were naturally the little guys rescued from the underground black market.

One is a Sunflower Monster, and the other is a rare Onion Duck

Looking at the three Pokémon around him, Bai Mo didn't say much, but directly took out various kitchen utensils from the space backpack on his back and prepared to cook.

Looking at the space backpack under his feet, Bai Mo couldn't help but sigh at the darkness of technology in the Pokémon world.

He has seen the inter-regional biological teleportation device and the Pokémon Ball capture system.

I didn’t expect that space backpacks would become popular in this world.

This small backpack can actually hold several cubic meters of items, and the more advanced ones can hold more than a dozen cubic meters.-

No wonder when Xiaozhi and his friends were traveling, Xiaoxia was only carrying a small backpack, but she had a tent, sleeping bag and other camping props.

However, with this space backpack, Bai Mo does not need to expose his space ability.

After putting the hanging pot in place, Bai Mo took out various meats, vegetables, and fruits from his backpack to prepare for tonight's dinner.

After wandering around for a day, Bai Mo has learned that humans in the Pokémon world did have the habit of eating Pokémon.

However, after a research doctor successfully invented artificial meat, eating Pokémon was gradually banned decades ago.

As scientific research becomes more advanced, the taste of artificial meat has surpassed the taste of Pokémon itself and has become the mainstream food in this world.

A lot of artificial meat products are also added to Pokémon food

Now Bai Mo took out several large pieces of beef brisket bought at the market, and some tomatoes.

Let’s make a simple tomato stewed beef brisket today.~

While Bai Mo and Bulbasaur were cooking, Farfetch'd and Sunflower were watching curiously.

This was also the first time they saw how food was made.

As the aroma came from the pot, the Sunflower Monster and the Onion Duck couldn't help but look at the pot excitedly, eager to taste the delicious food.

After opening the lid and looking at the situation in the pot, Bai Mo nodded with satisfaction, then took the green onion under the duck's wings without hesitation, cut it into chopped green onions on the chopping board, and sprinkled it into the pot.

Faced with this sudden situation, Farfetch'd seemed a little dumbfounded.

It looked at the green onion in its hand, then at the white ink it was stirring, and always felt as if it was being toyed with!

However, before the Onion Duck could get upset, Bai Mo took out another onion that looked even more delicious and gave it to the Onion Duck.

"Here, this is for you. This is much more delicious than your green onion.~"

Seeing the delicious green onion in Bai Mo's hand, the Onion Duck, who was about to cry, immediately gave up the idea, took the green onion in Bai Mo's hand, rubbed it with his cheek happily, and then put it in his arms like a baby.

"Okay, you should just take good care of this green onion first, and I will see if there is any difference in it after a while.~"

After hearing what Bai Mo said, Onion Duck felt that the onion in his arms was no longer fragrant.

Is this guy who saved me actually going to keep staring at my green onions?

However, the idea of the Onion Duck was immediately dispelled by the food in front of it.

The tomato stewed beef brisket is so delicious, and feeling the flavor of chopped green onions contained in it, Scallion Duck suddenly feels that his onions seem to have reached a perfect life!

It was made into such a delicious dish!

The three Pokémon were not the only ones attracted by the food. Professor Oak, who was doing research, also came over after smelling the aroma.

"Dr. Oak, it's getting dark now. There's no rush to do research. Why don't we have a meal together first? It won't be too late to do it tomorrow.~"

Hearing Bai Mo's invitation, Dr. Oak also agreed with a smile.

After all, no one in the institute can cook. Even Professor Oak himself sometimes eats instant noodles or goes to Hanako's house for free meals.

After sitting down casually in the air next to Bai Mo, Dr. Oak couldn't help but take a deep breath of the aroma when he smelled the tomato milk rice handed to him.

"What a great taste, it must be delicious~ Then I'll start eating~"

After finishing his words, Professor Oak immediately went into eating mode.

"Delicious, delicious ~ Even I have never eaten such food!"

"How can this meat be so tender and juicy!"

"The tomatoes are sweet and sour, and the green onions from the scallion duck are the finishing touch, it's really great!"

After receiving the praise from Dr. Oak, Bai Mo smiled and said,"That's great, I was worried that you wouldn't be used to it!"

"By the way, let me introduce myself again!"

"My name is Bai Yujing, and I come from the Xicui Xingchen stronghold. My goal is to become a Pokémon gourmet and discover the more delicious flavors of Pokémon!"

"Pokémon gourmet?" Professor Oak couldn't help but frowned:"Does it mean that you still have the habit of eating Pokémon in the Star Base?"

"No, no, no, that’s not it~" Bai Mo waved his hand:"It’s just like this dish, we will collect some ingredients produced by Pokémon to make dishes!"

"Oh, let me cook another dish!"

Bai Mo said to the Sunflower Monster, who was lying on the ground patting his belly happily after eating and drinking,"Sunflower Monster, use the seed machine gun with the lowest power on the big bowl!"

After receiving Bai Mo's order, the Sunflower Monster used its seed machine gun on the wooden bowl placed beside it.

And after a few minutes, the original big bowl���Filled with plump sunflower seeds, also known as melon seeds

Bai Mo has experimented before. The seeds ejected by the Grass-type Pokémon's Seed Machine Gun Skill are different. For example, Bulbasaur seeds are pea-sized plant seeds.

The seeds sprayed out by the sunflower monster, which is based on the sunflower, are actually sunflower seeds, which is quite suitable for it.

After collecting the ingredients, Bai Mo took out a new iron pan, poured in three packets of salt, and used a spatula to heat the salt. Then he poured in the sunflower seeds sprayed by the sunflower monster and stir-fried them.

After stir-frying for more than ten minutes, sift out the salt and you will get salted melon seeds!

I picked up a handful of warm melon seeds and put them in my mouth to taste them. They tasted really good.~

He picked up a handful and put it in Professor Oak's hand:"Come on, Professor Oak, you try it too.~"[]

After eating a melon seed like Bai Mo, Dr. Oak's eyes lit up:"It tastes good. I didn't expect that the seeds shot out of the seed machine gun could be used to make such a delicacy?"

There are no fried melon seeds in this world. Bai Mo's fried melon seeds with salt are also a historical first.

"This is just the beginning. Tomorrow I will make you five-spice melon seeds and walnut-flavored melon seeds. If you like sweet food, caramel claws and melon seed candies are also good.~"

"This is what I mean, discovering other ways that Pokémon can be used as food ingredients is also the goal of me as a Pokémon gourmet!"

"What an amazing goal!~"

Professor Oak has been a little drunk

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